List item 4; Recovery Shake NOTE: The replacement creatine is 30 calories, but the beachbody creatine doesn't list a calories count so I didn't include the creatine … If you don’t know if you are going to like the program just get the basics and try it out before making a bigger commitment. What are the workout routines like? To get size, you’ll need to know the equipment needed for Body Beast. Does Body Beast Work? Good for you on putting in the time while being in your 30's (from another 30-something)! ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? A set of dumbbells, a bench and chin-up / pull-up bar and you are good to go. if(window.onload) { One of those super heroes is the batman as he... We are fun loving family that lives on a small farm and tries to be healthy. *NEED AT LEAST ONE HEAVY BAND FOR PULLUPS ALONG WITH ANCHOR! A lot of people that have lifted will be able to see things once and then just go off the Worksheets. I have Beachbody on Demand, and I've been using Body Beast for weight training (and I am really enjoying it). Where To Buy: Amazon or Walmart (I would buy new to be on the safe side with these). Dumbbells – Bowflex Selecttech 1090 – Again, I had these prior to starting, so I was pretty confident that the 10 lbs – 90 lbs range was going to work for me. May 15, 2014. Here is a list of the exact equipment that I used while going through Body Beast. In Bulk Chest, you use different incline presses and flys that this bench comes in pretty handy for indeed. Where To Buy: Walmart might be the best place to start for price then amazon. My Body Beast Workout Schedule guide will walk you through each building Block of the program and give you the opportunity to download a copy of the Body Beast Schedule as well. That means it’s my skinny systems analyst ass against the Israeli powerhouse. var ezoTemplate = 'old_site_noads'; It actually is just starting to be unsafe the bench is anyway so I ordered a newer one from Walmart for around $40 and it seems nicer and more stable than the Weider. function create_ezolpl(pvID, rv) { var ezo_elements_to_check = Array(); But not everything is different and there are some crossovers in... Have you ever thought of how much these Super Heroes can lift? Body Beast – At its core, Body Beast is about picking heavy things up and putting them down. Free … As you know, I’m an official Beachbody retailer. No here-say reviews at this site kids! Alternative To Dumbbells – I would still get some cheap standard dumbbells but you can also do just about all the exercises with resistance bands you would just need to be standing over sitting or laying down. Learn how your comment data is processed. Body Beast stack 1 month: $169.80; Body Beast stack 1 month for coach: $142.35 (includes $15 coach fee) Replacement $155.89 for a few months supply. Body Beast is another fitness program by Beachbody and is hosted by Sagi Kalev who is one part man and one part adamantium gorilla ( I hope he doesn’t read that ).. Like all reviews at, this will involve myself as the test subject. Body Beast equipment, what you have to have and don’t have to have. Equipment Needed for Body Beast. then we’re going to jump into Body Beast. Body Beast is similarly focused on muscle growth, weight loss, fat burning, and includes cardiovascular training without high-impact movements (although the cardio training is not as extensive as P90X). Body Tower – I actually don’t own one of these…yet, but I could see how this piece of equipment could be very useful with the Body Beast program. Of course, the EZ Curl Bar and the weight plates mentioned below go hand-in-hand, so you’ll also need to purchase some of those if you decide to use the EZ Curl Bar. Weight Plates – You don’t need these unless you get the EZ Curl Bar. We have decided to complete Body Beast next. Keep this in mind as you look for dumbbells. d.setTime(d.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000)); This is due to the stability ball being harder to push weights. Yes, Body Beast works. Beast: Total Body What equipment is needed for Body Beast workouts? Stability Ball (Even a Chair but should be first choice)- Again this is a must for some of the dumbbell workouts or even a chair. The Body Beast equipment that is absolutely needed are the following. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); _gaq.push(['e._setCustomVar',1,'template','old_site_noads',3]); The PowerBlock is always expandable in the future. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; However, most of the equipment needed, is not specialty or hard to find items. They now make resistance bands that have 100lb pull on them. It is a CAP Strength Adjustable FID Bench. Created by Sagi Kalev, world-renowned trainer and former two-time Mr. Israel, Body Beast combines extreme workouts, groundbreaking nutrition, and scientifically advanced supplementation. 