That is supposed to happen in those communities. Achetez et téléchargez ebook Her Chronicles: Stories of Faith, Fear & Fortitude, Volume 1 (English Edition): Boutique Kindle - African American : Shannon: When you were asking how do we cultivate faith or courage—part of what my staff and I are feeling called to do is actually cultivate a sense of dissatisfaction within the culture of Fourth Presbyterian Church. There’s existential fear, the individual, personal experience of fear, but there are plenty of examples of fear and faith. Not so much that he knew that the Father would raise him, but he believed it, and they went to the grave and he wasn’t there. It makes sense. Tell them about themselves. Rather than using fear to convert people, as Jonathan Edwards in his notable sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” rather than using fear to convert, thinking about what your life could be. I think we as Christians in America, we’re just soft. Now, the most memorable moment was that I saw he had huge candy bars inside of the coat he was wearing. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you agree to this. Marshall: It’s like the most significant human fear is meaninglessness and loss of agency, which I think, all of us being in the image of God, is what that is designed to give us just by being. . But the other side of the coin is also true. We can start kneeling more, praying more, and stop just being upset and uncomfortable. Suffering doesn’t have the last word. But through this study, we’re going to dig into God’s Word and learn how to live at peace. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.2 Timothy 1:7. That’s faith in fear.” For me, it’s been learning particularly from the church in marginalized or persecuted experiences across the world that even in my own community on the northwest side of Chicago I don’t experience. Faith to me is embracing the future. I was laughing when you were talking about it because I have an actual picture of what that looks like. What brought about, I think, that awful election, is white fear of losing significance, white fears of losing a place of prominence. I’m trying to understand Chicago. Reggie: Thank you for that really fascinating juxtaposition about faith, death, and fear killing faith. I remember because I felt like an angel had just sat down on the hood of the car and the earth was shaking, because it was just this powerful moment. Check out the video for a little background on why we are here, what we're doing and a fun story about God giving me a message for a junior high girl. All of them, as well as my cousin, have been pulled over for no reason, on average five times. It is an absolute belief that God is constantly working behind the scenes in every area of our lives, even when there is no tangible evidence to support that fact. This ebook also contains a three-story excerpt from the author's short story collection The Lost Stories: A Series of CoSmic Adventures. White fear, privileged fear, fear that controls economies and armies and has hegemony over other people, can be very dangerous, and I think—. Just trust him. You can see it in our news, you can see it in how we teach, you can see it in how we prepare people to grow up—we have this culture of fear. One of the things Coach would say to the InterVarsity students coming from outside the neighborhood is, “I’m just going to tell you one thing. If we as Christians can learn how to fight through the fake fear, the fake news, the fake whatever and really begin to use discernment, spiritual discernment, which is a gift, then we can actually focus on what is really going on, as the body of Christ. Each story is briefly summarized and the reference where it can be found in Scripture is listed for your own personal study. They affect all of our lives every day. We’re talking along the way and he says to me, “Listen.” I said, “What’s your case?”. I had my own response to that fear that is out there, and just as a woman, that fear continues to permeate. People who embody the theme in unique ways tell their stories around the table, and members of the community are invited to listen in. . As Dr. Labberton said, fear can cause panic, fear can cause paralysis, fear causes paranoia. In this culture that pulsates with such fear right now, we have a responsibility to think about how we are or are not contributing to the upbuilding of fear. It's the other side of the coin and lacks any faith at all. Shannon: I had actually been thinking about this since you first asked us to consider . We had the young boy’s funeral. Mark: This one said, “I think it’s that they fear that they won’t have value.” I said, “If they don’t have value, what happens?” The only one who hadn’t spoken at all at that stage said, “That changes the game.” I think this brings us, in my mind, pretty close to the core of what is so amazing about the language of the Bible, about a God who tends to the vulnerable, who always sees us as vulnerable people in our value. If the church doesn’t, who will?”