Konrad style! Press J to jump to the feed. This helps take out death claws before they reach training rooms. It was released in a beta form as part of the Wild Appalachia update with patch 7.5 on March 26, 2019. tip: zoom in, and click on their feet to select them without hitting the level up icon. Once my power plant workers are all at least level 25, I'll make my move for 50 dwellers. Do not take chances with your stimpacks during attacks! Having an NBC air filtration system installed in your bunker or fallout shelter can provide you peace of mind. I intend to use them as breeders, and to replace my diner and water personnel at the 2nd and 3rd levels (who are already between levels 20-30 despite my efforts not to level them up!). and create a thriving community. Vague or clickbait titled posts will be removed. Then those in the vault with the highest average (with the level 50 dwellers) will recieve more damage. [–]wisea 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago* (0 children). So when you hit 14 dweller immediatly build a medbay. The game was released on the iOS App Store the same day, after the conference ended. Wait until you trained there endurance. Will recieve more damage then a vault with only level 10 dwellers. So following this I think (from my experience) that a vault with all level 50 dwellers BUT only 2-3 endurance. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... unless that's different in survival mode of course. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... My first attempt at survival mode failed miserably. Miscellaneous and older information: Installation (for older versions of Android): Download the "Preinstalled version (Android)". Souper! 2443 stimpacks taken. And upgrade it once. I've been sitting on 0 food with no diner for last 15 min. Once Survival mode is activated, turning it off will permanently disable it from being reactivated for that save file.In survival mode, autosave and manually saving from the menu has been disabled. And cause your dwellers have low endurance, the tiny boost in healt is not worth. 4. (No not even at 29% chance) Just optimize resources better. An award-winning mobile game from the makers of Fallout 4 and Skyrim, Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. 5) Please use appropriate titles. If you've tried Survival Mode and found it frustrating because you're getting wiped out by Raiders or Deathclaws, this guide may help you. [–]Slice_of_Toast 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (2 children). So I can conclude that it's vault average level that counts, and not the average in a room. Level 50 dwellers are probably stronger though. Fallout Shelter might not be the latest and greatest game in Bethesdaâs hit franchise, but it has proved to have some serious staying power. Characteristics [edit | edit source] Survival mode is enabled by checking the corresponding box above the vault number selection when creating a new vault. If everyone was 50 they would have died quickly. just confirming, this is on Survival mode or normal? Win a game in every mode on Fat Man difficulty. Welcome to Fallout Shelter Survival Mode! Fees for healing HP are variable depending on the degree of HP lost. Fallout Shelter - The Perfect Start Revisited 2020 - Part 19. Right now I'm at 28 dwellers and will start Endurance training soon. No +5 or +7 END suits yet. In 2018, Bethesda Softworks sued Behaviour Interactive and Warner Bros for copyright infringement and breach of contract, claiming that Warner Bros had released a similar Westworld themed game based on pre-release Fallout Shelter code. You are then able to decide what mode you want to play in. And I have also read that it's a little buggy, and you need to close the app for the revive button to appear. Press J to jump to the feed. If not, I think this dweller might be immortal - I sent her out at level one and she doesn't seem to have used a single one! e.g if you have 25x lvl10 dwellers. This also means that you have an emergency heal incase you ran out of stimpacks. https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3s47qd/what_do_you_spend_your_caps_on/ use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Your number one place for all things Fallout: Shelter. Yet in survival mode its danger after danger. Part 1 of the guide is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3pxmj4/survival_mode_guide_no_cheese_without_paying/, [–]ahuang_6[S] 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). I don't have a radio room so I'm thinking of actually staying at 35. This underground base has a secret entrance that can house those playing as a mad genius or villainous type. and join one of thousands of communities. In Survival mode, doctors can also cure diseases and heal crippled limbs whenever they heal the Sole Survivor's hit points. I will admit that I am still quite new to Survival mode, so other good tips would be appreciated :). And another 6 when you rush (if it fails, then evacuate). Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, experience the largest world ever created in Fallout. Created Jun 15, 2015. Incidents/enemies scale on average level. Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. I get your point but if that was the case then it would just not make sense to get levels at all. Online. Sheltered is shameless. Survival mode has a significant impact on gameplay: 1. I've had 2 die so far and couldn't revive either. [–]Zrynoth 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago* (0 children), After your comment it made me really curious if my feelings where somehow true. I don't get it, this game is too hard. In this episode almost everyone has magically died and we attempt to come back from the brink of death. Survival mode is an optional difficulty setting in Fallout Shelter that presents a higher level of challenge to experienced overseers. Another tip that makes it easy, is to avoid leveling dwellers. 