5 minutes, BEAST UP: CHEST, SHOULDERS & TRICEPS This isn’t necessary of course but nice to have. The less expensive option to all these peices of equipment would be resistence bands. There are several pieces of equipment that are new to this workout program. That is the long and short of the Body Beast equipment you need to succeed. Body Beast stack 1 month for coach: $142.35 (includes $15 coach fee) Replacement $155.89 for a few months supply. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I hope that this article has provided you with the insight needed to obtain the proper Body Beast Equipment. Ab Ripper X Asylum Body Beast Build Muscle Chalene Johnson Coaching Coach Tips Equipment Fitness Free Coaching Get Ripped Fast Health How to get ripped at home Hybrid Insanity Lose Body Fat Mass Motivation motivation monday News Nutrition p90 P90X P90X2 P90X3 P90X: MC2 P90X Nutrition P90X One On One P90X Results P90X Review Program Pump Recovery Results Reviews schedule … The benefits of an adjustable bench is you will be able to focus more on maximizing how much weight you can lift along with your form vs having to deal with stability issues on the exercise ball. } The Body Beast program is one that I am confident that if you follow the nutrition guidelines and the workouts as they are laid out, you are going to be able to add at least 7-10 lbs of lean muscle over the course of 90 days! Overall, Body Beast is one of highest ranking muscle mass building workout programs in the market at the moment. This is "Body Beast Equipment" by Tim Mills on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. A set of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 plates would probably be adequate for most people who are getting started with Body Beast. var d = new Date(); Tags: best home gym equipment, body beast equipment, chin-up bar, dumbbells, hammer and chisel equipment, home gym ideas, workout equipment. If you need to find someone that will hold you accountable, answer your questions, help you, and PUSH YOU for the entire duration of your workout! That isn’t always the case. _gat._createTracker('UA-158781155-16', 'e'); The products have servings ranging from 66 to over 200 servings. Unlike many DVD home workouts, this workout series involves lifting weights. Weights listed are suggestions only. } P90X2 used a stability ball quite often, so if you have one from that program, you should be able to reuse it for Body Beast. This article covers the workouts schedules and provides you with printable BODY BEAST workout calendars to plan and track your journey! Also again don’t knock the resistance bands they have come a long way and work well with most workout programs. Dumbbells are sufficient for the EZ Curl portion and are shown in the workout videos. So we will be going through the cheap options, expensive options, and on a very limited budget options. They always have pretty good prices in general will be around $1 a pound. My Body Beast Review - Does the Body Beast workout work? Just have the Dumbbells, one heavy duty resistance band, and stability exercise ball works great and you will be challenged. When most people are looking at an exercise program they will start to notice they need to have a lot of equipment. If you are starting from scratch with Body Beast, you will need to buy dumbbells and a weight bench, which drives the price up quickly. The hubby and I are finishing up P90X3 this weekend and will be starting a new program Monday. I happen to have the 3.1 bench from Bowflex and it works great for this program. You also don’t need to purchase 500 lbs of weights to start this is another thing you can always add onto as you progress and get stronger. __ez.queue.addFile('/tardisrocinante/lazy_load.js', '/tardisrocinante/lazy_load.js?gcb=2&cb=3', false, [], true, false, true, false); BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE 30 DAY BREAKAWAY REVIEW AND SAMPLE WORKOUT! Assume you will need some heavy equipment to build big muscles. } else { var soc_app_id = '0'; I watched the intro video and saw the recommended equipment. }); link to Crossfit VS Olympic Weightlifting (Which One Is Better? As you know, I’m an official Beachbody retailer. Bench – Again, I would highly recommend a bench as part of your Body Beast Equipment. WORKSHEET • BEAST: TOTAL BODY Cool-Down R = reps W = weight RT = right LT = left Sec = time C = completed Equipment • Bench (or Stability Ball) • Chin-Up Bar (or Bands With Door Attachment) • Chin-Up Max * (and Sturdy Chair) • Weights *Optional • Worksheet and Pen • Water and Towel Weight Suggestions: 30 lbs., 40 lbs., 50 lbs. You can also get extra sets of the 5’s and 10’s then maybe a set of 2.5lb to fill any gaps. Crossfit VS Olympic Weightlifting (Which One Is Better?). Pull-ups/chin-ups are part of the Body Beast program, while not as often as P90X, they’re in there and this would also allow you to do some dips and other exercises to compliment your other Body Beast Equipment. Just watch your pace and make sure your rest times are a bit similar. _gaq.push(['f._trackPageview']); _gaq.push(['e._setCustomVar',4,'bra','mod1',3]); Body Beast is a great program and if you are looking to expand into Beachbody and use other programs like Liift4, P90x(2)(3) among other weight workout programs maybe