Resveratrol, the promising anti-oxidant . In cases of anxiety, depression, anger, convulsions, nervous afflictions, epilepsy, hysteric attacks, and impulsive behavior, it can be used to pacify them and induce a relaxing effect on the nerves and the brain. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, American Academy of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. From infections to…, High systolic blood pressure is a sign of high blood pressure, even if your diastolic blood pressure is normal. Many people find the herbal scent of blue tansy oil to be relaxing. Today, supplies are steadily increasing, but it’s still one of the more expensive essential oils. Blue Tansy’s analgesic properties are what help it ease pain. Now, due to advancements in technology, extremely high grade essential oils can be purchased over the internet at very reasonable prices. Blue tansy also helps relieve minor muscle and joint soreness when applied topically. Blue tansy essential oil is generally considered safe for inhalation and diluted, topical use. To relieve inflamed, aching muscles and help heal minor bruises, add 10 drops of blue tansy essential oil to 1 cup water warm. Blue tansy oil (not to be confused with plain tansy oil) is an oil derived from a North African flower (Tanacetum Annuum) that’s yellow in color. Reduces Fevers; 6. Spritz the surrounding area 5-6 times every 15-20 minutes to prevent biting insects such as mosquitos from coming near. It’s got antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Blue tansy is packed with the antioxidants chamazulene and a-bisabolol, which offer excellent anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe itchy or inflamed skin. No evidence currently exists to support the manufacturer's…, Most of the time, itchy lips are related to allergies. Blue Tansy, also referred to as Moroccan Tansy, is an annual yellow-flowered Mediterranean plant found in northern Morocco. We include products we think are useful for our readers. (Abstract). Kurt Schnaubelt, as well as many other essential oil aficionados, tout the benefits of blue tansy as a potent antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. For a wonderful massage, add a few drops of blue tansy, wintergreen, and peppermint in a carrier oil. Blue Tansy is steam distilled from the flower, leaf, and stem of the Moroccan Tansy. 1. Exactly how much chamazulene the plants contain changes as the growing season progresses from May to November. This helps i… Blue tansy essential oil is used as an antihistamine for reducing nasal congestion (2). Blue tansy essential oil also blends well with lavender, spearmint, and lemongrass essential oil. Massage the lotion on both outer sides of the nose. These components make the oil ideal for fighting bacterial infections. Blue Tansy Oil Can Help Control Allergic Reactions. Uses and Benefits of Blue Tansy Essential Oil Blue tansy is powerful for treating skin diseases, so if you have insect bites, burns or small scratches, use blue tansy oil dissolved with carrier oil. When the flower’s popularity in beauty products surged, it was harvested almost out of existence in the wild. Here’s our process. Use Blue Tansy in your Aromadome to help hydrate and beautify your skin. Massage the oil into the skin for 20 seconds while deeply breathing in the aroma. The poisonous effect of tansy essential oil kills the intestinal and other parasitic worms in the human body, such as roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and others. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Make sure it isn’t blended with vegetable oil, which could lower its quality. Loved by both aromatherapists and dermatologists, blue tansy oil not only works to soothe the nervous system, it also works wonders on your skin. Studies still need to be done to determine whether blue tansy essential oil helps heal irritated skin. A note of caution: Essential oils can trigger asthma or allergy symptoms for some people. Benefits of Blue Tansy for Your Skin Blue Tansy hit the beauty industry as the next big thing, and there are a lot of reasons why. Blue Tansy is such a neat and unique essential oil. (2000) Chemical Composition and Antifungal Properties of the Essential Oil of Tanacetum annuum. Inhaling diffused blue tansy essential oil has been reported to help calm the mind and ease tension. The study targeted blue tansy essential oil’s cytotoxicity in relation to isolated rhabdomyosarcoma (RDS), a cancer that affects muscle tissue and often manifests during childhood.5, Several of the compounds found in blue tansy essential oil – most notably sabinene and camphor – were identified as having high cytotoxicity against the RDS cells.5. Its slender leaves are covered with a fine white “fur.” The oil has a sweet, herbal fragrance due to its high camphor content. For aromatherapy, add 8-10 drops of blue tansy essential oil in to a diffuser filled with water. Also, the American Chemical Society notes that … Blue Tansy Essential Oil smells sweet and fruity and possesses subtle floral, camphorous and herbaceous undertones. Always read and follow the label on any blue tansy essential oil product. Why not all scrubs are good for your skin . Calming, anti-inflammatory & acne-clearing. The wintergreen and peppermint will provide cooling relief, while the … Whether you have a stuffy nose from allergies or a mild cold, blue tansy essential oil may help relieve uncomfortable nasal congestion. Maintaining a youthful, glowing complexion enhances your every encounter with the world. Those with facet arthropathy often experience lower back pain that worsens with twisting, standing, or bending backward. What are blue tansy benefits? Blue Tansy Essential Oil Uses. June 19, 2019 in Essential Oils 0. This is called isolated systolic…, If you or someone you know may have inhaled smoke or dangerous debris from a fire, call 911 immediately. Dampen a clean cloth with the water, then press the cloth on the affected area for 5 minutes. As a result, it’s become a popular ingredient in a wide variety of products, ranging from acne creams to anti-aging solutions. Therefore, it can reduce the chance of any secondary infections. In traditional Chinese medicine, blue tansy has been used as an antihistamine to reduce nasal congestion. Treating wounds. Antihistamine. Essential oils should not be substituted for proven cancer treatments. The blooms of Tanacetum annuum are yellow. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. (2003). Blue tansy’s main chemical components are chamazulene and mycene. Blue tansy essential oil possesses a fantastic appearance- a vivid blue color that looks out of this world. Originally a wild-harvested Mediterranean plant, blue tansy — which is actually yellow in color — is now cultivated mainly in Morocco. Blue Tansy Essential Oil Health Benefits 1. Blue tansy essential oil should always be diluted in carrier oil before topical application. The above-ground flowers and stems of the blue tansy plant are gathered and steam-distilled. To make a spritzer to use as an anti-inflammatory aid, add 4 milliliters of blue tansy oil to a spray bottle containing 4 ounces of water. It is will prevent the spread of … Blue tansy has also become a well-known essential oil. Chief among blue tansy essential oil’s components are: chamazulene (38–17%), myrcene (14–1%), sabinene (8.6–4%), β-eudesmol (7–3%) and camphor (18–4%).1 Chamazulene is the compound that gives blue tansy essential oil its distinct color. Where to Buy Blue Tansy Essential Oil. Its most common use is to calm irritated skin, reduce heat, and relieve delicate or troubled skin. