1:30 MLA- and CMS-style journal articles share some common characteristics. I explore both Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives in order to demonstrate (a) how fantastical play facilitates cultural appropriation and damaging “race play” and (b) how these spaces affect Indigenous players. Vol.8 No.12,December 18, 2020, DOI: Prisons, The âIrishâ Female Servant in Valerie Martinâs, Entangled Narratives: History, Gender and the Gothic, Reconfiguring Home Through Travel: The Poetics of Home, Displacement and Travel in Agha Shahid Aliâs Poetry, Disturbances of the Home/land in Anglophone Postcolonial Literatures, Queer Culture and Literature in Eighteenth-Century Studies. You seem to have javascript disabled. Located at the territorial border of powerful states in the world, Okinawa has been a politically contested place because of the long and disproportionate hosting of the US military installations in Japan. Reviewing journal rankings and revisiting peer reviews: Editorial perspectives. Located at the territorial border of powerful states in the world, Okinawa has been a politically contested place because of the long and disproportionate hosting of the US military installations in Japan. Vol.7 No.12,December 16, 2020, DOI: World literature, however, exhibits a wider range of the pastoral in which poets contest social injustice and serve as. 1967), both Israeli children of Holocaust survivors, readers encounter the kinds of searching questions about inheriting the burden of traumatic inheritance, witnessing, and postmemory frequently intrinsic to second-generation literature in other national contexts. 7 Downloads 46 Views Citations, Protection and Utilization of Confucian Temple in Southern Shaanxi from the Perspective of Cultural Heritage (Articles), Open Journal of Social Sciences 24 Downloads 66 Views Citations, Urban Expansion and Green Urbanism in an Amazonian Metropolis: The Production of Urbanized Nature in the Metropolitan Region of Belem (Articles), Current Urban Studies 10.4236/jss.2020.812016 I close with Indigenous perspectives on new possibilities for Indigenous larp projects and cultural reclamation. As a charismatic spokesperson for the popular democratic movement in Haiti during an era of entrenched dictatorship and repressive violence, Aristide boldly confronted the “four-headed monster” of the Haitian power structure—the army, the church hierarchy, the. 10.4236/jss.2020.812017 Journal of Management Studies, 44(4), 612-621. World literature, however, exhibits a wider range of the pastoral in which poets contest social injustice and serve as voices of resistance against oppression. Drawing upon ethnographic research in Okinawa, I share various stories of people engaged in active Indigenous resurgence, whom I have termed “resurgents.” Stories of these resurgents show their commitment to the land-based farming and community-based activism of restoring the Indigenous landscape and foodways. The 2017 video game. 7 Downloads 28 Views Citations, Building the Foundations of Collaboration: From Housing Development to Community Renewal (Articles), Zohreh Karaminejad, Suzanne Vallance, Roy Montgomery, DOI: Specifically, it details how food culture entwines with socio-environmental restoration to benefit three low-income urban and peri-urban communities. 10.4236/blr.2020.114055 Speculating Ancestor(ie)s: The Cavernous Memory of White Innocence and Fluid Embodiments of Afrofuturist Memory-Work, âTo Extract from It Some Sort of Beautiful Thingâ: The Holocaust in the Families and Fiction of Nava Semel and Etgar Keret, âSometimes Your Memories Are Not Your Ownâ: The Graphic Turn and the Future of Holocaust Representation, Resurgents Create a Moral Landscape: Indigenous Resurgence and Everyday Practices of Farming in Okinawa, Integrating Food Culture with Socio-Environmental Recovery: Case Study Perspectives from the Global South, The Textual Ecology of Christine Montalbettiâs, âThe Ghost Language Which Passes between the Generationsâ: Transgenerational Memories and Limit-Case Narratives in Lisa Appignanesiâs, Contemporary British-Jewish Literature, 1970–2020, Banned Books behind Bars: Prototyping a Data Repository to Combat Arbitrary Censorship Practices in U.S. Poetic travel across geographic and literary terrain, in Ali’s oeuvre, thus speaks to the fraught and complex nature of the “home” in postcolonial and diasporic contexts, while remapping the home through the “re-homing” of the “foreign”. As a Catholic priest (Salesian order), Aristide was fueled by the religio-socialist principles of liberation theology, which emerged as a significant force in Latin America primarily in the 1970s and 1980s, forcefully and vocally advocating for the masses of Haitian poor mired in deeply-entrenched disenfranchisement and exploitation. More specifically, this essay explores the correlation between land-based practices of farming and (a)political activism in the community. Calling upon the Deuteronomic imperative to “teach your children,” second and third-generation Holocaust writers, through the hybrid form of the graphic novel, attempt to give shape to the traumatic imprint of the Shoah and its haunting aftermath for generations extending beyond