Your abbreviation … showing only Science & Medicine definitions . Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence? MO - Medical Officer MOA - Ministry of Aviation MOS - Ministry of Supply MR squadron - Medium Reconnaissance squadron MRBM - Medium Range Ballistic Missiles MR&ES - Missing Research & Enquiry Service: RAF unit which worked to recover, identify and where necessary relocate RAF war dead: sometime also seen as MR&EU - Missing Research & Enquiry Unit Details: Based on the enrollee health status and demographic characteristics; Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Model . Air Crew Personnel: A - Proficiency as a pilot, navigator, air bomber, air gunner etc Air Crew Personnel: A - Ability as a Warrant Officer or Non-commissioned officer Proficency is shown as Ex (Exceptional), Supr (Superior), Sat (Satisfactory), Mod (Moderate), Inf (Inferior). QAK - is there any risk of collision? Medical RAF abbreviation meaning defined here. 48 A 48 hour leave pass, A 24, A 36, 0r A 72 also applied. Please d B. C. D, E F, G H, I J, K L, M N,O. The RAF is used to adjust capitated payments for beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans and certain demonstration projects. QDM - magnetic bearing to a DF station QDR - magnetic bearing from a DF station QFE - atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation QFI - Qualified Flying Instructor QGI - Qualified Gliding Instructor QFO - may I land immediately? A.M.O's Air Ministry Orders. AIR FORCES REGISTER OF ASSOCIATIONS, 207 Squadron Royal Air Force History. RAF – Royal Air Force RAFA – Royal Air Forces Association RAFALO – RAFA Liaison Officer RAFAT – Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team – The Red Arrows RAFBF – RAF Benevolent Fund RAF FF – RAF Families Federation RAFLC – Royal Air Force Leadership Centre RAFSA – Royal Air Force School of Administration RAP – Recognised Air Picture Abbreviations • RAF: Risk Adjustment Factor • MRA: Medicare Risk Adjustment • CMS: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services • RA: Risk Adjustment • MA: Medicare Advantage • HCC: Hierarchical Condition Categories • MEAT: Monitor, Evaluate, Address, Treatment 3. EAT! Medical BRAF abbreviation meaning defined here. Air raid get a haircut. Menu Search. or can Adj A Corruption of adjutant. QAA - At what time do you expect to arrive at ...? Our 'Attic' has 127 unverified meanings for RAF. I had my medical and have some news. An A to Z of RAF Acronyms and Slang. Felbamate; Fetal Breathing Movements; Fractional Or Fractal Brownian Motion; Fresh Bone Marrow. Findings of Boards. or can you see the aerodrome? Structure. Rate it: RAF: Resource Allocation Formula. In many cases, the Royal Air Force rank will be the junior of the three Services, the Royal Navy having seniority over both the Army and RAF. Your abbreviation search returned 43 meanings. RAF is an abbreviation for 'Royal Air Force'. RCAF/RAF Acronyms, Abbreviations & Slang [TIP: hit Ctrl+F and type in what you're looking for] use switches. A. Governmental » Military. Some American acronyms may have slipped in! Officer i/c Admin ICBM - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile IDE - Instrument Design Establishment at Biggin Hill. IFF - Identification Friend or Foe IGT - Initial Gliding Training (Air Cadets) I/O - Intelligence Officer IR - Infra Red IRBM - Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IRLS - Infra Red Line Scan IR&SU - Immediate Reserve & Support Unit ITS - Initial Training School ITW - Initial Training Wing - Blackpool, JARIC - Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre JATS - Joint Air Training Scheme JEFTS - Joint Elementary Flying Training Squadron JIC - Joint Intelligence Committee (G Germany) JRV - Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazdvhoplovstvo, (Yugoslavian Air Force) JSPI - Joint School of Photographic Interpretation, KGB - Komitet gosudarstvennol bezopasnosti (Russian) Committee for State Security, LABS - Low Altitude Bombing System: LAB low altitude bombing (or LLB low level bombing?) Looking for the definition of LAF? WW2 Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA. Health Details: Medicare RAF - Medical Coding - Medical Billing - Medical . Abbreviation Meaning ***** RAF: Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma **** RAF: Reactivity Adjustment Factor **** RAF: Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor Physiology **** RAF: relative activity factor **** RAF: Repetitive Atrial Firing *** RAF: Rapid Atrial Fibrillation ** RAF: Relative Absorption Factor * RAF: Renal arterial blood flow * RAF: Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia * RAF: Raffinose * RAF: Research … In RAF Terminology 1. Lower risk scores represent a healthier population view, but may also falsely indicate a healthy population when there is poor chart documentation or incomplete Medicare risk adjustment coding. Other useful websites. BAFO - BAFO British Air Forces of Occupation BAOR - British Army of the Rhine BATF - Blind/Beam Approach Training Flight BBOC - Brought Back On Charge BC - Bomber Command BCAS - Bomber Command Armament School BCATP - British Comonwealth Air Training Plan BCMC - Bomber Command Modification Centre BDTF - Bomber Defence Training Flight BDU - Bomber Development Unit BFTS - British Flying Training School - No.1 Terrell, Texas B&GF - Bombing & Gunnery Flight B&GS - Bombing & Gunnery School BGT - Basic Gliding Training (Air Cadets) BLEU - Blind Landing Experimental Unit BMEWS - Ballistic Missile Early Warning System BMH - British Military Hospital BNDSG - British Nuclear Defence Study Group BPC BRIXMIS - British Commanders In Chief Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany BRNC - Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth BSDU - Bomber Support Development Unit BSSO(G) - British Services Security Organisation (Germany) BTU, C2 - Command and Control CAACU - Civilian Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit CAT - Damage Category CB - Confined to Barracks C&M - Care and Maintenance CCRC - Combat Crew Replacement Center C(OTU) - Coastal Operational Training Unit CF - Conversion Flight CFE - Central Fighter Establishment CFI - Chief Flying Instructor CFS - Central Flying School CGM - Conspicuous Gallantry Medal CGMF - Central Glider Maintainance Flight (RAF Syerston - now ACCCGS Engineering Flt) CGS - Central Gunnery School CHL - Chain Home Low CIA - Central Intelligence Agency C&L - Circuits & Landings CO - Commanding Officer (can also be OC) CPE - Central Photographic Establishment CRC - CRO - Civilian Repair Organisation CRP - Civilian Repair Party CS(A) - Controller of Supply (Aircraft) CSDE - Central Servicing Development Establishment CSE - Central Signals Establishment CTS - Combat Training School CU - Conversion Unit CV - Common Valve eg CV138 CWP - Contractor's Working Party, DASC - Defence Aviation Safety Centre (replaced RAF Inspectorate of Flight Safety, 2002) DBF - Destroyed By Fire DBR - Damaged Beyond Repair DCDC - DC to DC convertor - Direct Current to Direct Current converter DDR - East Germany Deutsche Democratic Republik - also GDR DFC - Distinguished Flying Cross DFM - Distinguished Flying Medal DFCS - Day Fighter Combat School, part of CFE DGRD - Director General Research and Development DHFS - Defence Helicopter Flying School DIS - Defence Intelligence Staff DNCO - Did Not Complete Operation - see Boomerang DPS - Director of Personnel Services DPS - Defence Planning Staff, part of the MoD central Defence Staff DR - dead reckoning DRO - Daily Routine Orders DSO - Distinguished Service Order DTD - Directorate of Technical Development DZ - Dropping Zone, EANS - Empire Air Navigation School EAOS - Elementary Air Observer School EBTS - Elementary and Basic Training School (Coastal Command) ECFS - Empire Central Flying School ECM - Electronic Counter Measures E/F - Engine Failure EFTS - Elementary Flying Training School - No.18 Fairoaks 1942 EGAF - East German Air Force EGS - Elementary Gliding School EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse EOWS - Elementary Observer Wireless School E&RFTS - Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival ETO - European Theatre of Operations EU - Embarkation Unit, FAA - Fleet Air Arm FA, F(A), F/A - Flying Accident accidental damage or loss: or fighter affiliation FB, F(B), F/B - Flying Battle - operational damage or loss FBSU - Flying Boat Servicing Unit FC - Fighter Command FFI - Free from infection FIDO - Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation F/E - Flight Engineer FIS - Fighter Instructors School FLAK - Fliegerabwehrkanone - German anti-aircraft artillery FLT - Flight F/L - Flight Lieutenant FLS - Fighter Leaders School F/O - Flying Officer FPP - Ferry Pilots Pool FRU - Fleet Requirements Unit F/S - Flight Sergeant FTB FTC - Flying Training Command FTFLT - Ferry Training Flight FTR - Failed to Return FTS - Flying Training School FUBAR, GAF - German Air Force GAL - General Aircraft Ltd (CRO) GAR - Glavna Aeroplansva Radionica, (Main Aviation Workshop) GATU -Ground Attack Training Unit GCA - Ground Control Approach GCHQ - Government Communications HQ GD - General Duties - see GDA - Group Disposal Account G-H - Blind bombing radar device GIC - Gliding Induction Course (Air Cadets) GP - Group Pool GP - (bomb) General Purpose high explosive bomb GP CF - Group Conversion Flight GPR - Glider Pilot Regiment GR - general reconnaissance GROPE - ground operational exercise GRU - Glavnoje Razved-yvatelnoje Upravlenie (Intelligence Directorate of the Red Army) GS - Gliding Scholarship (Air Cadets) GSU - Group Support Unit GTS - Glider Training School, H2S Airborne radar navigational and target location aid H2X - American version of H2S HAD - Home Aircraft Depot HAL - Hawker Aircraft Limited HCU - Heavy Conversion Unit - 1661 Winthorpe (1944) HE - (bomb) High explosive bomb> HE - (movements) Home Establishment? Home » RAF acronyms and abbreviations. Families Federation Abbreviations and Acronyms, MoD Rate it: RAF: Retired After Finish. Rate it: RAF: Raw Animal Food. Printer friendly. Abbreviations And Slang . P,Q. RAF Families Federation Abbreviations and Acronyms. QFR - does my landing gear appear damaged? 'Reason' column codes on log book page recording postings e.g. Royal Air Force. SASO - Senior Air Staff Officer SBA - Standard Beam Approach SBAC - Society of British Aircraft Constructors SBC - Small Bomb Container SBTT SC - Strike Command SD - Special Duties SEAAF SF - Station Flight SFT - School of Flying Training SFTS - Service Flying Training School SGR - School of General Reconnaissance SHQ - Station Head Quarters SIOP - Single Integrated Operational Plan SIS - Secret Intelligence Service (British) S/L or S/Ldr - Squadron Leader SLAIS - Specialised Low Attack Instructor School SLAR - Sideways Looking Airborne Radar SLBM - Submarine Lauched Ballistic Missile SLG - Satellite Landing Ground SN-2 - German night fighter radar S of TT - School of Technical Training - No.4 Argentina: BRAF / B-Raf gene: Explanation: Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-Raf or simply B-Raf, also known as proto-oncogene B-Raf or v-Raf … Additions and corrections are welcome, please provide examples - those shown in red are not yet solved. see also Q Codes website Royal Marines or Paras: Which training is toughest? New search features Acronym Blog Free tools " Many soldiers who served in the Second World War also saw service in the First World War. QAL - are you going to /have you landed at ... QBA - what is the horizontal visibility at ... ? RAF abbreviation. Link/Page Citation. Miscellaneous » Unclassified. Your interest in the RAF: Why you want to join the RAF and why you’re interested in the career you’ve applied for. Define RAF at RAF abbreviation. Diver: Anti V-1 … you see ... (aircraft)? RAF acronyms and abbreviations. MoD Acronyms and Abbreviations… - Officers will be classified in … Some American acronyms may have slipped in! I found the following in KRs for the RAF 1942 (quote): 1434. Updated: February 2009. Rate it: RAF: Rider Adjustable Flex. Additions and corrections are welcome, please provide examples - those shown in red are not yet solved. HFF - Heavy Freight Flight HG - HGCU - Heavy Glider Conversion Unit HGMU - Heavy Glider Maintenance Unit HP - Handley Page HQ AC - Headquarters Air Cadets (RAFC Cranwell) 1995/96 - reverted to HQ AC/HQ EFT (UAS) in later 1996) HQ ATA - Head Quarters Air Transport Auxiliary HQ CC - HQ EFT - Headquarters Elementary Flying Training HQ FPP - Head Quarters Ferry Pilots Pool HQ P&SS - Headquarters Provost & Security Services - 'Snowdrops' HQ PTC - Headquarters Personnel & Training Command (RAF Innsworth) HQ STC - Headquarters Strike Command RAFVR (T) - Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training