10/11/2014. We don’t want to be reminded about our participation as warriors. I joined VFP in 2005 and have been a loyal member since. The Veterans For Peace have done a great job in raising attention for the difficulties war veterans face today. Veterans For Peaceis a global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices. Board Member I'm very pleased with Veterans For Peace. PEACE is what this country desperately needs, & Veterans for Peace has been there. The monument joins 200,000 just like it across 190 countries. I was overwhelmed with striff/panic/shame/anger for many months. Twitter, Causes: I used to be satisfied that I'd done a good job during my nearly-full military career. 10/19/2014. One of our chapter's members, Miles Manchester, arranged PTSD training for every police agency near the home of the Army's most deployed division. This Archive is what we’ve done. linktr.ee/VeteransForPeace Why are we still funding the military at obscene levels while most of our leaders complain that there isn't enough money for education, social services, taking care of children, infrastructure, health care, or even taking care of the needs of combat veterans! Report. VFP supports schools and clinics in Vietnam & Afghanistan. Professional with expertise in this field Where once we provoked fear in our enemies; now we sacrifice to inspire their trust. These veterans are smart, dedicated, loyal and they love their country more than most. The importance of Veterans For Peace stretches across international borders. Tiana Hux By the time I got out i wanted nothing but to forget the whole ordeal. Veterans For Peace, Inc. (VFP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war. But I admire the work of Veterans for Peace. MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) --- Milwaukee Veterans For Peace told a state panel that is making recommendations on the COVID-19 vaccine distribution that prisoners and veterans ⦠We seek to agitate, educate and legislate to stop current wars, prevent future wars, and dismantle the machinery of war. I turned on the TV one night and the movie "Platoon" was playing.
Volunteer Their protest work is superb and effective across the board, since vets are diverse as the US itself. Our keynote speaker, Cynthia McKinney, was preceded by keynoter Alice Walker at our 2012 convention in Miami, which itself was followed by a fact-finding tour to Haiti with Alice, Colonel Ann Wright (ret.) Veterans telling the truth about War, Veterans Affairs and the world in which we live. 6:26. Afghanistan War Logs Changes of Mind - Changes of Heart is a reenactment from "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler and "The Mother's Day Peace Proclamation" by Julia Ward Howe. The members I have met in the last 13 years are dedicated to abolishing war, are courageously and non violently standing up to the powerful war mongers, and continually educating people that war can be resisted. (a) To increase public awareness of the costs of war
LenEllis VFP's objectives and membership reflect my values and make me proud to be a Life Member of VFP. (b) To restrain our government from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations
Causes: Arms Control & Peace, International, Military & Veterans Organizations, Veterans. Highrise I was the one who was different, I guess. Greater Seattle, Chapter 92 PO Box 31947 . This mini-movie honors the sacrifices of our military veterans for their service to this nation. It is my life line. Although I am the mother that stayed behind when "they" went to fight, these veterans still understand my fears and rage at repeated deployments and apathy of the public. I am quite active in spreading the word about the mission of VFP, to Abolish War, and pursue Peaceful Alternatives to conflict. I made it clear during flight training at Pensacola that I wasn't "suitable" for combat duty. Mission: Veterans For Peace, Inc. (VFP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war. Volunteer General Member of the Public 08/03/2014. Against word-war it is the courage to speak about the humanity of the other side, even at the risk of being labeled as a provocateur. Veterans For Peace is one of the most reliable groups on the American scene in the fight for peace and equality. Veterans on the DMZ patrolled with live ammunition and were constantly under the threat of assault from North Korean infiltrators. Over 1.8 million nonprofits and charities for donors, volunteers and funders, Missouri > Saint Louis I believe that peace can be achieved and one of the most effective ways of influencing the behavior of others is to set a good example. 11/01/2012. A guy approached me and asked if I had heard of Veterans For Peace. We can change our country's focus. Even before renewed political activism generated by the Occupy movement, Veterans for Peace were there.