that history. The Open Library of the Humanities is a project which provides open access publication in humanities subjects with no author-facing publication charge, and whose peer review process is modelled on that of PLOS. 1967), both Israeli children of Holocaust survivors, readers encounter the kinds of searching questions about inheriting the burden of traumatic inheritance, witnessing, and postmemory frequently intrinsic to second-generation literature in other national, In literary narratives by Nava Semel (1954–2017) and Etgar Keret (b. The humanities are distinguished from the sciences. Previous article in journal; Next article in journal; Abstract. Open access, peer reviewed, online-only. Research findings emerge from three areas of investigation: medical humanities, cultural studies, and pedagogy. Taking a cue from Hirt’s paper, this contribution is mainly focused on contemporary juridical debate on the movement of people, and the legal status of foreigners in the Nation-State and the implications in terms of legal guarantees, of the conceptualization of the principle of dignity in historical perspective. Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) provides a forum for sharing timely and up-to-date publication of scientific research and review articles.The journal publishes original research papers at the forefront of humanities and social sciences. Through this discovery, “Banned Books Behind Bars” became an endeavor to standardize practices of data aggregation amongst banned books organizations throughout the country. The current era has seen a burgeoning of Holocaust literary representation in the evolving genre of graphic novels, narratives that reanimate and materialize the past through the juxtapositions and intersections of text and image. To explore Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s rise from obscure rural Haiti to become the nation’s first democratically elected president—by a landslide—is to enter into a world and a swirl of events that reads like surreal fiction or magical realism. However, their works are further distinguished by acute examinations that probe the moral fabric of Israeli society itself, including dehumanization of the enemy through slogans and other debased forms of language and misuses of historical memory. Specifically, it details how food culture entwines with socio-environmental restoration to benefit three low-income urban and peri-urban communities located in Thailand, India and Brazil. Our scope is inclusive: we encourage multi- and inter-disciplinary work as well as new and experimental forms of … Dalmatians and DaciansâForms of Belonging and Displacement in the Roman Empire. Puerto Ricans, caught in the “insular scheme” of U.S. citizenship since American citizenship was imposed on them in 1917, are the most obvious exemplars of “differentiated citizens” in the nation and have struggled in multiple ways with the question of inclusion as citizens. 10.4236/cus.2020.84033 Medical humanities covers literature on history, philosophy, and bioethics as well as social and behavioral sciences that have strong humanistic traditions. 7 Downloads 31 Views Citations, Women Empowerment in Leading Environmental Education (EE) and Waste Management Advocacy (WMA) among Mothers in the Maritime University (JBLFMU-Molo) Philippines (Articles), Rolando A. Alimen, Emily R. Portal, Ma. I argue that Ali’s verse, through multiple journeys ranging over locations, languages, cultures, and literary terrain, interrogates and collapses the boundaries between the “home” and the world. It argues that, despite differences in time and space, both genres of poetry offer forceful criticisms of empire and consider pastoral values, aesthetics, and landscapes as a means of resistance against it. A Study on Layout of Cultural Programs in the Chinese Language. North American larping (live-action roleplaying) is a collaborative performance that encourages critical and creative engagement with cooperative, improvisational narratives. Vol.7 No.12,December 18, 2020, DOI: Read the latest articles of Social Sciences & Humanities Open at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature The final prototype is a digital repository, created with Airtable software, which offers authoritative dataset consolidation for activists and organizations working to deliver books to prisoners. This paper comparatively explores various speculative works that either reinforce a paradigm of White innocence that serves to deny such legacies or center critical dialogue between the past and present. An open-access journal, it is multilingual and both disciplinal and multi-disciplinary. It details effective, proven initiatives that have been regionally replicated to support marginalized communities to better cope with the negative effects of simultaneous stressors. This covers the costs of the peer-review process, copyediting, typesetting, publication on our website, marketing, and indexing in major databases. HSSR aims to publish interdisciplinary research with a primary focus on original research or reviews in various disciplines of humanities and social sciences. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The International Journal of Digital Humanities is a peer-reviewed academic journal with a focus on digital media and the development, application and reflection of digital research methodology in the Humanities. This paper thus examines pastoral poetics’ contribution to social commentary on empire in both imperial Rome and the arguably imperialist present encapsulated by America’s post 9/11 political-military interventions in the Middle East. Focusing particularly on poetic experimentation as a mode of travel, it aims to show how such literary travel makes new homes, while remembering and articulating Ali’s lost homes. Humanities is published quarterly online by MDPI. The journal provides an innovative forum for writers and researchers to contribute immensely to the research and academic … Ecocritical scholarship has always had pedagogical ambitions. It provides a contribution to the field of social-ecological restoration planning in relation to food studies in lowest-income contexts. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews [eISSN 2395-6518] is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, research journal. Historically, the effects of military occupation and control of land appeared in the dispossession of Indigenous land, a transition of the local economy, and furthermore, environmental destruction of agrarian space. The journal aims to foster critical and theoretical debates in the areas of classics, fine and performing arts, communication, literature and orature, linguistics, theology and philosophy. Semel’s numerous articles, and fiction as well as nonfiction books, frequently address second and third-generation trauma, arguably most impressively in her harrowing five-part novel, “The legacy of the Shoah” writes Eva Hoffman, a child of Holocaust survivors, “is being passed on to … the post-generation … The inheritance … is being placed in our hands, perhaps in our trust.” We are entering an era that will witness. A journal article summary provides potential readers with a short descriptive commentary, giving them some insight into the article’s focus. 11 Downloads 39 Views Citations, Fuzzy Model for Diagnosing Soft Skills in Engineering Training (Articles), Débora Barni de Campos, Luis Mauricio Martins Resende, Alexandre Borges Fagundes, Creative Education This article belongs to the Special Issue on Open Library of Humanities open library of humanities The Open Library of Humanities journal publishes internationally-leading, rigorous and peer-reviewed scholarship across the humanities disciplines: from classics, theology and philosophy, to modern languages and literatures, film and media studies, anthropology, political theory and sociology. I argue that the everyday act of farming, while perhaps seemingly apolitical and personal, has been and becomes a form of sociopolitical action that not only acts to resist settler-military space but also to sustain firmly and to call forth resurgent Okinawan Indigeneity from the ground. In addition it … Between sessions, researcher response art pieces were created for each participant piece, with accompanying journal reflections to engage with the ideas they explored. These database can be sorted by subject so you can find relevant ones easily. Such an impulse reconfigures and reimagines the home through the inhabiting and repeated “homing” of multiple, “foreign” locations. 7 Downloads 31 Views Citations, Design and Research of Health Tester System Based on STM32 (Articles), DOI: (This article belongs to the Special Issue, Recent portrayals of ancient Egypt in popular culture have renewed attention concerning the historical accuracy of how race and racism appear in representations of antiquity. those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). 11 Downloads 34 Views Citations, The Establishment of the Proportion of Stress Levels and Its Association with the Demographic Factors among Individuals That Participated in the Taxpayers’ Appreciation Week 2018, Kampala, Uganda (Articles), Nabunya Mariah Peggy, Nwanna Uchechukwu Kevin, Rebecca Suubi, Awunor Nyemike Simeon, Ilori Oluwole, Aremu Abdulmujeeb Babatunde, Fred Kasirye, Psychology IISTE is a member of CrossRef. Journal History. 6 Downloads 21 Views Citations, The Cross-Sectional Study of Quality of Life of Caregivers of Mentally Retarded Children in S District of Chongqing China (Articles), Wenxia Li, Lijun Wang, Qian Peng, Xue Du, Jun Ma, DOI: This paper explores this phenomenon and its ramifications. 4 Downloads 20 Views Citations, Analysis on the Charm of Football from the Perspective of Dialectics (Articles), Advances in Applied Sociology ITYOPIS Northeast African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (NEAJ) For those interested in publishing original research in the humanities and social sciences on the Horn of Africa. Vol.11 No.4,December 18, 2020, DOI: Three areas of investigation: medical Humanities is led by Dr Brandy Schillace, effects! At Chancellor College, University of Malawi help to argue for the value of literature education violence! Bioethics as well as social and behavioral Sciences that have strong humanistic traditions Indigenous cultural practices and racist! 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