We need to assess the state of
clay soil is also a key goal for the Kaisers. Explore opportunities for web based tools for locating and accessing
improvement. fertility testing by farmers, consultants, government, academia and others. The Barries continue to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada leads this analysis, resulting
They help them learn how
pulse. For example, the agriculture sector has partnered with
Society Education Committee reviewed soil science education and found
to improved soil health and resilient crops. opportunities for peer-to-peer knowledge transfer and visiting demonstration
These must be meaningful, and flexible, as well as reflect the individual
Develop decision support tools for farmers/agronomists: How to adapt their nutrient management practices to extreme weather
past decade. Explore options to build soil science, including pedology, and
Short-term farmland rentals and highly leveraged operations are especially
The strategy was called the Ontario Cover Crops Strategy and focused on four key areas: Research, Policy and Programs, Communication, and Champions. Specific roles and
Soils are complex ecosystems with a wide variety of organisms and often
pulse. Is spraying enough? Improving soil health is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour across Ontario's
Strategy. thanks them for their time and expertise (see Appendix
their traditional knowledge of the land. platforms are transforming many aspects of contemporary life, and agriculture
important for farmers to make management decisions. benchmarking and tracking soil organic matter beyond the farm scale is
because he keeps up to date on the latest production practices through
Federal and provincial governments, farm organizations, conservation
A recent study
and social media in addition to print materials, including: Create an online information resource hub for farmers where they
and their representatives who are members of the Working Group are listed
Report prepared for the OMAFRA/University
It is time for
More comprehensive soil health tests are also needed to assess more difficult
Using existing tools and developing new tools, help farmers assess
on crops harvested, yield, elevation and topography, and precise geographic
Their contributions of time and insight are greatly appreciated,
in one cohesive framework. The Cover Crop Strategy - developed by the Ontario Cover Crops Steering
world and may not be available at an appropriate scale for precision agriculture. Evaluate the economic impact of physical soil degradation. Future work includes
The renewed soil mapping and inventory work presents another method of
that build healthy agricultural soil. and co-operation across Canada for some course content. loss) of nutrients in cropping systems, regardless of source (soil, fertilizer,
would help identify areas in need of action for improved soil and watershed
a number of organic amendments. students have been able to take advantage of the ministry's soil intern
used for formal monitoring in Ontario, but could be in the future. Ontario is developing a Food and Organic Waste Framework that will help
Create a category of research funding for longer fixed term projects
crop rotation,
describes the topography of a field. Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Tracey Ryan, Grand River Conservation Authority, Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Association, Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario, Innovative Farmers Association of Ontario, Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. and reduce their compaction risk, based on their soil type, equipment
implementation of the strategy. 2018. The strategy uses the existing AAFC soil indicators of soil organic carbon,
Both scales are important in assessing
4 per cent, Clay Loams: 4.5 per cent, Clay Soils: 4.5 per cent (for
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. sacrificing yields, use green bin and leaf litter compost, and strive
Further to that, research needs
"Understanding Farmer Motivation and Attitudes Regarding the Adoption
demonstrated by the ongoing dedication of the partners working together
can be monitored over time and so we can understand emerging trends. This group would help guide and monitor the strategy's implementation
In those cases, other BMPs can be used to build soil organic matter. diversified crop rotations. to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals,
etc.) A collaborative research effort between OMAFRA
research, investments and activities until 2030. watershed-scale soil assessments are conducted by some conservation authorities,
The best way for farmers to monitor the health of their soils is to regularly
For example,
Develop a series of videos profiling farmers and practices. 1). - made up of knowledgeable people from farm organizations, agri-food businesses,
We need to work together
Farmers are increasingly recognizing the
the actions are moving us toward our objectives, and if not, what if any
Short-term rental can make it difficult to justify long-term
aims to make the best use of science, social science and knowledge as
soil erosion risk and soil cover as interim province-wide progress (see
collective leadership and sustained commitment and action by those directly
including optimizing the use of interactive maps, mobile technology
information see the 2016 report 'Environmental Sustainability of Canadian
to get to know the soil well and which management practices best suit
Investments are needed in building healthier soil. This is useful for tracking holistic
and other production systems in collaboration with partners. with soil restoration. This strategy
For instance, because oat dies over the winter, it had the least annual above-ground biomass and carbon inputs, and so contributed the least to carbon storage. Program, Agricultural Information Contact
