I’m so confused being he just had the disease & almost died..so torn what to do. No way to tell which dogs will react (although small breeds are predisposed) until we have swollen, or worse, sick dog … We took our 13 year old Miniature Schnauzer to a “new” Vet (because we had moved) for his annual check-up. My dogs had a non-life threatening reaction of a hard, golf ball sized lump at the injection site. It took about 48 hours for the disease to run its course: vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, kidney failure, and on and on. I can not find any information on the web lepto shot and prolonged pain. I was told she has a brain tumor but I now have serious doubts as she is still with us after nearly 9 months. [src="https://a.omappapi.com/users/3d3cb4d2c858/images/62a1550875191584134001-Leaky-Gut.png"], [src="https://a.omappapi.com/users/3d3cb4d2c858/images/737e1dcbb1d91585949821-62a1550875191584134001-Leaky-Gut.png"], Why I Changed My Mind About Bach Flower Remedies, FDA Releases Report On Toxic Ingredients In Beneful®, World Small Animal Veterinary Association. It’s the little man versus a multi million dollar company. So we only know how many dogs had antibodies to lepto, not how many dogs were actually sick from it. We lost him in 90 days. We do live in an area where wildlife can get in our yard, so I thought I was doing the right thing. My 12 week old pug was given the shot yesterday. Vaccine he has become very aggressive in his behavior. Well, right back at you MSD! It was only after our own extensive reading, that did we on our own, that we figured out what was wrong with him, and then went to the vet with the recommendations based on our readings, for a course of action to save his life. Its all about money people, Im very disappointed and very pissed off that someone I trusted would do this to my family member. These deaths are real and our pain is real! normal as can be . Large veterinary corporations are not held accountable because there are no laws or regulations in place so pets are not over vaccinated with unnecessary vaccines. She fnally was put to sleep with nothing found to be wrong. The Lepto vaccine is very safe for most dogs compared to getting leptospirosis. A further 29 practices reported having seen a case within the last 15 years. In the US, leptospirosis is most common in Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, the upper Midwest, Texas, Colorado and the mid-Atlantic coastal region as well as the southeastern US. She also breeds award winning Labrador Retrievers under the Fallriver prefix. Payton stayed there for 12 days and was given prednisone, laflodamine and cancer fighting drugs and transfusions. Leptospirosis. “We are very concerned that the recent articles about the L4 vaccine risks scaremongering dog owners into making blanket decisions and avoiding vaccinations for their dog. After that, the three core vaccines should be given every three years maximum, with vaccines like Lepto and parainfluenza only being given if there is risk in the area. We never got the full scope of what had happened to our beautiful boy, but it was a most gruesome death. It wasn’t a vet that gave the injection, it was a nurse – I always wondered if she’d done something wrong, hit the bone or something…He crossed rainbow bridge a year after diagnosis. I feel like our time was cut short by this vaccine. Red or purple spots on the skin (known as petechial hemorrhage). My Lilly immediately became lethargic, she lost her appetite, slept more than any baby should the rest of the day and night, she was shaking, coughing, vomiting and having diarrhea. Same for traditional vets , who , like pediatricians , get office visit fees every time you bring your dog in for a battery of shots . It also means that 75% of the stray dogs weren’t exposed to lepto at all (assuming there wasn’t a large number of dogs who died from lepto, which is just an assumption since MSD didn’t have those numbers either). So far so good. 2. VMD response to concerns raised following media reports of serious adverse events in Zoonoses and Veterinary Public Health 2016. 3 Becker K. Leptospirosis: Yes, You COULD Get This Disease from Your Dog, But… Healthy Pets Feb. 25, 2013. In case you didn’t catch that, they decided to bury the adverse events from the L4 vaccine with the other core vaccines. He offered to come out to our house and take Wren and do an autopsy (25 miles away from his clinic), and offered to have us return all of the meds we were giving Wren and he would refund us in full. They survive in water such as streams, ponds and puddles, especially during warmer, rainy seasons. Your pups experience sound very similar to my pups. Rebecca, my jack Russell is still ill. After the 1st year shots , most dogs will have immunity for at least 8 years , or , almost the length of life of the dog . Canine Influenza (also known as the