(d) To seek justice for veterans and victims of war
We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. Door Jelsma With more awareness, the public can understand and support Veterans telling their stories and provide resources to embrace them as they return to civilian life. ARNY I came home to a different society than the one I left in 1979. I wear something VFP everyday and engage in dialogue about our mission at every opportunity. International, 10/26/2012. Our annual peace award goes to Bradley Manning - A Hero for Peace. I figured I could handle it now. We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. 10/11/2014. 10/26/2012. Veterans For Peace Radio Hour by Forward Radio published on 2018-06-10T14:17:33Z Airs Monthly on the fourth Mon 1pm, Tue 7pm, Wed 8am on Forward Radio 106.5fm WFMP-LP Louisville (http://forwardradio.org) A monthly one-hour program hosted by veteran members of Veterans For Peace Chapter 168, Louisville. They hold an annual vigil on Veterans Day, armed with signs and roses to spread their message. Many of us feel some regret for that time we served, especially in recent conflicts. We are dedicated to building a culture of peace, exposing the true costs of war, and healing the wounds of war. I hope never to stop volunteering with this essential group. There are 3 P's for some in Veterans For Peace,
and ironically Peace isn't anywhere to hear or see. Military & Veterans Organizations, I woke up to my military experience (Army, infantry, Viet Nam) in January of 2003. For the 2nd consecutive year (also Madison in August 2013), VFP was welcomed by our host city's mayor. Where once we trained in the conflict of hate; now we turn to the good will of cooperation. I woke up to my military experience (Army, infantry in the U.S. war against the people of Viet Nam) in January of 2003. Veterans for Peace led a bi-national march on both sides of the Arizona/Mexican border at Nogales to shine a light on our new administra-tionâs highly politicized âbuild the wallâ and the humanitarian abuses of the U.S. Border Patrol. My husband is the veteran and I'm his "Partner for Peace." He has exposed the deceits of war through WikiLeaks. Volunteer 04/10/2013. Add Another. The antidote to fear is courage. Veterans for Peace lends its voice of authority to the peace movement. Where once we directed anger at our enemy; now we maintain patience during conflictive situations. It is structured around a national office in Saint Louis, MO and comprised of members across the country organized in chapters or as at-large members. Veterans For Peace has helped me deliver phone cards to VA hospital patients (overall nationally 54,000 in 148 facilities), help 87,000 stoplossed troops get another year to claim their back pay, help 98,000 military spouse students restore their college funds, let me contribute to their Iraqi water Project (helping 85,000 Iraqis get safe drinking water, help pass NY Guard health coverage for depleted uranium (the "new Agent Orange"), tell the VA about 4000 support groups that can help w/PTSD, proving peace patriotic by honoring the warrior not the war. On Armistice Day 2020 fifteen of us from Veterans For Peace, Maine, and other stalwart souls gathered at Monument Square. A reminder of peace is now located at the Bismarck Veterans Memorial Library. Bettina 10/28/2012. This Site is for Reference Only. I have been a member of the San Francisco chapter of VFP since March 2012 and host a weekly radio program dedicated to the concept of peace. Veterans for Peace (VFP) headquarters are in St. Louis, Missouri. The second P is for Parties at which they crave conformity,
spending on them to attend a regular basis is a must.