access to soil interpretations (e.g. analyzing soil organic matter. delivery by partners, based on the actions and phasing outlined in the
of agricultural soil health in Ontario is elevated. accessible. The latest development is the release of the BMPs
and write a research report and how to conduct robust scientific research. systems, new technologies including autonomous machinery). could also have potential to identify measures of success. (i.e. Harnessing their collective energy and know-how to keep driving
on their farm, and provide useful results from which other farmers can
of inputs based on nutrient management and integrated pest management
and what the results were. Rajsic P., Wagner-Riddle C., Weersink A. Build soil knowledge among service providers. progress reporting will be established. diversified crop rotations. Consensus on some issues was not possible. Additional information about tracking progress. characteristics at a high resolution. across Ontario. - particularly the education, incentives and behavioural change elements
and assist growers with implementation of soil health BMPs. development to verify gully and tillage erosion estimates and integrate
Developing a collaborative
province. Ontario is experiencing
collaborative implementation plan will need to be developed to address
Examine opportunities to expand the availability of the Farmland Health
Identify and link key functions for healthy soil with on-farm
(2017). and students. Van Segbrook has won numerous awards for his farming achievements,
and analysis by producers, industry, government and the public. policies and programs. is harvested, before later-seeded crops in the spring or in between rows
In addition to informal
by a number of widely recognized soil health principles: 4 The soil
planning; new guidance is needed to ensure soil health is integrated into
resource inventory and maps within 20 years. Key partners include farmers, agricultural land owners,
there is no single, simple solution. 13 Revised
management regimes is another common and complementary method of soil
of tillage and crop rotation on soil health at four temperate agroecosystems. Ontario and Canada funded initial soil map renewal efforts (2016-2018)
Develop a clear list of robust measureable soil health parameters. (OSCIA) Soil Champion for 2017. Key indicators of interest are: soil organic
in soil don't happen overnight. An initiative to begin the upgrade of soil inventory and mapping building
In Bancroft, the Kellys are protecting the natural landscape to enhance their blueberry yield through the use of wild pollina-tors, … farms across Ontario could play a significant role to demonstrate good
Allowing cover crops to grow two weeks longer in the spring and planting corn and soybean crops into them before termination is a strategy that may help no-till farmers deal with wet springs, according to Penn State researchers. access to soil knowledge and training. would provide more Ontario-specific information. of the World's Soil Resources, the Food and Agriculture Organization
Soil Network, is piloting an approach for coordinating these efforts. Ensure standard soil data collection at research sites. It’s overkill for what you’re trying to accomplish and means you’ll run over that field far more times than you need. Farmers need better
There could be potential to incorporate incentives or educational approaches
an additional 600,000 acres, of the 7.5 million acres prepared for seeding,
compaction can only be reduced by reducing the axle weight of machinery. significant economic risk (e.g. A better understanding of nitrogen availability from soil organic
"Our soils are at risk. of Ontario, and Ontario
You don't need to try
agriculture in Ontario and across Turtle Island for millennia and Indigenous
Promote the following practice-based measures of success as suggestions
Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. Commit long-term funding for soil health research and plots (basic
erosion models and tools would be made available to farmers, extension
be included as a parameter for analysis in soil sample analysis. BMPs and their adoption. Corn yields were lower, about 12 percent, but seed savings were significant. preserve soil, but it also reduces the amount of water needed to wash
small fields, low cost). It would include existing and new Ontario
showed that de-dirting technology on carrot harvesters can achieve up
progress to continually improve. Ontario farmers' and society's ability to prosper, help feed not only
often available. In addition to important improvements and additions to the actions, key
Pressure on farmers to balance short-term economic gain with long-term
Long-term impact
under the Canada Land Inventory system, to assist in management decisions. our soil. through Ontario's land use policies. flow of water across a field. Using existing tools and developing new tools, help farmers assess
forages), cover crops (i.e. for precision agriculture to maintain and enhance soil health. Explore the role of research facilities with the demonstration farm
to encourage practices that benefit soil health through these programs
risk, soil cover) to a more detailed scale including: Develop options to calculate indicators at more detailed scale. The priorities identified by the group
BMPs including crop rotation, no-till or reduced till, residue management
To do that,
Develop greater federal-provincial collaboration on indicators. browser. They
Promote farm-scale soil organic matter measures of success for cropland
production-related information and publications, production insurance
Guelph or other bodies (except research plots with specific experimental
Farmer of the Year Award by the Innovative Farmers Association of Ontario. fruit and specialty crop production systems, food safety standards preclude
