Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass (Sent in 9cm pots) (3) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. A variety of grasses, including feathery Stipa gigantea, solve problems in a Dorset garden sited “mostly on an exposed, north-facing slope,” says UK-based designer Robert Kennett. Start the seed indoors 4 – 6 weeks before the end of frost season. Fountain Grass. It is an extremely vigorous grass, and can crowd pasture species as well as native grasses in … Deciduous with clumping habit & very fine, wispy look; Delicate, arching flower stems form hazy cloud; Must have well-drained soil; Height 18 - 24 inches Spread 18 - 24 inches Zone 8 - 10 Categories Ornamental Grass … Nassella tenuissima (formertly Stipa tenuissima) - Mexican Feather Grass. Catalog #7577 . Nassella tenuissima nah-SELL-a ten-yew-ISS-ih-mah. It is also a very useful and attractive grass for planters … Can grass grow indoors? Some native plant organizations consider it invasive. Mexican feather grass survives in dry conditions and thrives just fine after being cut back. The leaves in the centre of the clump are usually the tallest and upright but may droop over at the top. FREE Delivery. Do not allow the soil to dry out. It tolerates drought and alkaline soil, and it does well in containers. Pull the wad of seeds apart into small tufts and sow them into cell packs, or sow the whole thing in one pot and transplant the seedlings (in groups) to individual pots when they’re 1 to 2 inches tall. Read more: Sourcebook for Cultivated Living, sister site to @remodelista The slightest winds send the thin leaves and delicate flowers of this perennial grass into motion which makes it look more beautiful. The leaves are thin and can be rolled smoothly between the thumb and forefinger; however, serrations along the margins feel coarse when sliding fingers down the length of the leaf blade. Mexican feather grass. AGM plants. Perennial; Zones 6 or 7 to 9. The slightest wind sends the delicate flower heads and thin leaves of this perennial grass into motion. Moreover, it is a low-maintenance plant and perfect for those who are planting it for the first time or those wishing to add a splash of pink and purple colors to your garden or indoors. Stipa feather grass is suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 11. I plant in the spring with other flowers and this a beautiful way to hide the street. Height: 24”. height 30" spacing 18" Sowing Stipa tenuissima Seeds. If you garden, you might consider winter to be you, When designer @roseuniacke and her husband purchas, It might feel like dropping temperatures mean the, In the design world, you hear a lot about bringing, Would you like to add an extra 250 square feet of, Landscaping Ideas: A Sunken Verdant Courtyard for a Seattle Home on a Slope, Landscape Architect Visit: At Home with Tait Moring in Austin, TX, Garden Visit: My Driveway Oasis in Half Moon Bay, California, Brooklyn Oasis: A City Roof Garden, Before & After, Rehab Diaries: The Resurrection of a Medieval Nobleman’s Garden, 10 Easy Pieces: Tough Perennials for City Gardens, Grasses: A Field Guide to Planting, Care & Design in our Garden Design 101, Leaves of Grass: 9 Ways to Create Curb Appeal with Perennial Grasses, Gardening 101: How to Care for Perennial Grasses, Hummelo: A Journey Through a Plantsman’s Life. In areas where temperatures get colder than 20° F, the plant should be treated as an annual and should not be expected to grow again in the spring. Nassella (Stipa) tenuissima A native Texas ornamental grass with hair-like, bright green foliage. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. Above: Photograph by Dennis Burnett courtesy of Tait Moring & Associates. Direct sow seeds in small clusters in spring or sow indoors 6 to 8 weeks earlier. It mysteriously died sabout 5 years ago. All summer it bears a profusion of feathery panicles, which mature from foamy-green to blonde. In This Article hide. No other grass exhibits quite the refinement of texture as this species. Mexican Feather Grass Named Invasive Mexican Feather Grass was recently added to PlantRight's list of invasive plants in California. Also, well-drained soil is important. Be aware that Mexican feather grass may self-sow and is considered invasive in some regions. It's silky leaves sway in the summer sun and bring an airy, light feel to wherever they are planted. It also grows beautifully in a container. Growing grass indoors is simple if you find the right type of indoor grass and know how to care for it. Well, not as low as closely sheared … To recreate the look, Artemisia Powis Castle is $5.95 apiece and a low-growing variety of Russian sage, Perovskia ‘Little Spire’, is $6.95 apiece; both available from Santa Rosa Gardens. Hi Liz, Pony Tails Mexican Feather Grass can be grown in containers. Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima, formerly Stipa tenuissima) is a clump-forming, cool-season grass that greens up early in spring and begins flowering by early summer, with silvery tops that turn golden blond as the summer progresses and the seeds mature. Heat and … Stipa tenuissima is a neat, compact, perennial grass, bearing closely packed, stiff, thread-like stems forming a strongly horizontal shape. These can be cut and dried when first opened for use in winter arrangements indoors. Purchase this perennial plant at a garden center or nursery, or propagate a new plant by dividing existing mature plants. Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum) Weeping Love Grass … In addition, it is a visual treat when you plant them in the borders along the sidewalks or when planted indoors. If you are starting your mexican feather grass indoors then you might be able to get away with starting them a couple of weeks earlier. Also, well-drained soil is important. ***Mexican Feather Grass can reseed invasively in California~residents beware. In fall, the glossy, bright green foliage turns light tan and lasts through the winter, until you cut it to the ground in spring, giving the plant a true-four-season presence. Often known as Mexican feather grass, Stipa Pony Tails are topped with silver-green flowers which appear in fluffy plumes, making a very decorative and eye-catching grass. Mulch your feather grass - if there is room between them - it will prevent you from watering, weeding, protect from the winter cold, and even provide a slight fertilization on the ground. It produces tens of thousands of seeds, which are dispersed by wind, water or contaminated soil – as well as via automobiles and animal droppings. Any later than that and your mexican feather grass may not have a chance to really do well. The average date of last frost is May 15 in Willmar. Full sun. Stipa tenuissima grows quickly and blooms the first year from seed, so it can be grown as an annual. We would recommend at least a 2 gallon container to give it enough room to grow. McKinney landscape is decorated with bright lantana colors in … Clicking through to the retailer that sells the product may earn us a commission. A popular choice for borders, bedding and coastal style gardens. Walking through the Sunset Park district of Santa Monica one discovers plants like this. Mexican Feather Grass. Mexican Feather Grass puts on a spectacular show when its flowers bloom (as you can see from our pictures), they look like fountains of white sand, or golden fireworks bursting from the ground. Sweet Flag (Acorus spp.) Germination Information: Start the seeds (gently pressed into the surface of the growing medium) indoors in late winter to mid spring or outdoors from late spring to midsummer. Like other grasses in the Stipa genus, Mexican feather grass develops delicate pale green flowers which turn wheat-colored, at the tips of stems that move in a breeze. Mexican Feather Grass… Heading somewhere? ***Mexican Feather Grass can reseed invasively in … See Landscaping Ideas: A Sunken Verdant Courtyard for a Seattle Home on a Slope. For more, see Brooklyn Oasis: A City Roof Garden, Before & After. Also known as Nassella tenuissima. Mexican feather grass does best in full sun in a well-drained soil and tolerates soil with a pH range between 5.8 and 8.0. Mexican Feather Grass is a beautiful, drought tolerant plant for your landscape. SOURCEBOOK FOR THE CONSIDERED HOME Collected in August 2020. They’re great planted in masses, to add soft texture that sways with every breeze. Mexican Feather Grass, Stipa tenuissima is a warm weather favorite for good reason. Surround it with shorter plants that enjoy full sun and sharp drainage. Press the seed into the soil and lightly cover. However, Mexican feathergrass is its most popular trade name. Read on to learn more. Be especially careful to avoid overwatering Mexican feather grass … Annual. See our obsessively curated catalog of favorite products sourced by the Gardenista editors. Mexican Feather Grass (Stipa tenuissima) - Grown from Mexican Feather Grass seeds, this beautiful mounded ornamental grass with needle-like flexible leaves forms dense, bright green clumps. Remodelista, Gardenista, 10 Easy Pieces, Steal This Look, 5 Quick Fixes, Design Sleuth, High/Low Design, Sourcebook for the Considered Home, and Sourcebook for Considered Living are ® registered trademarks of Remodelista, LLC. In addition to looking beautiful, it requires little water, intermingles easily with other perennials, and will provide structure in a garden bed nearly year-round. These are great when used as a feature in a perennial border, as their tendency to sway in the slightest breeze adds an element of movement. This hardy grass likes life on the dry side and will suffer if planted in areas with heavy, wet soil. 3X Mexican Feather Grass Stipa tenuissima 'Pony Tails Evergreen Ornamental Grass. It overwinters in zone 5 if planted in a warm spot in full sun. Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass also is commonly called Silky Thread Grass or Mexican Needle Grass, and it has moderate cold-hardiness and performs very well in hot summer months. Championed in the Victorian age along with many other grasses, native feather grass is a soft cloud of glistening bloom on top of delicate, silky stems. Mexican Feather Grass. Cream-colored plumes at leaf tips last into winter. 1. Direct sow seeds in small clusters in spring or sow indoors 6 to 8 weeks earlier. Planting: Mexican Feather Grass is known for its sun-loving growth, so ensure you choose a sunny locale to plant. This is an environmentally-friendly ornamental grass with virtually no pests or diseases. Starting your mexican feather grass indoors is a great way to get them started a couple of weeks earlier. Nassella tenuissima is a species of grass known by the common names Mexican feathergrass, finestem needlegrass, fineleaved nassella, and Argentine needle-grass. Germination Information: Start the seeds (gently pressed into the surface of the growing medium) indoors in late winter to mid spring or … Mexican feather … Select a very sunny location and try to set it towards the front of a bed to make the most of its beautiful panicles. If you are concerned about that in your area, consider growing the native prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis) instead for a similar effect. Mexican feather grass (Nassella or Stipa tenuissima) brims with grace. It is also known as False heather, Artificial heather, Elfin herb with and Cuphea hyssopifolia being the botanical name. Use groups of 8 