. — there will be new ones popping up just around the corner. Sandra: I was going to address that actually. The first year we did it with a group of kids, in 2009, the parents almost became obstructionist. People are so afraid of this violence. I think that’s part of pastoring, to come alongside people, to listen to their fears, and to then validate them. The charging the darkness instincts, what is it that we endure to cultivate that? That viral fear of vulnerability from a physical perspective as a young woman is something that is very, very close to home right now for us. Communities have been habituated to know themselves and what society says of them by fear. Reggie: Can I make just two quick observations? Mark: No, in fact as I said, it’s an essential thing. Meditate on his promises, and rest in him. Now that doesn’t have universal application clearly. It offers a powerful reminder about the dangers of clinging to the familiar. My grandmother told me, “When you kneel before God, there’s no man that you cannot stand in front of.” This is a woman who had crosses burning in her front yard in a crazy time. We’ve been through these moments before. I remember very distinctly hearing from you, Coach, when I worked with InterVarsity and would bring students to Pastor Hatch and to Coach in the community. I have a friend who, when his kids were little and they were having anxieties as many children do, about monsters under the bed or in the closet or whatever it might be, they as a family established a practice of what they called charging the darkness. We concentrate on the what ifs instead of on Jesus our Rock. It is the discipline of the will. "Ooter's Place and Other Stories of Fear, Faith, and Love" is a collection of short stories written by Karl El-Koura that were written over a 12 year period. That’s why I stopped for those kids that day. Ooter's Place and Other Stories of Fear, Faith, and Love is approximately 43,000 words (175 pages). Check out these great illustration ideas that bring biblical truths to life through word pictures, stories, and everyday examples. Or my brother, who’s the tax accountant in Beverly Hills, actually disappeared for several days because the cops beat him senseless, and when he was going to file a lawsuit, that’s desperate, that is real. But not just me, everyone is created as one of God’s beloved children, so that also hopefully instills some sort of sense of value in those other folks, too. He says, “Coach, I love you.” He goes in. Keep going.”, I said, “I’m not going anywhere.” They said, “What are you doing?” I said, “What are you doing? I lean into fear because I think it’s such an important subject and because I think it’s the ground of our faith. “We’re just checking.”. A Baker's Dozen of Short Stories Why doesn't God do something to stop the evil and suffering in the world? Mark Labberton, President Mar 22, 2013 - It's our first full day in Oklahoma. Sandra: I think that creates a culture of fear. But the Bible says that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. They’re afraid to come to our church. Now, is it fear because yes, things have happened. God had wonderful dreams of your life being fulfilled in many different ways and so forth, and you may miss it through wasted potential. Wayne: I’m a white male in America, and I’ve had this unique privilege of living my adult life in an African American community on the West Side of Chicago, and I think, when you’re talking about fears, I’m a fearless person. I didn’t chime in because I needed to collect my emotions before I started talking. Marshall: I often think about, in my context, the political implications of fear, and how fear is used as a tool of controlling populations, controlling people, and what it feels like when the police are not a part of alleviating fear but a part of creating more fear itself. Now our young men are not safe to come to our church. Welcome to the Facing Fear series. That’s their job!) Let it happen on the North Side—. Here then we must do something about those fears. As fear rose in his heart, his faith sank. Somehow there is the identification with the crucified Christ that happens within black communities, where we meet Christ in the suffering that keeps hope a real and present reality. Then you’ve got faith that can move mountains if you believe strong enough, like casting a spell or something. I’m afraid that I sense that I’m not safe. . Just nihilism, where there once was community and on Sunday morning we sang the songs that the ancestors sang and trusted in God. His BMW, that he earned with his own money, he’s afraid to drive, because the first year he bought it he was arrested and handcuffed in the back of a squad car. It’s probably everybody’s fear. For your congregation to take this step . Hands on the roof, spreadeagle, for no reason—and didn’t get a ticket, numerous times. It denies the hope that God will take care of us no matter what trials we come up against. It’s truly a transformation. Each time that happens, we grieve. Wayne Gordon: Scared. Anyway, he was sent to the king for his punishment. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion And back to the original question, what is faith? I have this unbelievable privilege, but it also has a huge responsibility. I record them sometimes because I do a lot of training in worship, and I want people to know we sing a song for 30 minutes. . I remember, interesting story, we have periodic trips we do to Ghana with small groups of teenagers, and their first time we take them through the passport process and take them overseas on their first trip. One of the ways, I think, I’ve grown in that area is by being in relationship to and exposing myself to what God is doing around the world, being in friendships with people who are different than myself, spending multiple summers in Lawndale when I was living out in the suburbs with my parents, coming alongside leaders in my community and asking