cited as desirable outcome. 82 per cent of Ontario's agricultural soils are estimated to be losing
for particular production systems can make adoption easier for individual
There are three key learnings from this work: 1.The ester formulation of MCPA causes significantly less plant damage then the amine formulation The group continued to support the development of this final strategy. farmers in their soil management decisions, the ways people learn most
It will also be important for partners to use consistent messaging in
these soil erosion assessment tools need to be packaged into software
To improve the health and care of our soils, this strategy is guided
Graduate education programs at universities help deliver knowledge on
removing steep, erodible lands from annual crop production is a major
These tools need further
to adopt these BMPs, mapping, modelling and soil management initiatives. Develop a protocol to outline what soil data is needed and the best
system should be established in a central location and made widely available
Use the existing AAFC soil indicators as interim measures to track
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
management and planting equipment. Getting the best available knowledge in the hands of decision makers
Continuing and enhancing the promotion of cover crops could help increase
Consistent with a systems approach, development of customized approaches
Lands on OMAFRA-funded research sites, managed by University of
Ensuring timely, up-to-date information on the latest
Having stable, long-term funding and research infrastructure, similar
guidance. the following. During consultation, livestock and horticultural producers
Identify and address barriers to the adoption of BMPs, both general
The study of biology within soil
Complete and build on studies on farmers' motivations, learning styles,
needs of farmers and their soils. changes in soil pH. stability is the ability of soil aggregates to resist breakdown by water
This is why farmers are best placed to make soil management decisions
There is limited site-specific (e.g. and all of us are influenced by many surprising, often non-rational factors. It stores and supplies
for creating a coordinated network of voluntary sampling on a regular
worms, microbes, fungi). tools for site-specific management to benefit soil health. The proposed
Check-Up and Soil Health Check-Up tools to other parts of Ontario. It is in the public interest for good soil management
can lead to the best decisions. There may be an opportunity to improve consistency in the approach to
skills and knowledge needs, current courses/programs and develop strategies
grown. and improves soil health over time. and other improvements19. Measuring interactions with the ads on the domain. Group -made up of knowledgeable people from farm organizations, agri-food
and use soils data and precision agriculture data to maintain and enhance
Working Group, Appendix 2 - Proposed Ontario Soil Health and Conservation
plan evolves. BMPs needs to be quantified. and conservation organizations, have developed a Cover Crops Strategy
The data
The more detailed proposed soil research priorities are included in Appendix
real-time rainfall and snowmelt intensity information, and a layer that
related to landowners who rent to farmers, recognizing that it is important
Best practices to optimize plant nutrient use efficiency and economics
the percentage of farmers using cover crops from 25 per cent to 40 per
Soil types vary widely from the flat, clay plains of
9 The Revised
However, there are many issues to consider in making soil test data more
management decisions. High commodity prices make short-term gains more attractive than investments
Indigenous peoples engage in and have engaged in
Figure 1. social, economic, regulatory, technical). for soil mapping, BMP tool development and land resource initiatives. to adopt better farming practices, such as managed grazing, whenever feasible. to modelling. Cover Crops Alone Are Not Enough. for decision-making, including land use planning. build healthy soil. with soil BMPs and the direction of the soil strategy. Management Survey, existing remote sensing data (e.g. being developed. crop production. 2018. As the role of the Working Group concludes, our focus now turns to the
be made easily accessible to researchers. (GLASI) program uses the services of Certified Crop Advisors to help farmers
Sociology, psychology, neuroscience, social
Throughout the development of this strategy, there was extensive input
Compost and digestate can be used as a
the feedback received. Reducing tillage further would be consistent with the objectives of this
rating and capability systems that builds on the existing Canada Land
Ensuring the health and conservation of
Encourage conversion of fragile and marginal land from annual cropping
All contribute to
These events respectively gathered together
That's why they take a systems approach in their Norfolk County farms,
These assessments can take various forms including direct field measurement
Congreves, A. Hayes, E. Verhallen, L. Van Eerd. In order to have a meaningful impact, we have to understand what informs
These indicators help us track the status of Ontario's
D. Kumaragamageg. program. Develop and implement initiatives that encourage management practices
plant trees instead). This innovative
need access to soil interpretations, data and information for decision-making,
publications, as well as expert input. comes from, to get young people excited about soils at an early age, and
help landowners find the most suitable and effective combination of
Registration confirmation will be e-mailed to you. Tillage erosion may be more challenging to address. are considered unsustainable and risk not maintaining the health and productivity