branch) HQ TAF - Head Quarters Tactical Air Force HQ U&AC - Headquarters Universities & Air Cadets (Trial amalgamation of HQ AC & UAS administration through HQ EFT during HSL - High Speed Launch (ASR vessel), IA - Imagery Analyst IAP - Izvidacki Avijacijcki Puk, (Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment) IAAS - Inland Area Aircraft School I/C - in charge (of) e.g. Fighter Pilots: Air Gunners: Navs./ R/Os: Other Aircrew: Gallery: Misc. abbreviation; word in meaning; location; Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA,random Word(s) in meaning: chat "global warming" Postal codes: USA: 81657, Canada: T5A 0A7. As such, payment depends on complete and accurate reporting of patient data. By mindy. In some cases examples are quoted - more are welcomed. Miscellaneous » Food & Nutrition. Abbreviation to define. Governmental » Police. RAAA - Repaired and Awaiting Allocation, or Repaired Aircraft Awaiting Action - which? Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein, Biomedical Documentation Center; Bone Marrow Dendritic Cell, Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination, Biologic False Reaction; Blood Flow Rate; Bone Formation Rate; Buffered Ringer [solution], Blood Mononuclear Cell; Bone Marrow Cell; Bone Mineral Content, American College Of General Practitioners In Osteopathic Medicine And Surgery, American Osteopathic College Of Dermatology, National Osteopathic Foundation; National Osteoporosis Foundation. S of TT St Athan SOE operations - Operations under the control of the Special Operations Executive SOC - Struck off Charge SOP - Standard Operational Procedure SOXMIS - Soviet Exchange Mission SP - Service Police SP - Skolski Puk, (Training Regiment) SQ/SQN/SQD - Squadron - No.207 SRO - Station Routine Orders SRW - Strategic Reconnaissance Wing SS - Salvage Section SSA - Supplementary Storage Area SSC - Senior Supervisor's Course (for senior QGI's, conducted at ACCGS - similar to regular Flying Supervisors Course) SSQ - Station Sick Quarters SU - Signals Unit SWO - Station Warrant Officer SWU, TAF - Tactical Air Force TAMU - Transport Aircraft Maintenance Unit TASM - Tactical Air to Surface Missile TCU - Transport Conversion Unit - Dishforth 1947 TDS - Training Depot Station TEU - Tropical Experimental Unit TF - Training Flight TFH - Total Flying Hours TFU - Telecommunications Flying Unit - Defford RAF: Real Air Force. - C, DD, H, K, G/X, X ... H - Holding? QGH - controlled descent through cloud QGO - airfield closed due to weather QGV - do you see me? Principle 1: Diagnostic categories should be clinically meaningful. Rate it: RAF Tradesmen: B - Ability as a Technical Warrant Officer or Non-commissioned officer, ie as a foreman manager, foreman or supervisor in his trade. QFT - between what heights above ... (datum) has ice formation been observed [at ... (position or zone)]? An RAF helicopter rescued the men after the boat began taking in … What does RAF stand for? R. S. T,U,V. Unfortunatly I can't remember who, so apologies. Abbreviation for renin-angiotensin system; reticular activating system. Abbreviations commonly used on Air Ministry Forms 78 and 1180 (Aircraft Movement Cards and Accident Record Cards) (See end of page for Luftwaffe code names) RAF Operation Code Names: Circus: Bombers heavily escorted to bring enemy fighters into combat. What does BRAF stand for in Medical? B-Raf is a 766-amino acid, regulated signal transduction serine/threonine-specific protein kinase. 'Lance Armstrong Foundation' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (43) Information Technology (0) Military & Government (13) Science & Medicine (9) Organizations, Schools, etc. WW2 RAF MEDICAL CATAGORIES WW2 RAF MEDICAL CATAGORIES Author: jonny956 Time Stamp: 03:42:51 Thursday, March 23, 2006 Post: Someone on the Forum recently asked a question ref Medical catagories in use during WW2. B-Raf is a member of the Raf kinase family of growth signal transduction protein kinases. Common Abbreviations on WW2 RAF Records: Diagnostic categories should be clinically meaningful,... Abbreviations - R Looking for the RAF you landed at... Gunners Navs./! Out what is the full meaning of LAF, so apologies, DD H... 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