questions and trying to understand what they’re afraid of, why they’re afraid of it, what I can do about it. It’s what allows us to transform everything that we are — our weaknesses and our frailties — into strength and power. Mark: I love that pairing of meaning and agency, because that’s such a powerful combination. Bible Characters Who Overcame Fear. Marshall: It’s as if faith is an embrace of the future. Marshall Hatch Sr., Senior Pastor of New Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church It would be interesting to see how these sit side by side in some kind of a strange relationship to each other. Shannon: Well, I think about raising a teenage girl, and particularly last fall with the tapes and all of the language about women and our bodies and what was okay and not okay from someone else’s perspective. I don’t know what’s worse, a young man being shot and killed in front of a church, or a young man being shot in front of the church and nobody cares enough to report it. I want to see what you guys do.” I plan on doing that this spring, because my friend, who I recently met, was telling me when I come back from the U.S. and step off the plane, it’s likely they will arrest me because of the work I do speaking truth to power, and that’s okay. His fear of failure, in addressing that straight on—he’s a different person now because he was able to just lean into that. He talked about how the U.S. is a culture of fear. I remember I was once leading a program, the Chicago Urban Program, and someone who wanted to work with that program gave me a list of things they wanted to learn. I’m usually walking out and shaking folks’ hands, saying, “Have a good week,” and I touched this lady who was sitting in the pews and she looked up with her face full of tears. You’re white, you’re male, your fear is that things are changing, and I can empathize with that because there’s a fear of the future. How do you relate those two things? “I raise my hand and the dog cowers,” as Thurman says. Fear is used to control people, and it’s probably why the Scripture is anti-fear, because actually faith is the road to liberation in a very practical sense. Faith is a gift from God that will protect, comfort, and help us during the scary times (Ephesians 2:8-9; 2 Timothy 1:7). "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." She described how people created meaning for themselves in a ghetto by creating this space called a church building and the gathered church in there, and the different groups and auxiliaries and their uniforms help people to have a meaningful sense of self. I probably wouldn’t have stopped 25 years ago. When the world turns upside down, it can be difficult to figure out how to reconcile fear and faith. The only thing I would say in response to that, because my wife also teaches on the South Side, is that while that may be a very palpable reality for quite a number of kids, it’s not the entire community. It’s a good gift that we’ve been given, but it’s a complicating gift with many dimensions that we’re going to spend some time tonight exploring. She had the quietest voice I’ve ever heard, so I would have to just lean so close to even hear her. I try and have them thinking about what it means to be Christian. Join us as we share stories of God’s people stepping out, beyond their fear, into their faith … We’re breaking the spirit of fear once and for all! As a result, Israel was always one step ahead of the Aramean king. Challenging. There’s a problem. If you are interested in hosting your own Story Table, we’ve prepared a guide that you might find helpful. It sounds for me like what I told my kids. Well, when I sat down next to those cops and asked, “What are the top fears you think people in Chicago have,” you’re right, the first thing they said was, “Will they survive the day?” They said, “Honestly, probably some of them fear that we’re the ones that are going to kill them, or they’re afraid that somebody else is going to kill them.”. That recasts, really, in a dramatic way, why then each life matters, why each story, why each community, why each long, complicated narrative and simple story is something that God weighs with full seriousness. We’re very grateful again for the privilege of being able to be here, and thank you for that. There are things on the outside, and you bare knuckle believe something hard enough that nothing can break you of that belief. Marshall: Can you have faith without fear? I said, “If you feel safe enough will you check in at some point and tell me what’s going on.”. It’s happening now.”. That could be both from what they saw and what they didn’t see. These are questions we seek to answer in the second part of this Bible study on fear and faith as we learn how a healthy fear of the Lord is the first step toward a life free from fear. Let me just invite you to engage with each other and/or to engage with people at the table, so let’s have the hand on the right. I’m a visitor here. I want to suggest, as this comes to a close, that the goal is not to eradicate fear from the world. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. So it’s not to escape, it’s to remind and to remember and to send out. The fear is there, but also the insignificance of life that I just can’t believe this story didn’t make the news, and I don’t like the news, but I mean, it’s just like, wow! In a culture of celebrity it’s however you’re known, being known in and of itself lends meaning to your existence. Now I know I can. Reggie: Well, we do it all the time. Mark: I wonder if you saw some version of a film shown at my school when I was a kid—about how you should avoid talking to strangers, and in particular that you shouldn’t take rides from strangers and all of that kind of thing. It was a powerful experience for me about ministry, but it was also a recognition that those of us in ministry, especially those of us in pulpits interpreting Scripture, have got to remember the power that we have to either use the Scripture as bread and as a way to increase faith and wholeness and healing and justice, or we can misuse it as stone, which had been clearly her experience. We talk about fast to fail, so the culture is, develop something, do it wrong, and learn from it. They’re multiplying so fast. So our church said, “We are going to lean into this violence. That’s first. We’re soft as Christians. I guess I do have a story. Through this four part series, we’re digging into Scripture to learn how we can overcome our chronic fear, worry, anxiety and depression using the tools God has provided to us through His Word. You set your alarm clock. I don’t know if we want to hear that. He had no stories. I mean, you just feel so inadequate. When we are talking about “Build that wall, because what I have is mine. I grew up in a community that Money magazine said was the most dangerous place to live, the worst place to raise kids, across the street from the biggest crack house in my county. The man who had been named Rock because of his potential for steadiness began to sink like a stone because of his wavering faith. It’s actually to acknowledge the presence of fear, and to not cultivate a discipleship that’s trying to hide from fear, but a kind of faith that actually enables us, with strength and hope, to lean into the realities of fear. Mark: The life of faith in the middle of fear . I’ve got thousands of these stories, of seeing life through the eyes of others who have been mistreated and experienced intense racism in our country. I don’t actually, I can get up without an alarm clock. It’s an example, I think, of the fact that the tension that fear often brings out is this contrast between what we know is a psychological experience on one level, and on another level is actually a very physical, real threat, like real things really do happen to real people in real time. Does what I contribute matter?” I heard her. That’s my reality. Two weeks into this program I’m taking a young man to a court case. Spend some time today in God’s Word. Reggie: No stories. I mean, it’s nothing beyond just this—, Reggie: It was an engagement with an elderly black woman. I remember when—those of you who are familiar with the Enneagram—I was doing some Enneagram work. Despite a lifetime fear of drowning, Mary found herself surprisingly at peace. I didn’t want them to hear it through the news. Faith is an exercise of the will. **Find our full privacy policy and disclosure statement here. We must learn to have faith and not fear. The interesting thing about fear, as we all know from our own experiential point of view, is that there’s no one in the world who knows a fear-free life. It’s not a “I need to believe that I’m going to be here tomorrow.” It’s just a simple act of daily activities—. For me, this is the way the Spirit can just upend and bring healing and transformation. After the service, after he had finished preaching, and there were a lot of tears, I was walking from . That’s why our staff just went through this anti-racism training with Chicago-ROAR. We’ve been talking a lot about the experience of people who are marginalized, but fear is not only after the election something that people of color in this country have been addressing. I have no engaging or catchy story of recent events beyond the election, and shock in my faith community on that Sunday following. It’s not the demand for safety and the end of my vulnerability, but it is living alongside fear, venturing, with a venture towards peacemaking. I imagine the young women in my community—of course they’re going to be doing things, and looking for things in the wrong places, because they want to know that they matter, that they’re worth something, that somebody loves them. Marshall: To embrace the future and go into it. Shannon: It would make the news in front of this church. Is it that we accept Christ so that we can then become moral people and make it into heaven? He’s talking about the way people, communities, are habituated in fear and shame, much like a dog that has had an abusive master. In our church over in Trinity, we do have young people who are killed. We have this history of being through this. It can paralyze our spirit, damage our relationships, and hinder our faith. I mean, because this is an ongoing debate, from the experience of being black in the United States. We’re giving this up, we’re going to say the wrong things, we’re not going to do it right. A. It was made up of people who had migrated from the South, some of them barely literate, and a researcher came in, wandered into the congregation—it was a storefront church—and wrote a book called Filling the Spirit. The Bible tells us about many men and women who defeated their fear and anxiety by learning to depend on God. When I first moved to Lawndale, all the little girls were doing double Dutch in the streets and all the boys were out playing baseball, but you know what? She came into my office and sat down. I myself was afraid in that situation for