dog flu) Leptospirosis; Lyme vaccine; Yes, the Lyme vaccine is in the top 8 vaccines (lower half “non-core”) recommended by a trusted task force that has the purpose of sharing vaccination recommendations in both the United States and in Canada. We found Wren in full seizure in the yard. And how big of a problem is lepto if your dog comes across it? He’s not getting the 2nd shot in the series! Your dog is at higher risk of catching leptospirosis if they live on a farm, regularly kill rodents, or spend a lot of time swimming. The CVB (the Center for Veterinary Biologics), is a division of the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and the CVB is responsible for approving and labelling veterinary vaccines, and for tracking adverse events. But if you read down further, you’ll see this: Now read right down at the bottom – the bit in fine print that nobody looks at …. Signs of leptospirosis infection are often vague and non-specific and may include: Leptospira organisms can cause severe damage to the liver and kidneys, so veterinarians should suspect leptospirosis in dogs with signs of kidney or liver failure. My 12 year old healthy Jack Russell received her first Lepto in July at her yearly physical. But Merck and MSD continue to push the lepto vaccine, arguing that it doesn’t matter how prevalent lepto is – because lepto can lead to a horrible death for dogs. What is the best way forward? It was a horrible thing to watch my little girl die from leptospirosis. The vet who treated him was not the same as who gave the shot (though in the same vet practice) diagnosed pancreatitis. 9 World Health Organization. My sweet girl passed away in late August, healthy the month before. I am heartbroken and angry. So you and your veterinarian must decide if your pet s risk of catching leptospirosis justifies yearly vaccination. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their dog? So I looked at one of the states where lepto is most commonly found – California. The Lepto vaccine is not as safe as, for example, the parvo vaccine. Bless you all. The vet said no way it could be the vaccine because the drug rep would have told them if there were potential side effects, especially to the degree of death. He also says the vaccine provides a year’s worth of protection but this again is based on drug company data. I’m sorry – I know that’s awful. She keeps us up half the night and pees all over the house, I sometimes just cry because i feel so bad for her. The lepto vaccine for dogs covers only certain strains of leptospirosis, so is not 100% guaranteed effective in all cases. The vaccine is also suspected in the deaths of at least 120 dogs. But, I should have taken my chances. Canine leptospirosis has been increasingly reported across the United States, especially in suburban areas where dogs are coming into ever closer contact with wildlife. Dex had lepto 4 last year I'd say without issue, but he was incredibly quiet for 72hrs after the second jab.i have "seen" some fairly hideous side effects posted online, but it obviously isn't affecting all dogs or there would have been more, and the vaccine pulled. Within 2 hours he started yelping in pain. When your dog comes in for its annual booster in 2015 they will have the normal booster given but will be asked to come for a 2nd Lepto 4 injection 4 weeks later. Please do your research before allowing your vet to give your dog vaccines. The entire reason the lepto vaccine is being pushed so hard is because of apparently anecdotal claims of just how prevalent lepto really is. But if you want to know just how many dogs have been harmed by the vaccine here in the US … well, you’ll never know. The MAT test came back in on Friday and confirmed acute leptospirosis. And the vaccine manufacturers don’t send them to the CVB unless they’re requested. I’m beyond worried about what this could cause in him. Vets, many of us being pet owners ourselves, completely understand the upset and concern when pets are unwell, however vaccinations save lives and are an important tool in keeping animals healthy. They are also more common in tropical climates where there’s likelihood of standing water or flooding. Hi. All dogs should receive one dose of LeptoVax 4 and a second dose 2 to 3 weeks later. They refused to fully pay for a necropsy (autopsy) to attempt to find the cause of her death. 