> International Veterans in Germany served near ground zero of a nuclear war had the Soviets ever crossed the border. These Events are our plans. 2 East South St. Raleigh, NC The kind of courage that requires the willingness to self-sacrifice. She was apprehensive about going to Iraq. Many more of us participated in the weekly protests. It is illogical to defend peace by fighting for it. Catman 10/27/2012. johneheuer Those who are trapped in the war mentality, because of a fear and anger bias, see all who oppose them as enemies. I joined VFP in 2002. ARNY It takes dedication to maintain an organization that stands for something that you would rather forget forever. What an important role this organization fills in our country! My local chapter and the national office have been very supportive and have offered me great comfort to know that those who have served understand the costs of war. Hundreds of local actions exposing the true costs of war carried out by chapters. STATEMENT BY VETERANS FOR PEACE UK IN SUPPORT OF LANCE CORPORAL AHMED AL-BABATI. Veterans For Peace held an incredibly successful 29th annual convention July 23 - 27 in Asheville, NC. Veterans For Peace (VFP) was founded July 8, 1985 in Maine as âa non-profit 501(c)3 educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war.â Its Statement of Purpose reads, âWe, having dutifully served our nation do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace and justice.â 10/24/2014. Solidarity with Sept. 24 FBI Raid Activists. 11/05/2012. 4pm (C), 5 pm (E) on FB Live or the Veterans For Peace YouTube channel. 10/10/2014. My work with VFP, and with veterans from every era, has been the most meaningful experience of my life. We are an organization of military veterans and allies dedicated to exposing the true costs of war and militarism. Volunteer I joined VFP in 2001 knowing that we were headed into another long and futile war. War is not the solution to the problems we face in the 21st century Veterans for Peace (VFP) was founded in the United States of America in 1985 and has over 100 chapters in the USA and a growing number of international chapters. To this end we will work, with others 10/27/2012. I trained with her at Ft. Bliss. Standing up to take the honorary bow as if deservedly. Against mind-war it is the courage to trust in our shared humanity, even at the risk of being considered an enemy sympathizer. Volunteer Iraq War Logs We ask God to give comfort and peace to all who have served and also to stir up a passion for peace in the hearts of leaders of every nation. Veterans For Peace does an amazing job educating the public about the true costs of war and militarism. It is no longer being managed actively. Ibn I. 10/27/2012, Rating: Below are the testaments of those of us arrested. Exposing the True Costs of War and Militarism Since 1985, WikiLeaks Site I'm another Vietnam era draftee who regrets having any part in the military at that time, even fifty years
later. We also work to expose the militarization of local law enforcement: the direct result of our war-based economy and culture. Changes of Mind - Changes of Heart is a reenactment from "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler and "The Mother's Day Peace Proclamation" by Julia Ward Howe. Find out how to stream and RSVP with Bandsintown. Suddenly I saw we couldn't get enough violence at the expense of the world's poor. Without VFP I'd be a mental wreck. Although the parade's Web site says the event is âHonoring all Americanswho have served,â it has refused to allow Veterans for Peace membersmany ofwhom are combat veterans with Purple Heartsfrom taking part in the observanceon Saturday, Nov. 7. I am an Iraq vet. Many VFP members work together with members of their communities, shifting public opinion through grassroots organizing and education. Benefit Live Stream for Camp Winnarainbow and Veterans for Peace Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. War is the least effective way to oppose aggression and oppression. We may disagree on some topics, but we support each other none-the-less. a great group of veterans who help inform truth about military enlistment and politics in general. Pre-Rally begins at 9 a.m. | March begins at 10 a.m. (e) To abolish war as an instrument of national policy. Thank you Veterans for Peace for all the witness you do for those of us who share your goal of peace. Wrong. Everyone can benefit. The organization includes men and women veterans of all eras and duty stations including from the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), World War II, the Korean, Vietnam, Volunteer Inside the War Memorial Veterans Building I have opened a museum dedicated to the concept of peace, not with the help of VFP, but in spite of its lack thereof. Volunteer 10/28/2012. We are all still serving our country, but in a higher cause. Juandering 10/26/2012. They help each other, and they help all of us to understand the trauma of war and the need to strive for peace through their work nationwide and worldwide. Veterans For Peace is the only veterans organization dedicated to the abolition of war. Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. Professional with expertise in this field I was drafted in 1969 and went along with the program. The VFP helps us to be part of a group that can speak up for peace with authenticity because of their experiences with war. RiseUpTimes We seek to free the mind-warriors of this bias. Veterans For Peace is dedicated to exposing the true costs of war and militarism. I am a Vietnam veteran with severe PTSD, and Veterans For Peace provides a place that I can go and feel understood and accepted.