getting the complete package of gear for Body Beast might be the best option for you. Winner Circle LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to So if you already have some dumbbells that you might have used for a program like P90X or P90X2, you may find that these are adequate, but there are some exercises where you are going to be able to lift more weight as you progress. Although this was years ago. Local classified like Facebook marketplace or Craigslist for used. if (document.readyState === "complete") { Stability Ball – There are several exercises that require at least a stability ball or some kind of chair, but a stability ball is preferred for comfort reasons. We are fun loving family that lives on a small farm and tries to be healthy. Shop a wide selection of exercise and fitness equipment at { If you are just starting out or travel a lot you need to get a set of them. But you can just go with the Standard Iron Dumbbells as well. Below, you’ll find everything from the P90X workout sheets and Body Beast workout sheets to other printable Beachbody workout sheets, workout logs, and food trackers. Bowflex Bench 5.1 –, Bowflex Bench 3.1 – Body Beast Pros and Cons. Once you get through the workouts a couple times you won’t really need to watch them. My alarm went off this morning - I woke up, - decided I was too sore to move - and laid in bed for about 20 minutes. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7929464700085585", As my customer, you get incentives… reduced shipping rates, a bonus DVD that is not offered elsewhere, and a free coach to ask questions about fitness and nutrition. Length: 30 minutes. Check out the latest Beachbody Program to lose 15lbs and Run A 5K in just 30 days. I just put the wraps on my first round of Body Beast and got awesome results. _gaq.push(['f._setCustomVar',2,'domain','',3]); We have a few horses, a few dogs, and a young daughter along with a big extended family. Get the core equipment you need to help you do 6 Weeks of THE WORK, including Resistance Loops, Strength Slides, and a Chin-Up Bar. Body Beast: Beast Up workouts, or Sagi’s Equipment Room workouts found in Sagi’s BOD Exclusive section on }; How do I know? As with the dumbbells, you will want to ensure that you are allowing yourself to improve and lift more weight as you progress. BODY BEAST Workout Schedule - Its important to know how to get where you want to be when gaining mass. You can actually get a nice combo of the EZ Curl Bar and dumbbell curl bars because you are going to need weights for the EZ Curl on top of just the bars. _gaq.push(['f._setSiteSpeedSampleRate', 20]); So, go grab your Body Beast equipment, get into beast mode for your workout and take a look at my Body Beast workout schedules that you can download and use to keep track of your progress. Both of them have free 2 day shipping and Amazon at the time of this writing will have it there next day a lot of the time if you order in the morning. I finally rolled out of bed, popped a caffeine pill, and headed to my workout room to do Day 4 of Body Beast: Beast: Cardio! Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder, Double Rich Chocolate, 5 Pound (Packaging May Vary). Healthy For Better is owned and operated by Winner Circle LLC. You can use Body Beast videos to get a challenging and effective workout. Body Beast is a powerful fat-burning, muscle-defining, weight-training program that can help you get completely ripped and chiseled in just 90 days. create_ezolpl(pvID, rv); _gat._createTracker('UA-38339005-1', 'f'); var ezdomain = ''; Joining a gym, effectively adjust the program to use the equipment you have, or change programs. You can get some heavy duty exercise bands that go upwards of 75 to 100 lbs of resistance as well. Where to buy: Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, Walmart, Craigslist or Checkout out our Daily Deals Page. Please check back for updates! Beachbody On Demand offers over 600 programs and Body Beast is one of them. 56 minutes. The dumbbells, the bench and the chin up bar are all you really need. EZ Curl Bar – This piece of Body Beast Equipment is another “nice to have”, if you can afford it, but certainly not necessary to get started and complete the Body Beast program. If that’s the case, then you are in the right place. Bowflex Body Tower – function attach_ezolpl(pvID, rv) { While most people may split up their workout days into different muscle groups on every day of the week, the total body workout hits … Dumbbells – These can be standard iron dumbbells that range from 5-100 lbs or the adjustable type. The hubby and I are finishing up P90X3 this weekend and will be starting a new program Monday. While some programs may be better at one certain aspect if fitness, P90X really is the best program I know of to build an incredibly strong foundation. These actually go great in most gyms. window.google_analytics_uacct = "UA-158781155-16"; Body Beast Essintial Equipment Overall the amount of equipment you need is still minimal. enable_page_level_ads: true window.onload = create_ezolpl.bind(null, pvID, rv); This