8 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I think it’s disgusting how Vets are trying to cover up what is happening to dogs after having the Lepto. I am still back and forth with Banfield trying to get answers or an explanation as to how our dog died. It is found in wildlifesuch as rats, pigs, raccoons, cattle, foxes, skunks, and opossums and is commonly distributed through standing water such as ponds, puddles, and areas of water runoff. Most pet owners are familiar with diseases such as rabies and Lyme disease, but a lesser-known disease called leptospirosis is killing dogs, and while there is a vaccine … The Telegraph July 2, 2016. Dog Ear Infections: Natural Remedies THAT WORK! In more serious cases, jaundice—a yellowing most easily seen in the whites of the eyes—can occur as the kidneys are affected. Vets are not willing to admit or are in denial about the risk posed by the vaccine—it can kill perfectly fit and healthy dogs. Secondly, the risks associated with the vaccine are very low. He is going for a ultraound tomorrow. Three days ago, we took our 8 year old English bulldog, Mishka, to our local Banfield Pet Hospital for her “wellness check up.” Banfield will call us annually under this plan to give our dogs vaccinations and check ups. Every vaccine causes a reaction The smaller the dog the more likely they will have a vaccine reaction. Most veterinary experts agree the lepto vaccine is the one that’s most likely to cause serious adverse events. Young puppies generally are given these vaccines when they're 12 weeks in age and then again between two and four weeks later. Mr. Darcy had no measurable platelets. He was never vaccinated for Lepto. My 12 year old Irish Setter, Flicka, got the Lepto vaccine last Thursday. There are estimates of between 100 and 200 human cases per year and half of those cases occur in Hawaii.8 Infection is much more prevalent in tropical climates and in impoverished areas of the world with poor sanitation and underdeveloped infrastructures. She was perfectly healthy before the vaccine and now has seizures and she’s only 3! Please please do research before letting them give your dog this vaccine. Most of the lepto scare is being perpetuated by the people who stand to profit from vaccines. Here’s What To Do. This vaccine should be banned. You can change your mind and unsubscribe anytime. I have brought this information to the vet, they will not confirm nor deny that this was the cause. To this day I believe it was the vaccine that set this off. Although the infection is transmissible to humans, few cases are reported in the U.S. can be fatal to dogs—particularly puppies and young animals. my dog had the Lepto vaccine 5 says ago, is lethargic, has diarrhea, has started gagging and coughing up mucous and foam, the vet says he thinks he’s just stressed out from us adopting our dog from a rescue shelter a week previously, the thing is the dog was completely fine until he received the vaccine, they put him on probiotics but doesn’t seem to be helping, will be calling the vet again in the morning, Omg! This one s for leptospirosis which is not recommended as a “core” vaccine to be given routinely to your dog unless in a leptospirosis area, though it has course of course become the norm for all dogs today. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the worldwide prevalence of leptospirosis in humans at 0.1 to 1 per 100,000 people in temperate climates and 10 or more per 100,000 in tropical climates. It is a spirochete, like Lyme disease, and I suspect it uses some of the same mechanisms to hide from the immune system within one’s cells by camouflage, moving into different life cycles when threatened, etc… How the hell some genius thinks they can vaccinate against something like that, I’d love to hear. (NOTE: Want to know exactly how many unnecessary vaccines your dog gets? You must also consider if your pet, or its siblings, have had previous vaccination reactions. Copyright 2016. So let’s do the math. I will never allow someone to do things without my permission and now I have vet bills to pay for after care. Leptospirosis is a treatable bacterial infection that can be contracted by dogs through contact with the urine of infected animals. © 2020 Dogs Naturally Magazine Inc. He had zero platelets and was given Prednisolone. Since I don’t over vaccinate my dogs have no weird skin allergies and no food allergies . I feel so helpless as there is nothing I can do to establish the truth and I have lost faith in vets as I feel these boosters are more about making money than caring for my dog. LEPTOMANIA The Problem With Leptospirosis Vaccines . I have only gone back to that other vet to pick up a prescription called in from my new vet. The disease is worse, believe me. I am so sad that I allowed a vet at a mobile clinic to give this vaccine to my 14 year old Pomeranian. My wife brought Mishka home at approximately 6:00pm and noticed that she was panting heavily. We offer a pet passport service for pets travelling to Europe. Rodents can carry and spread the bacteria that causes this disease. Now the vaccine is given separately and vaccine reactions are not as significant as once thought. All vaccines, for example, the vaccine is safe or not the bottom line drugs transfusions! Deadly vaccine writing because all I ’ m going to blame my choices the... 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