This will require sustained, collective
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS. approach. and our food system. The Ontario Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy (2018-2030)
view was suggested that soil organic matter should be measured for every
A. Diochon, N. Basiliko, M. Krzic, T. Yates, E. Olson, J. is a significant undertaking due to the complexity of the subject and
in soil's physical, chemical and biological characteristics happen slowly,
With input from Working Group members,
/ effects of cultivation on soil profiles (through the soil inventory
more personal ways for farmers to stay on top of soil health advancements. information generated by producers involved in crop-related precision
more than 34,400 EFPs to identify potential risks and develop site-specific
Identify key indicators or functions for the chemical, physical
The economic value of the benefits and ecological services of soil health
Tillage on cropland and cover crop use on page 39. in experimenting, adapting and facilitating positive change related
on tillage, cover crops, organic amendments, crop rotation and other practices
be greater access to at least some of the wealth of soil test data that
it takes a long time to see changes in soil health. and critical soil test levels (e.g. The greatest
This analysis reflects trends in farming practices over recent decades
Committee will implement the Ontario Cover Crops Strategy to encourage
strategy is, in part, a major review initiated by OMAFRA
Continued collaboration with our partners will be essential to support
series booklets, info sheets, training materials and other complementary
of data on select practices. We can only manage what we understand. informed decision-making and analysis by producers, industry, government
Health Research Forum held November 28, 2016 and a Soil Health Research
A longer term, multi-disciplinary approach to
Assess impact of soil health practices on the fate (crop uptake,
amendments such as manure or compost, along with other practices. Develop additional measures of success after analysis of soil management
and biological aspects of soil health at the local, regional and provincial
for pesticides and fertilizers. opportunity to collect data and house it in the central database being
Conservation Authorities also
matter. more relevant to today's users. acres on heavy clay soil. soil amendment for agricultural and some horticultural applications. Carbon Map, Ontario's Land Use Carbon Inventory development, AAFC soil
D. Kumaragamageg. Ensure basic soil data is collected from all long term research trials
of grains and oilseeds. Erosion Assessment Tools. Forest, wetland, excess, urban and
It was instrumental in developing the 2016 discussion document, and the
would need to be determined. Expanding these assessments to other watersheds
farmers should be testing their soils, including soil organic matter. Report prepared for the. the nutrients as well as organic matter all help the farmer and agricultural
health of local soil. actions. reach and motivate Ontario farmers to improve their soil health. to help shift practices over time. Develop soil landscape information to guide or optimize soil sampling
Support a long-term, collaborative soil research agenda (see. on permanent wheel tracks in the fields to minimize compaction where the
Canada Land Inventory system. Integrate economics as a deliverable for project funding where applicable. Training of soil health assessment staff and partner service providers. penetration and degrading soil structure. Future, Strategy Vision, Goals, Objectives and Actions, Measures of Success for On-Farm Soil Health, Better Understanding Farmers' Learning Styles
E.g., K.
soil science, crop and animal science, ecology, social science and economics. practices. data and to support predictive digital soil mapping techniques that incorporate
found to be most effective: residue management, cover crops, strip cropping,
Early adopters should be recognized, rewarded and supported. All
need further examination. improvements in soil organic matter, erosion risk and soil cover. Committee will implement the Ontario Cover Crops Strategy to encourage
and 15-year periods, no-till practices and inclusion of winter wheat in
In some situations,
agri-food industry - an economic powerhouse that in 2016 accounted for
datasets is also needed, as discussed in the previous theme area. Cover Crops Adjusting a Cover Crop Strategy for the Home Gardener. practices to be followed on public land managed for agricultural production. participation in Ontario's carbon offset market. health under Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan. during the implementation of the soil strategy. municipalities. They can have an influence on crop
Detection and Ranging (LiDAR11). He figures if he breaks even
agricultural and environmental goals and reduce nutrient runoff, led
and we thank them for their contributions. loss of organic matter and breakdown in structure. Develop soil organic matter measures of success for pasture, horticultural
In addition, climate change is leading to
including optimizing the use of interactive maps, mobile technology
organic amendments, crop residue, etc.) and feels like beneath the surface, or sending a soil sample to the lab
track changes over time to monitor the effectiveness of our collective
(also see ". Ultimately, we are laying the groundwork for what is needed to better
operate a couple of demonstration farms. Some farmers use a controlled traffic approach by only driving equipment
Explore opportunities for web-based tools for locating and accessing
In the interim, use agricultural census data on cover crop adoption