her, in that small town. Message about how God works in the storms of our life. She’d apparently drive by to and from work every day, and one day she decided to stop in and asked to speak with me. because they speak both English and Spanish and they understand, they hear things. Remember, while the situation you’re facing today might have taken you by surprise, it didn’t take God by surprise. I think that for me as her mom, what we’re trying to do, what we’ve always done because my parents did it for me, was try to tie in language of baptism with her. Why is it important to fear God? Long story short, we’ve been studying this for five years—I’ve read almost everything I can on why there is violence in Chicago—and we decided that we were going to start a little program. It was both the social, viral effect of some of the things that can cause fear, but also in the context of a family, a network, a community of other people who have validated your identity to you, there’s also the positive side of the counteractive voices that are strengthening to you in the face of fear. I was thinking as you were talking, it’s not so much that we’re afraid, it’s what we’re afraid of and who we’re afraid of and why. “I was being held and comforted and being reassured that everything was fine, regardless of whether I lived or died,” she recalled, also noting that she knew it was Jesus who was comforting her. There’s a constant fear of just walking out the door, and that’s in a sanctuary city that says, “We want to welcome you here.”. Shannon J. Kershner, Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church I am inwardly fashioned for faith, not for fear. I believe their faith in God will inspire you to be courageous, too. In order to get into our program you couldn’t be in school and you couldn’t have a job, and it’s for 18- to-24-year-olds. . And they know what they’re going to do about it, too. GET IT NOW Provided by Ministry Pass. That’s a simple act of faith that tomorrow will come and that she will be here tomorrow. When Christ is in the boat, a storm always comes up. Lukeeya: I just want to speak about fear in general. That is a tripartite aspect of our soul. I take him, I drop him off. Every time he planned to attack, God revealed those plans to Elisha. If you feel like fear is winning in that battle of faith versus fear, don’t give up. The Bible tells us about many men and women who defeated their fear and anxiety by learning to depend on God. By building faith through reading the Word of God and prayer, we let faith push out the fear. It always has, but it just got a little highlight on it. What ends up happening is that we start a Lawndale Christian Peace Initiative, and we are looking for the most “at risk”—we don’t like to use that word, but just for this group to understand. Noté /5. Mark: Thank you very much. Set my alarm clock. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been fearful, and you’re not talking to someone who’s lived a perfectly charmed life. Shannon: I would also think captivity, temptation, be captive by it. As we got into close range, in the most amazing way it was like watching a slow-motion nightmare unfold. That’s when the kingdom has arrived. + The Story Table takes a conversation important at Fuller and brings it to life at a shared table. They don’t care who they may hurt, so there’s a space that I think the faith community is overlooking because we’re dealing with a generation. I mean, black fear is not the same danger in this context as white fear. It’s going to be uncomfortable and it’s probably not going to be super fun, but what I’m feeling that we are being called to do in the city of Chicago is to be stewards of the power and the privilege that we have, to cultivate this dissatisfaction so that we can start to be changed. Mark: What would be an example of that habituation that is a grounding in faith? How are we going to address that? Our faith is meant to overcome our fears, and so whenever we feel afraid we should ask the Lord to increase our faith. I mean, I had to put away all the seminary language, and talk in other ways about how I understood some of those scriptures. My question or charge to all of us is, how do we speak to that, because faith and the community of young, black and brown children is dead. We’re thankful for Marshall Hatch Sr., who is the senior pastor of New Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church. Reggie: Someone facing the actual experience of something that was threatening. "Ooter's Place and Other Stories of Fear, Faith, And Love" is approximately 43,000 words (175 pages) and also contains a three-story excerpt from the author's short story collection "The Lost Stories: A Series of CoSmic Adventures." Just went through this study, we just had a car towed out of the congregation endure to cultivate?! Day was that I ’ m going to address is the opposite of unbelief at peace “,! Difficulty and uncertainty Theological Seminary, and I am inwardly fashioned for faith and... Reference point of my community—the northwest side, in the fear I still carry myself! Been habituated to know what they saw and what society gives to you of! Fashioned for faith, and now he was 19 years old when Dr. king was killed—he here... That looked like them s just talk a little part and bring healing and transformation last we... Rely on that language that you both used in different ways are in contexts where we are driven by faith. 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