I have a sixty percent service connected disability for PTSD and Hearing Loss. 5. 10/26/2012. Together, we are making a difference. The convention lasted 5 days, drawing nearly 400 participants. It is structured around a national office in Saint Louis, MO and comprised of members across the country organized in chapters or as at-large members. 10/25/2014. While I was on active duty I felt I couldn't reveal how I REALLY felt about our countries constant drive for more conflict, more war, and my confusion as to why the United States still has bases in countries where the conflicts have been over more than 60 years ago??? A peace pole stands tall outside the library with the message âMay Peace Prevail on Earthâ. 11/01/2012. It is no longer being managed, Forward Together: A Moral Message for the Nation. 4pm (C), 5 pm (E) on FB Live or the Veterans For Peace YouTube channel. We inform the public of the true causes of war and the enormous costs of wars, with an obligation to heal the wounds of wars. Through VFP chapter actions, individual member efforts, and national campaigns, Veterans For Peace sharpens awareness about the true costs of war and serves as an advocate for peace as a national policy. I am not a veteran, being a woman when women did not go to war. Hundreds of local actions exposing the true costs of war carried out by chapters. 5 years ago | 51 views. Its members include veterans of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf War as well as those of various 21st-century conflicts. I have an MBA and I used my research skills to learn all I could about war, violence, politics, foreign affairs, other cultures, and many other topics. They give me the strength and courage to oppose violence as a solution. Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices. One of the best nonprofits there is. I thought I was alone with my issues. 10/17/2014. Donor Against combat it is the courage to stop killing, even at the risk of being jailed as a traitor. I saw the children with big brown eyes and tatted clothes and it all came back - like a lightening bolt - the sights, the sounds, the smells. We need more vets to join us and we could definitely change the national discussions on how to wage peace. About a year later I attended a peace rally in Ann Arbor, MI . Best single contribution I have ever made to a non-profit. But now we feel a redemptive responsibility to stop war by joining together to be guardians of peace. Volunteer Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. Stephen10 Veterans For Peace, St. Louis. Volunteer Moral Mondays Testaments Eisenhower Chapter becomes the advanced guard in the Processions of Peaceful Resistance. I wasn't. I know also they are a great support to each other. 11/10/2012. They are committed to not forgetting those who have died and also work with other groups that some mainstream peace groups avoid. They relieve loneliness and isolation and help creating awareness about the silent longterm aftermath of wars. 10/24/2014. Excellent usage of time and resources as well as exemplarary image of non violence. Playing next. I am a 20 year veteran of the US Army. I was introduced to VFP by Bob Krzewinski in Michigan. We waste SO much money with all the testosterone driven "presence" all over the world. JOIN US! It is up to us to learn what our government wants to hide; and decide who should be in jail. Seattle, WA 98103 USA. Where once we trained in the conflict of hate; now we turn to the good will of cooperation. Violence breeds violence, and nonviolent conflict resolution has been proven to be the most effective strategy in promoting a culture of peace. Excellent use of time and resources and up-to-date website with pictures and descriptions of events and actions. I took his info., went home and researched the group. Previous Posts. 1. To this end we will work, with others
Arms Control & Peace, The dialogue was encouraging and inspiring. Inspiring interaction with other Veterans and supporters regarding their experiences, and efforts to end war as a means of conflict resolution. Veterans for Peace is an organization that I believe in, now more than ever. Roland The group is called "Veterans for Peace". They rock! Volunteer Where once we inflicted suffering; now we suffer pain without complaint. That day became an international holiday to remember the war and work for peace. Despite their opposition to war, they have not forgotten their fellow vets who continue to suffer-pscyolologically and physically-from wars. 10/26/2012. Volunteer 10/26/2012. Have been involved for over 25 years, interacting with other Veterans in educating the public regarding the true costs of our unnecessary wars, to abolish war as a means of resolving conflicts. Geoff12 The Committee to Stop FBI Repression lists Veterans for Peace and Veterans for Peace Minnesota Chapter 27 as organizations that have issued a statement of solidarity in support of the activists raided in the September 24, 2010 FBI Raids.. Vietnam visit. BobKrzewinski OldTSgt Joan S. L. 10/26/2012. "War is easy. And they are inspiring to others. dlawton Nancy Nygard Members of Veterans for Peace (VFP) have again been barred fromparticipation in Milwaukee'sVeterans Day parade. Support over 100 local chapters through trainings, website, weekly enews, 3 time yearly newsletter, annual convention. 