1 decade ago 'Cross' is just another way of saying 'angry'. Anger is the dominant feeling. Another word for cross. I don't understand how anyone could make a general statement like "it's not used in the US". Cross means temporarily in an irritable or fretful state, and somewhat angry: He gave her a cross reply and walked out of the room. Yet, 'cross' to mean 'angry' is used in the US. offended, upset, or angry, usually by a small slight or a friendly insult.I was just kidding. To "cross someone" is very different! This meant an ill-tempered person. (heraldiccharge) Any geometric figure having this or a similar shape, such as a cross of Lorraine or a Maltese cross. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. ; Fruits Basket: . Cross definition is - a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution. I was very angry … Understand the difference between Cross and Angry. [email protected]. Find out what connects these two synonyms. Like, "She was cross about the rain." Feeling angry or annoyed. Find more ways to say cross, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Annoyed is when you aren't happy with something/someone and you are stressed but not pissed off or angry. Hope this helps :) 1 4. sara . As adjectives the difference between angry and cross is that angry is displaying or feeling anger while cross is transverse; lying across the main direction. Cross-dressing has been practiced throughout much of recorded history, in many societies, and for many reasons. noun. (Rubik's Cube) Four edge cubies of one side that are in their right places, forming the shape of a cross. Anonymous. All emoji pictures here has a text label that explains it's exact meaning to avoid ambiguity and possible confusion when typing and reading messages with emoji symbols and smileys on Facebook, Twitter and messaging applications. Of late … How to use cross in a sentence. Again: cross is used in the US to mean angry, although not as often as "angry" is used to mean angry and not as commonly as in the UK. I am cross with him because he took my pen without permission. If you want to know what do all the emojis mean, you are in a right place. 35 synonyms of angry from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 79 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Grumpy implies that the person is uncommunicative but seems to be angry about something. Cross and grumpy are about the same. A red symbol found in Anime/Manga and used to represent the veins popping on a very angry person. Learn more. cross cross 3 S2 adjective [usually before noun] especially British English ANGRY angry or annoyed get/be cross (with somebody) She gets cross when he goes out drinking. 0 0. 0 0. You can sign in to vote the answer. Cognate with Icelandic kross (“cross”), Faroese krossur (“cross”), Danish kors (“cross”), Swedish kors (“cross”). Find more ways to say angry, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. What does cross with expression mean? A wooden post with a perpendicular beam attached and used (especially in the Roman Empire) to execute criminals (by crucifixion). ... to get angry/ mad/ cross; to make somebody angry/ mad/ cross; Extra Examples. It means to oppose someone, or to block someone from doing something. Lv 7. His face became angry. If you cross someone who is likely to get angry, you oppose them or refuse to do what they want. - przechodzić, przekroczyć, przeprawić się (np. Cross is similar to angry, only less intense. Cross Ex. See more. A red symbol found in Anime/Manga and used to represent the veins popping on a very angry person. When angry or outraged, a cross- or Y-shaped intersection of veins never fails to appear on an anime character's forehead and/or fist. Anger Symbol was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. In US English "cross" is almost never used in the sense of "angry. a crowd of angry protesters mad [not before noun] informal angry Dad was mad at me for damaging the car. What does cross with expression mean? To stamp or mark a cheque in such a way as to prevent it being cashed, thus requiring it to be deposited into a bank account. When you're upset, you feel hurt and disappointment more than anger. If someone's angry or cross, they feel anger more than hurt. Copy and Paste See more words with the same meaning: to be sad, disappointed. 5. [ VERB noun ] 1 0. • The right cross is the payoff punch of the entire science. I am American and used to see it often, but it is a bit passe now. ... Bad-tempered, angry, annoyed. Upset definition: If you are upset , you are unhappy or disappointed because something unpleasant has... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples See Wiktionary Terms of Use for details. Easy to Search, Copy & Paste! A version of saying that you are mad at some one. Your sentence would sound more natural if you had written, "Could you please tell me if the word cross is used in AmE to mean angry?". PS: Is my question written in natural English? Angry, mad, cross all mean the same thing, basically. They were cross or angry. How do you know how everyone speaks? ##* {{quote-news, year=2011, date=February 12, author=Mark Orlovac, work=BBC. Opposing, adverse; being contrary to what one would hope or wish for. przez rzekę), przemierzyć (np. If you ever cross him, forget it, you're finished. cross product of the previous vector and the following vector. In this usage, "cross with" is a set phrase followed by a noun or pronoun. Conveys varying degrees of anger, from grumpiness and irritation to disgust and outrage. angry adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Definition and synonyms of cross from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Please show me example sentences with cross with~ is "cross" and "angry" same meaning? (obsolete) A coin stamped with the figure of a cross, or that side of such a piece on which the cross is stamped; hence, money in general. How do you know how everyone speaks? CROSS Meaning: "instrument of Christ's crucifixion; symbol of Christianity" (mid-10c. Definition of to feel cross To appear angry, as if jealous, impatient, or annoyed.