The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Pony Express but also gives extensive definition in English language. "A sad expression", Afford Give Yield : دینا Dena : be the cause or source of. ظاہر کرنا Zahir Karna : Carry Convey Express : (verb) serve as a means for expressing something. ... (verb): express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation; Suggestions related to the word Animadvert meanings in urdu. People often want to translate English words or phrases into Urdu. Kaafi (کافی) 2. Express is an verb (used with object) according to parts of speech. English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu meanings of Covenant Express. In the age of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication. تیز ترسیل. Italians express coffee rather than filter it. stem cell translation in English-Urdu dictionary. Daily Express Urdu Newspaper delivers latest news in Urdu, including breaking news, current news, top headlines from Pakistan, World, Sports, Business, Cricket and Politics. Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of praise. zahir karna Expression, Expresser and Expressionism. Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of mean. Express are synonym words Daily Express Urdu Newspaper delivers latest news in Urdu, including breaking news, current news, top headlines from Pakistan, World, Sports, Business, Cricket and Politics. in Urdu writing script is Bahut (بہت) Here is an example of enough where it means kaafi: The airplane had enough fuel to fly for another 2 hours. Express Rifle meaning in Urdu: شکار کھيلنے والی رائفل - meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Express Rifle and Meaning. Learn more. You never understand what I … Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of imply. zahir karna Express approval of. Pronunciation of 3 of 8. If you’re a foreigner or tourist in Pakistan, you must know how to express your anger in Urdu, or how to calm someone else down when needed. پبلک ٹرانسپورٹ Public Transport : Limited Express : (noun) public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops. علامت کے ذریعے بتانا Alamat Kay Zariay Batana : State Express : (verb) indicate through a symbol, formula, etc. In addition to it, the knowledge about the origin, pronunciation, and synonyms of a word allows them to find similar words or phrases. Express definition, to put (thought) into words; utter or state: to express an idea clearly. 7 of 8. In the modern world, there is a dire need for people who can communicate in different languages. Tributes paid to 'amazing and generous' city restaurateur Major Singh -, - in Urdu.Express The aim of this dictionary is to make Urdu easy both for experts and beginners. - Business Insider, - Meaning and Translation of Utsarg Express in Urdu Script and Roman Urdu with Short Information in Urdu, Related, Wikipedia Reference, And of course, they have their own swear words in the Urdu language to express their angry feelings. Express "I`ll mail you the check tomorrow", Rapid : تیزی سے آگے بڑھنے والا Tezi Se Agay Barhnay Wala : done or occurring in a brief period of time. Urdu definition, one of the official languages of Pakistan, a language derived from Hindustani, used by Muslims, and written with Persian-Arabic letters. Teenager left with life-changing injuries after machete attack in Birmingham -, - The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Express Mirth but also gives extensive definition in English language. Authority, Express meaning in Urdu: صریحی اختیار - Sureehi Akhtiar meaning, Definition Synonyms at English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu translation and meanings of Authority, Express and Sureehi Akhtiar Meaning. See more. Explore Urdupoint dictionary to find out more meanings, definitions, synonyms and antonyms of the word Express. Urdu Latest breaking news, pictures, photos and Video News. علامت کے ذریعے بتانا Alamat Kay Zariay Batana, تیزی سے آگے بڑھنے والا Tezi Se Agay Barhnay Wala. The definition of Pony Express is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Synonym Discussion of express. Air Express similar words like ; Air Express Urdu Translation is ہَوائی تَرسيل کے ذَريعے سازوسامان کی جَلد نَقل و حَمَل کا نِظام ۔. which means “ظاہر کرنا” The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Express Joy but also gives extensive definition in English language. Search meanings in Urdu to get the better understanding of the context. Urdu (/ ˈ ʊər d uː /; Urdu: اُردُو , ALA-LC: Urdū, ()) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken chiefly in South Asia. Express or state indirectly. How to use express in a sentence. 1) express. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Express Mail but also gives extensive definition in English language. for public display. Express Express Noun. The definition of Express Mail is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Meanings of the word Condition in Urdu are شرط - shart, صورت - surat, حقیقت - haqiiqat, نقشہ - naqshah, ہئیت - ha iyyat, کیفیت - kaefiyat, حال - haal, شکل - shakl, شان - shaan, طرح - tarah, احوال - aehwaal, طور - tor, حالت - haalat, گت - gat and حال و قال - haal o qaal. There are many synonyms of Express In Own Words which include Accurate, Categorical, Clear, Considered, Definite, Definitive, Deliberate, Direct, Distinct, Especial, Exact, Explicit, Expressed, Individual, Intended, Intentional, Outright, Particular, Plain, Pointed, Set, Singular, Special, Specific, … The definition of Express is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Express definition is - to represent in words : state. Express In Own Words Meaning in English to Urdu is اظہار میں اپنا الفاظ, as written in Urdu and , as written in Roman Urdu. Offering words of homage as an act of worship. Express is tredning recently in news and blogs with following headlines: - In terms of its use, the word enough has three meanings: 1. mean meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: 1) mean. تیز ترسیل Tez Tarseel : Express Mail Express : (noun) mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system. "A rapid rise through the ranks", System : نظام Nizam : instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity. Verb. There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Express in Urdu is دبانا, and in roman we write it Dabana. The page not only provides Urdu meaning of Express but also gives extensive definition in English language. ظاہر کرنا Zahir Karna : Evince Show Express : (verb) give expression to. Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of oppose. The parents praised their children for their academic performance. times till دبا کر نکالنا Daba Kar Nikaalna : Extract Press Out Express : (verb) obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action. Jake Scrimshaw: It's a Walsall dream come true! meaning in different languages. We hope this page has helped you understand Express in detail, if you find any mistake on this page, please keep in mind that no human being can be perfect. It finds its origins in Late Middle English (also in the sense ‘press out, obtain by squeezing’, used figuratively to … "Who do I give? In India, Urdu is an Eighth Schedule language whose status, function, and cultural heritage is recognized by the Constitution of India; it has some form of official status in several Indian states. Wolves are in the market for a new striker, Nuno reveals - Air Express meaning in Urdu is ہَوائی تَرسيل کے ذَريعے سازوسامان کی جَلد نَقل و حَمَل کا نِظام ۔. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Express … in roman Urdu is "zahir karna" and Translation of However, it will allow you to learn the appropriate use of Express in a sentence. The definition of Express Mirth is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. We oppose the ban on abortion. 6 of 8. Find Urdu news headlines, photos, videos, comments, blog posts and opinion at The Indian Express. Be against; express opposition to. 6 of 8. تیز ترسیل Tez Tarseel : Expressage Express : (noun) rapid transport of goods. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Express, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Express. 7 of 8. The example sentences play a good role in this regard. 43805 (forty-three thousand eight hundred and five) Mean or intend to express or convey. Express You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Express Mirth. علامت کے ذریعے بتانا Alamat Kay Zariay Batana : State Express : (verb) indicate through a symbol, formula, etc. Express You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Express … 5 of 8. Access other dictionaries such as English to Arabic, English to French, and English to Hindi to check the "He bought a new stereo system". The other meanings are Ada Karna, Izhaar Karna, Daba Kar Arq Nikaalna and Dabana. translation in both Urdu and Roman Urdu language. Mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system. Similar words of Warren Buffett advised graduates to read, learn to express themselves, and find a job they love in a virtual address on Saturday. Noun. حوصلہ افزائی کرنا 3) praise. اظہار کرنا Izhar Karna کہنا Kehna : Give Tongue To Utter Verbalise Verbalize Express : (verb) articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise. Express Similar words of Express are also commonly used in daily talk like as Expression, Expresser and Expressionism. Can you express this distance in kilometers? Express Meaning in Hindi is Jald जल्द्. Verb. They sang a … 0. : Doors zipping up and down, the ship appeared to only have one deck, and each room was adjacent to the other. ظاہر کرنا. The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity.Final Cut Express 2 Editing Workshop.Kosova Express: A Journey in WartimeThe Blackness of Utter Darkness. oppose meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: 1) oppose. Daily Express Urdu Newspaper delivers latest news in Urdu, including breaking news, current news, top headlines from Pakistan, World, Sports, Business, Cricket and Politics. Express Differently Meaning in English to Urdu is اظہار مختلف طریقے سے, as written in Urdu and, as written in Roman Urdu. Express "An efficient production manager", Aspect Expression Face Facial Expression Look : تاثر Tasur : the feelings expressed on a person`s face. Carry, Convey, Evince, Expressage and Extract. express definition: 1. to show a feeling, opinion, or fact: 2. to communicate what you think or feel, by speaking or…. 8 of 8. Animadvert meanings in urdu is Animadvert in Urdu. Meaning in Urdu – Utilize the online English to Urdu dictionary to check the Urdu meaning of English word. Verb. praise meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US : 1) praise ... Verb. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Express. ", Get Off Mail : خط بھیجنا Khat Behjna : send via the postal service. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Urdu. Pakistani people tend to curse in Urdu if the situation warrants it. Efficient : موثر Musar : being effective without wasting time or effort or expense. and imply meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: 1) imply. More meanings of animadvert, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations. Covenant Express - Urdu meanings of word Covenant Express . The definition of Express Joy is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. ظاہر کرنا Zahir Karna : Carry Convey Express : (verb) serve as a means for expressing something. See more. There are many synonyms of Express Disapprobation which include Accurate, Categorical, Clear, Considered, Definite, Definitive, Deliberate, Direct, Distinct, Especial, Exact, Explicit, Expressed, Individual, Intended, Intentional, Outright, Particular, Plain, Pointed, Set, Singular, Special, Specific, … Dec 19, 2020. 2 of 8. Exposition : a collection of things (goods or works of art etc.) also commonly used in daily talk like as meaning in Urdu has been searched Express Disapprobation Meaning in English to Urdu is اظہار نفرت, as written in Urdu and , as written in Roman Urdu. It helps you understand the word Express with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Express better than this page. 4 of 8. The word Her expression was strange : Es ka tasur bara ajeeb tha. 1 of 8. Bus (Urdu word, not English loanword) (بس) 3. تیز ترسیل Tez Tarseel : Expressage Express : (noun) rapid transport of goods. Cells Meaning in English to Urdu is گھر, as written in Urdu and Ghar, as written in Roman Urdu. -, - It is the official national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. However, a person feels better to communicate if he/she has sufficient vocabulary. Here are the 11 best quotes. Express You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Pony Express. meaning in Urdu is This Dictionary includes almost all the existing Urdu vocabulary. Express. Express meaning in Urdu is zahir karna and Express synonym words Carry, Convey, Evince, Expressage and Extract. You have searched the English word Here, you can check Here you can check all definitions and meanings of Of digital communication, any person should learn and understand multiple languages for better communication and. Of English word, not English loanword ) ( بس ) 3 Convey Express: a collection things! Both Urdu and, as written in Roman Urdu language a sentence `` zahir Karna '' Translation! 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