1 talking about this. Where once we worked for war; now we work for peace. Board Member VETERANS FOR PEACE! Years went by knowing in the back of my mind that I should be exposing the truth about war and the mindset that perpetuates it. With little resources, they make an big impact worldwide. Iraq water project funds installation and maintenance of water purification systems in schools, hospitals, mosques in iraq that have been damaged in the us invasion. Vice President Keith Orchard. Sue U. Ruling year info. These are our Issues. We also work together as a group and with others from the Peace and Justice community to educate the public, especially youth, regarding the true and usually hidden costs of war on so many levels. 2,766 pageviews, Share this Nonprofit Saturday, February 14, 2015 Gather across the street from the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium Volunteer 97K likes. Follow. I joined soon after that and the association has changed my life. They are calls for action. I had never read or watched anything about Viet Nam since I left there in early 1971. I felt I had a great ally in the Veterans for Peace organizations. Veterans Days was originally a day to celebrate peace. June 22, 2020 | News. Geoff12 I admire all their hard work to put the word out there for people who normally wouldn't be heard. We also support a community that Link together to educate, demonstrate, and legislate for peace. Professional with expertise in this field Dec 30 - StandDown Live! It keeps me informed about ongoing and new peace issues and opportunities for effective activism to oppose them. Mares H. Volunteer Veterans For Peace Veterans For Peace is an organization of military veterans & allies working to build peace by educating the public of the true causes & costs of war. General Member of the Public Facebook Jan 1 - Open Mic Night! 10/24/2014. General Member of the Public Veterans for Peace (VFP), American nongovernmental organization founded in 1985 that works to expose the actual cost of every war and that advocates for peace. Email 4. As a veteran (US Navy 1973-79) Veterans For Peace is quite simply a group of veterans who think there has to be a better way to solve conflicts than running off to war all the time, especially wars cheered on by people who never were in the military. Veterans For Peace members throughout the nation and in a few foreign countries constantly work to educate the public on the human cost of war and advocate for an end to violence. Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. I don't recall how or even when I found Veterans for Peace but knew imediately that I needed to be a part of such a worthy organization. VETERANS FOR PEACE! I believe in our Constitutional rights AND obligations. The third and last P of VFP stands for the marching Parade,
pretending to be the war heroes they wish they could never be,
remembering feeling great during the short boot-camp charade,
and hate the fact that it felt so good being active in the military. Scores of people gath-ered in front of adjacent Volunteer I'm equally pleased with my local chapter, which is passionately interested in national, international and
local peace and justice issues. Moral March on Raleigh & HKonJ People's Assembly. I'm a 'Vietnam Era' veteran who joined during the atrocious U.S. war against that country. The willingness to self-sacrifice the global scene militarily veterans Day, armed with and! Drafted in 1969 and went along with the program feel some regret for that time, even fifty later. 400 participants on the news, and enthusiasm for activism shown consistently in over communities. For something that you would rather forget forever strength and courage to stop volunteering with this group! Vigil on veterans Day, armed with veterans for peace stream and roses to spread their.! A Member of veterans for Peace, and MSNBC 10/27/2012, Rating: 4 with VFP, to peaceful beneficial... Peace. the sound bites on the TV one night and the association has changed my life message! Introduced to VFP national conventions and have participated in the fight for Peace, have our... 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