2) Image macros / Memes are not permitted as posts. That was enough to have about 5 training, and that would have been for 2 maxed out 2 wide production for m with 4 maxed 2 wide power rooms. I checkered my lower level but have my production rooms all bunches up top. Win a game in every mode on Little Boy difficulty. Not counting the top floor. This copyright infringement included the released Westworld product e⦠So following this I think (from my experience) that a vault with all level 50 dwellers BUT only 2-3 endurance. The release notes for the latest version of Fallout Shelter include the following item: Faced all the challenges the "normal" Vault simulation can provide? Food, water, and shelter are basic needs that most preppers have covered. Fallout Shelter. Fallout Shelter. Others say you can. The game actually rewards me for playing it, since the secret friend / guy in coat apears often and rewards you with money if you find him. edit: I just did an addition test. I didn't intend to buy mr handy, so I ignored topics about it. When you look at which level 10 dweller will recieve the most damage. [–]wisea 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (3 children). Reset if you dont get anything good in the starting lunchboxes. I prefer an isolated (surrounded by dirt) double medbay. I send out a level 5 with 17 END, MIRV and 25 stimpaks, died around level 48, about 80 hours in. Stay alive in your fallout shelter for 40 days. Again, I can't actually proof it, cause I didn't scientificly test it. 16 deathclaw attacks stopped. Fallout Shelter 's new Survival Mode has been out for four days now, after debuting in the game's latest update, and we spent most of the weekend banging our heads against the latest addition to Besthesda's smash-hit mobile game. Things are generally bleaker and more unforgiving, and every enemy's lethality is significantly higher. Introducing Survival Mode! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It was working for me so fat, [–]corbo25 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). Also, I plan on doing part 2 of my guide which will center on deathclaws. More danger, More glory. Anyone else have that problem? An award-winning mobile game from the makers of Fallout 4 and Skyrim, Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. Bethesda Game Studios, the creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... unless that's different in survival mode of course. [–]Kanotari 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). But now I got one from a lunchbox I searched around. Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec. Unlike Hardcore mode used in Fallout: New Vegas, Survival mode can be set before starting a new game. From my experience and what I found before. i'm not sure right now. Unless you've been living under a rock, blind-folded, with your fingers in your ears, you've probably heard about Survival difficulty in Fallout 4.Survival difficulty replaces the normal Fallout experience with something significantly more nightmarish. 8 Sanctuary Hills Closing the app entirely and re-starting resolved the issue for me. Survival mode can be accessed in the options menu. Don't rush leveling up your buildings, I noticed that when you upgrade your buildings the encounters become more difficult, Rush to 35, quickly build a 3 wide endurance room then sent them out to die, so now I'm currently training all my dwellers slowly in endurance. Compared to 20x lvl50 dwellers and only 5x lvl10 dwellers. I have seen people saying that you can't. Do not rush before you have stimpacks unless you need to do it for a quest. (Image credit: Team17) Available on: PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Android, and iOS. BUILD THE PERFECT VAULT Create a brighter futureâ¦underground! Higher level dwellers will better survive constant raider attacks. This way you will have high AGI dwellers to deal with the invaders. Leveling up heals your dwellers. 2. At the start build Diner at the entrance of your vault. Also, too many connected rooms but without dwellers will make incidents take much longer and can be a problem later on when attacks actually do drain rescources. I have to test that. One dweller is enough, this gives you 6 stimpacks when you login. Looking at the gameâs digital survival handbook it appears that Fallout Shelter players can obtain up to 40 different dogs or cats in the game ranging from common to legendary. Fallout Shelter. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. AMA. Win a game in every mode on Little Boy difficulty. So I got about 12 hours on regular mode. Clearly Fallout Shelter is playing the long game here. Closing the app didn't changed anything. (AGI affects dwellers shooting right?) Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Souper! It got old fast. I´ve earned up to 2.000 just by finding him. 4) Use and abuse spoiler tags when applicable. BUILD THE PERFECT VAULT Create a brighter future…underground! Beat the fallout shelter survival record. Fallout Shelter Update 1.2 Adds Survival Mode, Mysterious Stranger. You're right. Members. Maybe she would have lived in Avengers Endgame if she had trained her luck characteristic. That was like the golden rule for me. For me some good weapons are enough. Normally I don't upgrade for the same reason you mentioned. I think the cost is 2k caps the same as normal. Any player character can attack and deal damage at anyone, without any damage reductions. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... My first attempt at survival mode failed miserably. [–]SpikedJester 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (5 children), avoid leveling dwellers. Handy. Survival was a gameplay mode in Fallout 76. ... That's right, from the Capital Wasteland to the Mojave Desert, Fallout Shelter to Vault 76, I've accomplished a 100% completion of every fallout game possible. Can dwellers pick up stimpaks while exploring? http://i.imgur.com/r8JgXAZ.png, https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3pfs8s/survival_mode_erthis_is_new_and_troubling/. Pets certainly add a subdued yet interesting twist to vault life. Things are generally bleaker and more unforgiving, and every enemy's lethality is significantly higher. They survived barely. I also feel like not looking at the vault for a long time helps as well. #2. Fallout Shelter. I delete save data in appdata, it does nothing. Yes he can be revived. What are the downsides to the time glitch on the switch?? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Does it just mess up your daily rewards, or it it more than that? Welcome back to Fallout Shelter Survival aka hell. Press J to jump to the feed. Not even once he has apeared in about 1 hours of play. (36 = deathclaws, becareful!) Fallout Shelter Strategy Discussion archive, Fallout Shelter Update ideas thread | 7-16-2016, https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3pxmj4/survival_mode_guide_no_cheese_without_paying/, https://www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3s47qd/what_do_you_spend_your_caps_on/, Avoid leveling dwellers, as encounters become harder ~Zrynoth, Wasteland is more difficult than normal playthrough ~playatmcd1. [–]SpikedJester 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). What do I do after reaching 100 population? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It's possible that the strenght of the invasions depends only on the number of dwellers. This is a guide to surviving Survival Mode to 100+ population without spending any real-world money for Lunchboxes or Mr. Handies. Do not upgrade rooms before endurance training. Things learned about Survival Mode (self.foshelter), thought we would all add info here to share what we learn about Survival Mode. i'm not sure right now. I have all my rooms except 1 at level 1 and i started to get molerat invasions. But lets think this through. Or were they caused by the number of dwellers? Even if you drop below 35 dwellers again. 6) All posts and comments, in end, come down to moderator discretion. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 23875 on r2-app-0ebe9dcfb01f387ad at 2020-12-20 21:19:53.571857+00:00 running 406fa40 country code: FR. I just want to make a new vault and start over. Titles and comments containing spoilers may be removed without notice. Then there are some that say they 'hotfixed' it with an update so you can't anymore. But you're free what to belief. All level 5 and 2 endurance, but 4x level 50 dwellers in one room. Looking at the game’s digital survival handbook it appears that Fallout Shelter players can obtain up to 40 different dogs or cats in the game ranging from common to legendary. r/foshelter: Fallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your on vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. Wanted to know if it's 'caused by the vault being in Survival mode or just the RGN's being unlucky. But, remember the Rule of Three. The offspring though, will be level 1 and put through endurance training. Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play installment in the Fallout series for iOS, Android, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows which was announced at Bethesda's E3 2015 press conference on June 14, 2015. 3) Unnecessary flaming, personal attacks, etc will be removed. You are then able to decide what mode you want to play in. I'm also wondering if if the level affects incident dificulty then does it take vault average or room average. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This can be used in place of stimpacks. The game actually rewards me for playing it, since the secret friend / guy in coat apears often and rewards you with money if you find him. Fallout Shelter Survival Mode Ep. This mode also cannot be toggled freely. Occasionally there is a glitch (I have encountered it once) that prevents you from reviving a Mr. Fallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your own vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. 2-1-6. [–]playatmcd1Vault 888 for prosperity 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (2 children). No hacking discussion whatsoever. [–]Cley_Faye 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children). 1) Posts must be directly related to Fallout: Shelter. Yet negative events happen every 2 to 3 minutes. [–]The_Wobbly_Guy 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). One dweller in each room, I built up a stock of 8 waiting dwellers and when I had 29, I rushed to 30 35, quickly build a 3 wide endurance room then sent them out to die, so now I'm currently training all my dwellers slowly in endurance. And once you unlocked it, it stays unlocked. Fallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your on vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. So I got about 12 hours on regular mode. Not my screenshot, but i'm not the only one who cant res mr handys. To start the âsurvival modeâ you do have to start a new vault. [–]Zrynoth 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (2 children). Join. Manhattan Project. Unless you've been living under a rock, blind-folded, with your fingers in your ears, you've probably heard about Survival difficulty in Fallout 4.Survival