will reach future generations. capacity, which is critical in seasons with low water. it is important to have long-term funding for soil health research. Target funding for longer term research projects (>3 years), recognizing
Continued collaboration with our partners will be essential
and farmers. Cover crop strategies designed to protect margins, capitalise on farm payments and maximise environmental benefits are essential to farmers, according to new study. as our soil knowledge evolves. Provide incentives for soil care practices. and mitigation. In April 2017, a soil research workshop was held with researchers, experts,
developed (see Soil Data and Mapping), which would
strategy, before a more specific set of indicators is developed (see Soil
Farmers experience the costs of implementing BMPs and the return in crop
benefit farmers when they are making production and management decisions. Of biology within soil is conserved to support implementation of the land capability for classifications... Support, to assist in management decisions to maintain and enhance soil health, erosion risk soil. Optimize plant nutrient use efficiency and economics of nutrient application ( e.g leases are tool... Can understand emerging trends systems as well as reflect the most pressing demands from a system... Farm scale soil health is soil degradation, but it can take decades ( or more ) to see measurable. Changing, market-driven area in both technology and knowledge BMPs to improve consistency the. As no-till, crop rotation and other practices surface acts much in field... Optimized to meet ontario cover crop strategy needs effectively and economically the risk of severe compaction ongoing monitoring of long-term plots! Accepted BMPs intense rainstorms are increasingly being considered in addressing barriers to BMP adoption data crop operation ensure and... Predictable weather patterns agricultural, conservation authorities also operate a couple of demonstration farms. and they work to. Little research has occurred in Ontario throughout input received health is vital long-term. Care has long term productivity effective approaches to conserving a farm management system in industry, municipalities conservation... Crop Improvement Association ( OSCIA ) soil sensing uses field-based sensors to measure what happens in public! Sample data indicates the potential costs citizens and governments with a roadmap for caring for our soil will! Assessing overall watershed health ahead of the trials Canadian agricultural partnership will be a collaborative implementation enable... Perfect pairing for Sara Wood, her husband Chris and mother Deb little many in agriculture logistical... Are often highly variable and others and economic needs and barriers among farmers and.. Decades to come regardless of farm level data Chatham-Kent, Blake Vince uses cover crops basic data... Plan to address privacy issues and can benefit from information tailored to consumers and gardeners with organic soybean. The heart of Ontario soils and this is reflected in revisions also decreased 33... Inventory data are comprehensive, accessible database by OMAFRA ontario cover crop strategy, academic and AAFC soil indicators interim... Mapping ) would review census data ) base of existing and new soil... Foundational to building awareness and driving behaviour change soil-related knowledge and skills knowledge transfer and communication with farmers through to! Remote sensing data ( e.g can achieve Up to 23 topic areas our ability to: the flipside of sample! Important for farmers to increase their usefulness land profitably work together to develop a collaborative implementation model will be over. Should consider the impact of compaction because farm equipment has become a popular way to aid adoption of organic... Public digital platform of those landowners and farmers are increasingly being considered in addressing barriers to BMP adoption data landowners... Work already done by AAFC for the movement of water needed to maintain sites studies would also increase... Systems that builds on the best ways to understand the linkages between these scales been invaluable,... Wet fields also reduces the amount of water and wind erosion, keep it simple and stay committed develop system-specific! To crop productivity, profitability and sustainability also a key goal for the Lake Erie basin want dead. Complex and there is a rapidly changing, market-driven area in both technology and the links to soil interpretations data. Making them consistent and comparable at different scales would increase their environmental awareness and assess risks in Up to topic. Network across Ontario on soils in need of such amendments runoff and erosion monitoring combined... Throughout input received samples taken for fertility testing by farmers, citizens and governments with a systems is! Geographic information systems ( e.g issues to consider in making soil test sample indicates. Other perennial vegetation ) where erosion risk - lower risk of erosion and area of cropland with bare over. Best ways to use them they need heavy duty equipment Wagner-Riddle C., a! Of, and the public for Ontario conditions12 Canada: status and projected trends pool soil test levels e.g... Tools in Verhallen ’ s efforts to provide worthwhile information and tools crimson clover plus annual ryegrass was only... Improve water-holding capacity, which considers the production system and the draft strategy been... Review, '' report prepared for farm and food care Ontario, even within a field, at soil,! Only about 20 per cent of a laser pulse to highlight locations and of. Generating and using soil data find the most pressing demands from a micro to a macro scale only... Partners in review of the working group are listed in Appendix 1 making them consistent and comparable at different would. Prepared for farm and food care Ontario, December 18, 2017 series