is users choice for the bench you want for Body Beast. For most you can start with sets of 5’s, 10’s, 25’s. The Nutrition 101 Series is absolutely free. Where To Buy: Amazon or Walmart if you want new. Also this is a great alternative for those that travel as resistance bands and even an exercise ball are very portable. Follow us on our journey. Your custom meal plan will be set up to fuel your body with exactly what it needs to meet your goals. Must Haves: Dumbbells (I’m partial to Selecttech dumbbells myself) Adjustable Bench (a stability ball will work but a bench is preferable) Optional: EZ Curl Bar with weights (here is the set I used) Pull-Up Bar or Resistance Bands; Body Beast Review: Cost. } The Body Beast DVD’s by themselves are $39.90. You will have access to the weights there without the added cost of having them at home. Myself I did a lot of power lifting in high school but never really did pyramids or drop sets. Winner Circle LLC also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. var ezouid = "1"; As we get into the last month of our current workout; Les Mills Pump, my wife and I are looking into what workout we’re going to do next. At the gym, I would use a weight bench, 3 sets of weights and a pull up bar. Yes you can do most all of Body Beast at your local gym. > Everything, including what you see in the next section, may be necessary. The Body Beast equipment that is absolutely needed are the following. YouTube: The Body Beast Mobile app is a free tool you receive when you purchase any packaged of Body Beast. One of the factors that will make the program more enjoyable and successful for you is to ensure that you have the correct Body Beast Equipment. The amount of weight you are going to need to obviously based on your current level of strength, but you want to make sure you factor in that you will be getting stronger over the course of the program. Just let me know where to send it. Now that I've done a couple rounds of Build and Bulk, I want to branch out by adding the streaming routines. Also boils down to how much space you have at your residence. Dimensions (when flat): 16″ tall, 50″ long, and 21″ wide. Body Beast Program and Equipment needed. var ezouid = 'none'; You will also be able to ensure that you are at the proper angle for any of the incline or decline moves from the lying down position. No here-say reviews at this site kids! PowerBlock Sport Bench Review. It’s more than likely you’ve ended-up here looking for a copy of the Body Beast calendar. BEAST:Total Body is a great alternative to BEAST:Cardio, which is also a total body focused workout. I have been doing Body Beast for 4+ years now. Please note that this is not a Body Beast review of any type, but I will have a link toward the bottom if you are interested in reading my detailed review. I had all of the body beast equipment before I started the program, so I didn’t have a need to purchase anything. =>Click here to learn more about the PowerBlock Bench<=. The 5.1 bench gives you a couple of extra positions on the incline, but not sure it is necessary here? Your goals determine what you need. You will be able to use the food list included to build your own meals and snacks that are the same calories and macros as what you are replacing from your plan. If that is the case, you can compensate for this by starting with a heavier weight and doing a few more reps. Bowflex Selecttech 552 Dumbbell –, Bowflex Selecttech 1090 Dumbbell –, Bowflex Selecttech Dumbbell Stand – _gaq.push(['e._setCustomVar',3,'rid','0',2]); Good Luck with the program send us any other questions you have on it or any Beachbody program and we will do our best to answer. What Equipment Do You Need For Body Beast Workout? If you don’t have any look on maybe the Facebook MarketPlace, Craigslist or places like Amazon or Walmart. This article should set your straight. But if you are just starting out the $44 CAP Strength Adjustable FID Bench at Walmart should work great. var newonload = function(evt) { Body Beast for Women - Schedule and Equipment. _gaq.push(['e._setSiteSpeedSampleRate', 10]); If you want to take things a step further, you can use the nutritional plan to … Body Beast Equipment. (Results) Search out for the best prices first check out Walmart and Amazon for the new things. Do You Need An EZ Curl Bar For Body Beast. _gaq.push(['f._setDomainName', '']); var _ezaq = {"ad_cache_level":0,"ad_lazyload_version":0,"city":"Council Bluffs","country":"US","days_since_last_visit":-1,"domain_id":181971,"engaged_time_visit":0,"ezcache_level":1,"ezcache_skip_code":0,"form_factor_id":1,"framework_id":1,"is_return_visitor":false,"is_sitespeed":1,"last_page_load":"","last_pageview_id":"","lt_cache_level":0,"metro_code":652,"page_ad_positions":"","page_view_count":0,"page_view_id":"a1c282ca-afb5-4951-680f-b7761d4cc974","position_selection_id":0,"postal_code":"51502","pv_event_count":0,"response_time_orig":642,"serverid":"","state":"IA","t_epoch":1608505712,"template_id":120,"time_on_site_visit":0,"url":"","user_id":0,"word_count":2116,"worst_bad_word_level":0};var _ezExtraQueries = "&ez_orig=1"; Followed those sets of with 5 sets of more like circuit training those muscle groups for example: Light weight pause press flat bench to failure. We may do a one month program (Brazil Butt Lift- yes, I got talked into it.) If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Yes. You might also look into the 552 model, these range in 2.5 lbs- 52.5 lbs per dumbbell. But I did purchase this from Amazon for a decent price and it has lasted me a long time. Adjustable Bench – These can actually be really affordable these days with Walmart and even Sam’s Club having some cheap options. Body Beast Review: Equipment Needed. What kind of equipment does it use? Well you’re right. My Body Beast Workout Schedule guide will walk you through each building Block of the program and give you the opportunity to download a copy of the Body Beast Schedule as well. window.attachEvent("onload", create_ezolpl, pvID, rv); Body Beast Total Body: The Body Beast Total Body bonus DVD is an extra workout set that focuses on every muscle group in the body. Body Beast is similarly focused on muscle growth, weight loss, fat burning, and includes cardiovascular training without high-impact movements (although the cardio training is not as extensive as P90X). Where To Buy: Amazon or Walmart along with local classifieds for used. Dumbbells (or resistance bands of different strengths) Incline workout bench (or stability ball) Chin-up bar (or resistance bands with door attachment) Advanced chin-up bar (optional) Curl bar (optional) Shock-absorbent mat for jumping (optional) Body Beast Pricing. })(); All Rights Reserved, Get Stronger, Leaner and Healthier - Why You Need…, How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee - Infographic. Body Beast is a great way to get started into lifting weights or even if you are advanced. Both CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting athletes are in amazing shape and push themselves to the limits in a bit of different ways. But before you get too far, you need to know what Body Beast Equipment is needed to have success. Body Beast promises to slap some serious muscle onto your body as well as stripping out the fat, but what equipment do you need for the Body Beast workout routines? var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString(); Of course there are a gazillion places that you can find these items, but I have provided link to the product listing from’s website, mainly for the reviews that are available for you to read and decide if these would work for you. But let’s cover the basics first. When you are looking to get into weightlifting or programs like Body Beast a lot of the times the first thoughts are this is going to be expensive because weights are heavy and I need a lot of weights. Your body will thank you for this super-shock-absorbent mat that protects your knees, back, and ankles. As you might expect with a mass gaining program like Body Beast, you are going to need some equipment, and perhaps equipment that you might not already own. create_ezolpl(pvID, rv); if(window.attachEvent) { If you don’t have a coach yet and want one, I’d love to be your coach and help you through a fitness program. The cool part is that all you have to do is buy the handles for $10-$20 and then buy the different bands with different levels of tension. What equipment do you need for Body Beast Beachbody's new home mass gaining program needs a lot of expensive equipment, so a lot of people want to know how to get the equipment for Body Beast Cheaply. Body Beast Review: Key Features. var _gaq = _gaq || []; A Less Expensive Solution – BODY BEAST Equipment. We also have an Exclusive Offer for Body Beast. However, there are some cons in which we will list in the section below. Workout Reviews (Complete List) Body Beast Review… Does it work? If you’re looking for equipment offered with the Body Beast Program, you’ve come to the right place.Get these five essentials to help you Burn More Fat, Build More Muscle, and Turn More Heads! The only downside is if you have to watch Beachbody On Demand while you are there you might be having to pause quite a bit. Adjustable Dumbbells – BODY BEAST Equipment Adjustable dumbbells are going to be your tool of choice when it comes to equipment that is essential for gaining mass with BODY BEAST. You just want to make sure they are Olympic style (Bigger Holes). We have a few horses, a few dogs, and a young daughter along with a big extended family. The Men's Health Big Book of Exercises: Four Weeks to a Leaner, Stronger, More Muscular YOU! Pros: Body Beast is all about size. Luckily for you, that’s what me and my team are here for. I had great results in my first complete round adding 12 pounds lean muscle while reducing body … Go with something along the lines of this and you will have all you need. Adjustable Bench – If you can afford it, I would highly recommend an adjustable bench over the stability ball mentioned above. Body Beast is essentially a bodybuilding program - it uses plenty of compound exercises combined with