|annoyed or quite angry example: I was cross with him for being late.|@ArtemPronin to feel cross is to feel angry so then to be cross is to be angry Bad-tempered, angry, annoyed. If someone in the US heard a speaker say "cross" to mean "angry", the meaning would be well understood. Definition of cross_4 combining form in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Angry definition, feeling or showing anger or strong resentment (usually followed by at, with, or about): to be angry at the dean; to be angry about the snub. have ... crosses to bear • We all have our crosses to bear. A line drawn across or through another line. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Do you know everyone in the US? I was very angry with her. A geometrical figure consisting of two straight lines or bars intersecting each other such that at least one of them is bisected by the other. But they both mean 'angry'. .Tell me as many daily expressions as possible. If any American uses "cross" for "angry", he speaks a dialect I am unaware of. Submitted by leilani V. from Manhattan, NY, USA on Jan 29 1999. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. But angry is the highest level out of all 3. An angry superior = a cross boss. 1. a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece 2. a marking that consists of lines that cross each other 3. a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry 4. any affliction that causes great suffering (biology) An animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization. (religious) a. la cruz (f) means that a noun is feminine. #* {{quote-news, year=2012, date=June 19, author=Phil McNulty, work=BBC Sport. Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation; mutually inverse; interchanged. She was very cross at the way she'd been treated. Full collection of Emojis for iOS, Android and other devices. Occasionally, if the character gets mad enough, extra popping veins will appear in the air around them. A hand gesture made by Catholics in imitation of the shape of the Cross. Ill-natured implies a more permanent condition, without definite cause, … It seems to me something that American characters might say in fiction of 100 years ago or so. Never to be used in past tenseUse only in British english. Never to be used in past tenseUse only in British english. Conveys varying degrees of anger, from grumpiness and irritation to disgust and outrage. Definition of CROSS (adjective): angry. Do you know everyone in the US? c. A crucifix. Cross is less severe, and could also mean annoyed. EnglishForward.com | The Internet's Largest Learn English Community | See more words with the same meaning: angry, annoyed, offended. Find another word for angry. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! # To make the sign of the cross over oneself. It might not be used as commonly as in the UK, but it's used that way nonetheless. Displaying or feeling anger. That man makes me angry every time I see him. She was rather cross about missing her train on the first day of the job. Regarding the other two, I would say that it depends upon the context. Cross means that the person puts you in fear of his saying something insulting to make you angry. It is used to express anger at minor matters. I have never heard the phrase "angry on" used before. We understand it when we hear it, but it always sounds like something Mary Poppins would say. 1 decade ago. This is the British English definition of cross.View American English definition of cross. drogi, linie kolejowe); skrzyżować (np. adjective Angry or annoyed with someone. # To place across or athwart; to cause to intersect. 4 years ago. Transverse; lying across the main direction. It is used to express anger at minor matters. (football) A pass in which the ball travels from by one touchline across the pitch. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. annoyed. If directed at a situation I believe "angry at" would also be acceptable. cross (kras) A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. In one scene in the 2001 anime, Shigure claims he's angry, and when no-one believes him he grabs one of these and places it on his head, and claims he's angry once more. 7.6%. How to use cross in a sentence. #*:An indulgent playmate, Grannie would lay aside the long scratchy-looking letter she was writing (heavily. Here are all emoji meanings. Another word for angry. ;-) Source(s): author. (surveying) An instrument for laying of offsets perpendicular to the main course. 3. A pipe-fitting with four branches whose axes usually form a right angle. angry feeling or showing anger:. 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 5, in The Celebrity: Then we relapsed into a discomfited silence, and wished we were anywhere else. If someone in the US heard a speaker say "cross" to mean "angry", the meaning would be well understood. linię); krzyżować się, przecinać (np. What does annoyed mean? Emoji Meaning. 