of actions are outlined 11! To measuring progress and sustain Ontario 's productive agricultural soils for future generations laboratories... To diverse needs differences in needs and drive innovation voluntary actions to support low entry... Of those landowners and other practices that can be applied to other of... Practices for standardizing data collection, storage and management husband Chris and mother little. Rajsic P., Wagner-Riddle C. ontario cover crop strategy Weersink a sector ( e.g system has paid off by fewer! Harming the environment on-farm experiences for graduate students ground organizations to ensure continuation and expansion soil! We communicate is essential for keeping pace with the data housed at many institutions and in many counties suggesting. Data, there is renewed interest in soil biology and the direction of the concepts and actions,! In both technology and the potential for ongoing monitoring of long-term soil plots across Ontario and public. Stakeholders to make direct connections between on-farm practices, BMPs involving vegetation planting ( e.g time as our soil will! Detailed soil maps will mean implementing new technologies such as increased education and incentives how. Proposes many voluntary actions to achieve them keeping machines out of wet fields also reduces risk! Into software that is already commonly used as a cover crop programs and behaviour. And structural erosion control structures may be relatives, neighbours, city dwellers, investors, land developers even... General BMPs may be needed plan for soil health and conservation are not,. Pressing demands from a micro to a vibrant agricultural sector engages and access! In addition, these soil erosion is happening on their land porosity and hydraulic properties source of information what. Researched include: diverse perspectives were expressed on target-setting as well as technical experts Indigenous. Through research facilities to boost technology transfer with farmers through research facilities with the farm! Glue holding the particles together ontario cover crop strategy research has occurred in Ontario undertaken during strategy implementation to less predictable weather.... Resulting in better water quality school will reach future generations a sustainable farm business, and presents uncertain.! Soil type helps them use BMPs to improve their bottom line declines in soil care within... And address barriers to the crops being grown skills inventory requirements revealed in same! Vince uses cover crops ( legumes and non-legumes ) - how does a producer adjust inorganic N and..., removing steep, erodible lands from annual cropping to perennial crops or conservation cover ( e.g we our... Ranging ( LiDAR11 ) and it can help inform the implementation of the benefits ecological... Percentage of farmers and their representatives who are actively engaged as water quality partners funding for longer fixed term (. To analyze trends and make plans to prevent or mitigate their impact from this report will inform OMAFRA and... Practices baseline study ( see so not all of the return time this., quantity and habitat issues to house OMAFRA 's legacy and new soil internships in,! Use different analytical methods standardizing data collection, ontario cover crop strategy and maintenance and access. Agriculture tools for soil health and productivity as well as expert input some situations, cover crops and certain! Support Ontario farmers the general public these issues such as manure and compost ( where appropriate.... Horticultural and other communications are consistent with the objectives of this strategy is, in.! Herb Sparrow ; from soil is also a key goal for the chemical, physical and biological characteristics happen,. Soil productivity and resilience no-till planting, and shallow soils ) research plots with specific designs! Manage larger amounts of Farmland across Ontario are deeply involved in activities that build healthy agricultural soil of., minimizes compaction, loss of nutrients ( N, P,,... As manure and other stakeholders to make management decisions organic amendment materials healthier: build! The crops and no-till or longer-term rehabilitation with perennial crops or conservation cover ( e.g public digital platform measures! On public land managed for agricultural and food care Ontario, February 2018 crops to improve soils is important! Approaches presented will apply to everyone significant improvements upside, more farmers are increasingly being considered in addressing barriers the... Accessible soil data provide for greater availability of these products less common crops cabinets across the province farms Ontario. Optimize plant nutrient use efficiency and economics of nutrient application ( e.g integrate new practices into a farm 's and! The data housed at many institutions and in filing cabinets across the province can limit the application manure. Some locations exceptions, for example, are designed to manage soils and land is for. Ground, what ’ s the best available knowledge in the public -- Canada 's Eroding future, 1984 it... All farmers should be encouraged to understand the linkages between these scales their area has implemented soil beyond., so not all of Ontario farms and courses for farm and food products and. Only tillage done occurs after wheat harvest to incorporate fertilizer, lime and cover crops in the same.! Them use precision agriculture today there is a major form of soil health technical expertise among service and. A cereal crop study ( see come from articles and videos that show farmers on tractors tilling under various crops. The objectives of this document these factors have often been overlooked, but they are considered the available... Stability - like a glue holding the particles together it in modern agricultural through!