isolation work. Anyone Have Good Worksheets for "Beast Up" and "Equipment Room"? EZ Curl Bar – This is something I never really used over the years because never worked biceps had no use for them really with being in Power Lifting. Dumbbells – Although I have mentioned getting the PowerBlock Adjustable Dumbbells (my favorite) or BowFlex SelectTech would go with at least the 5-50. _gaq.push(['e._setCustomVar',2,'t','120',3]); I am available to help you reach your goals! I would suggest if you have lifted weights before that you will probably need around up to 75-100lb dumbbells because you are going to get stronger as you go with your progression through the program. You will want to determine the best size of stability ball for your height to ensure you are able to lie down and maintain your balance at the same time. Great prices, discounts, and customer reviews on the best exercise and fitness equipment. Body Beast: Beast Cardio / Beast Abs. A lot of the time they have pictures or even search youtube of the product you are looking to buy then you can see it in action. } The reasoning behind this is that most things are very over priced and you can end up paying 2-3 times more then a place like Walmart. Since people see the Body Beast workouts, it… Body Beast has received good reviews – receiving a ranking of 4.7 out 5 from 40+ verified users and buyers! For all of the hard-gainers out there like myself, this program allowed me to overcome that ability to gain mass in a relatively short period of time. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ Body Beast uses more weights with some bodyweight resistance moves, while P90X is more inverse, using more bodyweight resistance moves with some weights. (function() { } We have a lot of people that ask why we don’t suggest places like Dicks Sporting Goods. There may only be a few exercises where this weight won’t be enough for you. By: rozinkafitness, on April 4, 2016. _gaq.push(['e._setAllowAnchor',true]); Anything that is iron is worth looking used first since they last forever basically. Body Beast promises to slap some serious muscle onto your body as well as stripping out the fat, but what equipment do you need for the Body Beast workout routines? That will get you a long way. _gaq.push(['e._trackPageview']); The first set I bought with a buddy was from Sam’s Club (Weider) and came with 40lb dumbbells w/ Stand for just $70 dollars. 15 reps you know, I want to get big, you should for lean muscle.! 52.5 lbs per dumbbell on my first round of Body Beast workout is to. Length and consisted of 4 series of circuits of two sets each at 15 reps on Demand, ankles... Up and even Sam ’ s body beast equipment themselves are $ 39.90 and business to these companies ball very... In mind as you look for dumbbells and you will have access to all workout Calendars plan... A Total Body what equipment is needed for Body Beast equipment Complete Package equipment list Did a lot of only compound lifts like 10 sets of weights and pull. Pull-Up bar and you will be starting a new program Monday should work great when flat:. Max out around that 5 … Does Body Beast there is also more equipment involved in,! 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The Body Beast is about picking heavy things up day to day necessary course! The application will be able to see things once and then just go with something body beast equipment the lines this!, back, and 21″ wide link to Batman Weightlifting & Strength Feats, Body Beast Total... I 've done a couple rounds of Build and Bulk, I would buy new to workout. And other sites 's Health big Book of exercises: Four Weeks to Leaner! A normal straight crowbar ( from another 30-something ) decent price and it great! These peices of equipment would be resistence bands rozinkafitness, on April 4, 2016 shown in the next,. Looking for a decent price and it works great for this super-shock-absorbent mat that protects your,... The long and short of the equipment you use might be different if you want new Page... 100 % Whey Protein Powder, Double Rich Chocolate, 5 Pound ( Packaging Vary... Home workouts, this workout series involves lifting weights $ 1 a Pound head! 5 minutes, Beast up '' and `` equipment Room '' Does it work body beast equipment. Again don ’ t be enough for you, that ’ s, 25 ’ s, 25 s... Vs at home 2.5 lbs- 52.5 lbs per dumbbell not specialty or hard to body beast equipment items team are here.! Of circuits of two sets each at 15 reps a Total Body what equipment is to! Printable Body Beast videos to get a FREE Bonus workout ( $ 20 value ) only when you purchase packaged. That travel as resistance bands that go upwards of 75 to 100 lbs of resistance as well I! Other sites the cheap options, and stability exercise ball works great for program... Products have servings ranging from 66 to over 200 servings a few horses a. A stability ball mentioned above not fitness fanatics we are not fitness we. That this article has provided you with the insight needed to obtain the proper Body equipment. 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