to 10 or so if you want bigger clumps faster, or 4 to 6 per pot if you want a larger number of starter plants. You can also grow Mexican feather grass in a large container, mixed with other plants. Mexican feather grass. For more, see Home Turf: Goodbye to a Front Lawn. Mexican Heather is a densely branched shrub belonging to the Lythraceae family, and is native to Mexico and Guatemala. For more of our favorite ways to use grasses in a garden, see Grasses: A Field Guide to Planting, Care & Design in our Garden Design 101 guides. Many front yards display non-traditional, diverse and water-wise plantings that adapt well to the arid conditions of Southern California. Mexican feather grass grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. So, it’s a smaller grass that works well to texturize other plants in your low-water garden. In the same Dorset garden, designer Robert Kennett planted Mexican feather grass at the front of a border to “billow in the breeze…for a dynamic dimension.”. Mexican Feather Grass. Great in dry, loose soils. Get the promise of beauty, strength and dependability with our Mexican Feather Grass today! I have been using Mexican Feather Grass for about 4 years now. We have 200 guides on everything from fences to foxgloves. Planting & Care. McLaren D, Whattam M, Blood K, Stajsic V, Hore R. 1999. Native to North American drylands, Mexican … Hardy perennial in zones 6-10. The Right Seed for Indoor Grass. Like other grasses in the Stipa genus, Mexican feather grass develops delicate pale green flowers which turn wheat-colored, at the tips of stems that move in a breeze. Leaves at the edge of the clump are often shorter and bend away from the plant. Gardenista’s members-only directory of landscape architects and garden designers. AGM plants have been through a rigorous trial and assessment programme. Mexican feathergrass has delicate, thread-like leaf blades that wave gracefully in the slightest breeze. Mexican feather grass. Both ship for fall planting. See more in Landscape Architect Visit: At Home with Tait Moring in Austin, TX. Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima) is a cute little mounding plant worth trying in the garden, especially if you want an easy-to-grow planting that will do the wave all by itself every time the wind … For more, see Home Turf: Goodbye to a Front Lawn. Place the ornamental grass seeds onto the soil … Mexican feather grass looks like a hazy smudge of golden color in the distance, and who wouldn’t want that as a backdrop in the garden? How low does blue fescue (Festuca glauca) grow? In this garden bed, plants include silvery Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’, perennial grass Stipa tenuissima, and purple spikes of Russian sage. In summer, masses of elegant pale feathery seed-heads are held above the foliage. You can also grow other plants in the container with this grass… Mexican feather grass clumps generally reach just 1 to 2 feet tall and look great paired with other low perennials, planted around the base of taller companions such as Brazilian vervain (Verbena bonariensis), or used as a soft edging for a path or border. Garden designer Jennifer Segale planted Mexican feather grass in pots in her own garden: “Stipa and other grasses give movement, which I find is incredibly important in container gardens,” she says. The Gardenista editors provide a curated selection of product recommendations for your consideration. When you’re ready to … It is also commonly referred to as fine-stem needlegrass, Mexican wiregrass, ponytail grass, angel hair grass, angel’s hair, and Texas tussock. At the front of a garden bed in northern Italy designed by Turin-based Cristiana Ruspa, a clump of Stipa tenuissima shoots up like a flame against the lower profiles of artemisia and shorter grasses. It appears it will self-sow more prolifically in moist areas and is not as bothersome in dry locations. Plan your trip with our destination guides to our favorite public gardens, hotels, restaurants, and shops. *** Average seed life: 1 to 2 years. Summer blooming. Native to North American drylands, Mexican feather grass thrives in quick-draining, lean soil and is quite drought-tolerant. In the winter when the Mexican Feather Grass … The definitive guide to stylish outdoor spaces, with garden tours, hardscape help, plant primers, and daily design news. Tag us using #gardenista. The flowers are silky awns that appear in June and change from green to gold as they mature. Mexican feathergrass is brimming with grace. For landscaping ideas, here are a dozen of our favorite gardens with feather grasses: White flowers with yellow centers pop against a backdrop of Mexican feather grass. Its leaf blades can be 30 to 70 inches long. I SHIP ORDERS WITHIN 1 BUSINESS DAY, BUT PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ARRIVAL MAY TAKE 2 WEEKS OR LONGER DUE TO USPS SHIPPING DELAYS Mexican Feather Grass has fairly good hardiness to cold yet it performs well with the intense heat of summer. Your resource for finding the best storage and home organization solutions for every room in the house. Of more than 2,000 plants and hardscape materials into motion which makes it look beautiful! ( 2 ): 62–70 be especially careful to avoid overwatering Mexican feather grass in a cool, room. Grow Mexican feather grass … Hi Liz, Pony Tails Mexican feather grass in pots and planters States! Decorated with bright lantana colors in … Mexican feather grass grows to about 18 inches 3! Out of 5 stars 2 on the dry side and will suffer if planted in groups 5. Foamy-Green to blonde to texturize other plants in your low-water garden from year to year learning how to grow feather... 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