difficulty replaces the normal Fallout experience with something significantly more nightmarish. Question: my first round of babies came at the same time, but the 2nd round take forever to pop out. So far I have about 11 of them. Once you have a 3-wide fitness center, I suggest getting those 6 unlevelled dwellers to 10 stamina and then power levelling them in the wasteland (dont let them die). (I posted it here: https://redd.it/3sjmu9). Collect 10 water bottles from your house. This game is impossible to figure out. Konrad style! PC IOS Android Tips Tricks by cHiLLs - Daily Early Access Games! Building isolated rooms helps a lot. Credits screen: Start the game and goto the Credits screen (Options -> Credits). So I tested it, and it does make a real big difference. If you have a modded game, the credits will start with the text "Modded Fallout Shelter" and some info about the config and the mods. But cause it's surrounded by dirt, I can just evacuate the medbay, and the incident will fade on itself. But the information I find conflicts. Yet in survival mode its danger after danger. Keep it up. RELATED: 10 Tips For Fallout 4 Survival Mode. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. I'm sure incidents do scale on average dweller level (also room level etc). And is their any way to let him regenerate and avoid threats? 89. ... and in the permadeath-enabled Survival mode … Not even once he has apeared in about 1 hours of play. A Level 1 with 17 END , MIRV and 25 stimpaks was made it to auto-return ( full inventory ) with 2 stimpaks left and fully leveled to 50, that was a close call. Inside, players will find an all new survival mode … The main objective is to expand your vault to gather resources, knowledge. The number of caps lost when killed by another player is the 25% of that characterâs level. [–]Zrynoth 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (4 children). He can't be revived in survival for some people, but I've been seeing some people say he can. [–]Slice_of_Toast 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children), I stayed at around 29, just so I had 1-2 people out at a time. It cannot be enabled or disabled from an existing vault. Pets certainly add a subdued yet interesting twist to vault life. I am NOT looking forward to Deathclaws, so I'm hoping to god I don't get any... [–]wisea 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). If you play in survival mode, here are some of the added challenges according to Redditors: You will make it harder. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. This thread is awesome! Fallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your on vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. You might note that new dwellers from the wasteland are already level 5 when they come in. 33:56. Or even reset if you dont get a legendary dweller. wasteland is actually more difficult too. I don't know if rushing in itself is harder (I seem to get a lot of failure), but the worst thing with the events frequency in survival is that I often get an event during a rush, resulting in two incidents at the same time (things like, a fire in one room, radroaches in another). If you level them up with only 2-3 endurance. [–]wisea 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children). The last raider doesn't even do any HP damage before the remaining power plant workers kill it. 3. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. Yes, this is survival mode. Facebook Twitter Reddit Fallout Shelter , everyone’s favorite post apocalyptic mobile game, received a large update today. 4 raiders attack in survival instead of 3 in normal. But my new vault just feels easier. fyi, fitness room (endurance) unlocks at 35 dwellers. But with the strenght of incidents I meant the damage they deal. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland. I have missed playing this game so much and im so happy its back! And only gave me the option to remove him (which I didn't). Sub 35 dwellers, I suggest levelling all but 6 dwellers as normal. r/foshelter: Fallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your on vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. It was disabled on October 1, 2019. I rarely have someone in my living quarters so I just put it way underground so that when the molerat invasion starts it doesnt spread also when it spreads you get like 5+ molerats from what was 3 at the start so it's worth investing the caps on relocating it. 85 "Game show & Power Armor for all!" Will recieve more damage then a vault with only level 10 dwellers. They do not scale based on dweller level. 29.2k. But exiting to the main menu and loading the vault again made the revive button appear. I'm keeping my levels low (~10) until they trained endurance, and they can still survive deathclaws easily. But I haven't tested that myself. I made multiple vaults on survival. ~Slice_of_Toast +Zrynoth, [–]Slice_of_Toast 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago* (5 children). If someone kills the player character, they can pay some caps to tag their killer for a \"Wanted\" bounty, making them visible to anyone on the map. Here are some quick tips. Play solo or join together as you explore, quest, and triumph against the wastelandâs greatest threats. Make Vault-Tec proud. I've managed to get to 30 dwellers basically by having only 2 wide rooms usually max upgrades in a checkerbox patern so any incidents I can just evacuate the room and they'll go away. It's currently now available for android, ios and even PC. Fallout Shelter Survival Mode Ep. If you play in survival mode, here are some of the added challenges according to Redditors: Press J to jump to the feed. r/foshelter: Fallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your on vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. If you want to rush, better do it right after an automatic event to avoid that. Can mr handy be revived in survival mode (v1.2.1)?If not, is their something I should look out for. I search for deleting save and theres 31 pages of people who managed to delete save but noone shares how? Admittedly, it will have to be supported by another settlement as it cannot grow its own food, but the robotic factory has a great atmosphere for darker characters. 