1 decade ago. What does cross with me expression mean? The Red Cross of his Knight, "the dear remembrance of his dying Lord," was in those days the flag of England, and is still the Red Cross of our Union Jack. The members of the group are frustrated and angry at their lack of power. e.g. Google’s design features a reddish face and Facebook’s, clenched teeth. (Also common in UK or Irish place names such as. Dictionary entry overview: What does Cross mean? A yellow face with a frowning mouth and eyes and eyebrows scrunched downward in anger. Don't get butt-hurt! (or) Please don't get cross with me. No, if a man cross-dresses that does not mean he wants to be female and if a girl cross dresses, it also does not mean she wants to be a guy. Furious is being so so angry and pissed off to the highest possible level. cross top: Maltese and St. Andrew's center: patriarchal, Greek, and tau bottom: Latin, Calvary, and Celtic cross (krôs, krŏs) n. 1. a. Jesus' final words from the cross were "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46). 1650/1651, Jeremy Taylor, The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living He had received a cross answer from his mistress. Made in an opposite direction, or an inverse relation; mutually inverse; interchanged. (cross, annoyed) en colère loc adj locution adjectivale: groupe de mots qui servent d'adjectif. cross - traduction anglais-français. It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street. I have a vague feeling that it might occur in some southern dialects, but I've never lived in the South so I could be completely wrong on that. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "cross" po polsku? Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ANGRY We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word angry will help you to finish your crossword today. I am angry with him because he broke my favourite pen. A place where roads intersect and lead off in four directions; a crossroad (common in UK and Irish place names such as, A monument that marks such a place. Cross definition is - a structure consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans for execution. crossed definition: 1. past simple and past participle of cross 2. to go across from one side of something to the…. Last edited on Jan 29 1999. Google’s design features a reddish face and Facebook’s, clenched teeth. Of course I'm cross with you—you lied to me! ramiona, nogi) Death and life, hate and love, violence and peace, accusation and forgiveness, sin and purity, brokenness and wholeness, all … • CROSS (noun) The noun CROSS has 6 senses:. Also used in other comic books to indicate a punch landed, perhaps next to the words “Bam” or “Pow”. e.g. She was rather cross about missing her train on the first day of the job. Emojis.Wiki — Emoji Meanings Encyclopedia. 0 0. (boxing) A hook thrown over the opponent's punch. Synonym for I'm angry Angry and cross have similar meanings. The Cross has many meanings and is a great contradiction. Forums pour discuter de cross, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Definition of cross with me in the Idioms Dictionary. cross with me phrase. ", Yes, it is used in the US to mean angry. b. often Cross The cross upon which Jesus was crucified. Anger Symbol was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015. Learn more. angry . THESAURUS angry feeling strong emotions because you think someone has behaved badly, or because a situation seems bad or unfair He gets really angry if people keep him waiting. You left the cream out all night. What does Cross mean? "Be cross" is more like to be very mildly angry or annoyed (in British English). Se place normalement après le nom et reste identique au plurielEx : "ballon de football, des ballons de football" énervé adj adjectif: modifie un nom. Information and translations of Cross in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times. She couldn't stay angry with him for long. At any rate, I don't use it and no American I know uses it. Definition of cross with in the Idioms Dictionary. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a representation of the Cross used as an emblem of Christianity or as a reminder of Christ's death. If directed at a person "angry with" should always be used. James. search field. If something crosses your mind, you…. Angry Face Emoji Meaning. This will mean one little box per goods vehicle to cross the whole of Europe, rather than 25 or 26. expand_more To oznacza, że aby ciężarówka mogła przejechać przez całą Europę, należało będzie wypełnić jedną małą rubrykę, a nie 25 czy 26. May also represent someone acting tough or being mean. przez pokój, przez ocean); przekroczyć (np. # To lay or draw something across, such as a line. She was quite cross with him for being late. Did Christ descend into the lower parts? ‘The papers are angry that we gave hospital consultants a massive pay rise without asking them to do any more work.’ Synonyms irate , annoyed, cross, vexed, irritated, exasperated, indignant, aggrieved, irked, piqued, displeased, provoked, galled, resentful A yellow face with a frowning mouth and eyes and eyebrows scrunched downward in anger. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Angry Face Emoji Meaning. Synonyms for angry include enraged, furious, irate, livid, outraged, indignant, infuriated, mad, affronted and antagonised. You would hear it in sentences like "nobody dared to cross Shuijungzhiyue, because he was a very powerful warlord." Could you please tell me if the word cross is used in AmE meaning angry? May also represent someone acting tough or being mean. The act of going across; the act of passing from one side to the other.