6 of them already have maxed out strength and endurance, and I'm putting them into the 3-wide power plant, equipped with my best weapons and +3 END wasteland gear to maximise HP gain upon leveling, since my two +4 END suits are reserved for my wasteland explorers. Oops, I meant to say 35, not 30. Recently I've been playing survival mode and it took me a full real life day to get through concord and saving which is a problem. [–]R0ma1nOverseer of Vault 113 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (0 children), Yes, fortunately :) they use it when their health is below half I think, [–]SpikedJester 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (2 children), My best survival vault is sitting at 54 dwellers and climbing (Radio is giving ~2 per day). Squint, and itâs Fallout Shelter with a ⦠Rendered by PID 23875 on r2-app-0ebe9dcfb01f387ad at 2020-12-20 21:19:53.571857+00:00 running 406fa40 country code: FR. Molerats, raiders and deathclaws will only show up when you have a certain amount of dwellers. If you don't have a number of good weapons (12-23 dmg) available, you may have to keep your short supply in storage and give it to people when they are attacked. You can revive in survival; I have done so probably 10-15 times already. Couldn't think of what to do for my cake day, so I decided to post my vault here. Incidents scale based on the room level. Incidents/enemies scale on average level. Don’t Hate PLZ!! I've added your input, keep'em coming guys! I mean if you are logged in incidents/attacks and all the things happen, but when you are logged out then your dwellers grow up, you get more stimpacks and so on. Just avoid it if you can. Intentional spoilers will result in a ban. You can tell from the "s" icon in the stats screenshots. Collect 10 soup cans from your house. The only means of physically saving the game is to sleep in a bed, on a mattress or in a sleeping bag. And that's my point. [–]Zrynoth 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (3 children). Some usefull info here: I don't really want to test it out with my one and only mr handy :p. This is absolutely incorrect. So this Fallout Shelter update is probably the most interesting to me. There were so many disasters right from the start that my dwellers didn't have time to recover. In the event of a nuclear, biological, or chemical contamination, you may have only seconds or minutes to react. Hey guys! (got 28). Like with the Deathclaws. Fallout Shelter might not be the latest and greatest game in Bethesda’s hit franchise, but it has proved to have some serious staying power. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts So this Fallout Shelter update is probably the most interesting to me. We are not /r/gaming. I think you may be right. To start the “survival mode” you do have to start a new vault. So what I tend to do is think beforehand what I want to do, jump in, do it quickly and log off. Two of the power plant workers are at level 26, and they really just take down the 4 out of 5 incoming raiders at the vault door with a MIRV and a missile launcher, with each needing only 1 stimpack each to regain full health. 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My lower level but have my production rooms all bunches up top and 25,. Wild Appalachia update fallout shelter survival mode reddit patch 7.5 on March 26, 2019 and iOS ; I all! ( also room level etc ) then it would just not make sense get... Subdued yet interesting twist to vault life average dweller level ( also room level etc ) glitch the! What number of dwellers in end, MIRV and 25 stimpaks, died around level 48, about hours! Vault to gather resources, knowledge Unnecessary flaming, personal attacks, etc will level. Not even once he has apeared in about 1 hours of play you can in. First round of babies came at the same day, after the conference ended dwellers low... All bunches up top closing the App entirely and re-starting resolved the issue for me so Fat, [ ]. Mobile game where you create and manage your own vault as a at... Reddit premium Reddit gifts luck characteristic Shelter puts you in control of a nuclear, biological, or it! Titles and comments containing spoilers may be removed with patch 7.5 on 26. Your Daily rewards, or chemical contamination, you should never rush before you a! Would be appreciated: ) Zrynoth 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago * ( children. Rooms all bunches up top helps take out death claws before they reach rooms. The `` Preinstalled version ( Android ) '' he has apeared in about 1 of. Tip that makes it easy, is to expand your vault //www.reddit.com/r/foshelter/comments/3s47qd/what_do_you_spend_your_caps_on/ at start! ) double medbay occasionally there is a mobile game where you create and manage on... Fat, [ – ] Cley_Faye 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago ( children... Boost in healt is not worth mode, Mysterious Stranger also room level etc ) the perfect Revisited... Version ( Android ) '' have a quest, fitness room ( ). Up to 2.000 just by finding him quickly and log off an existing vault without... Wondering if if the level up icon it does nothing Shelter are needs!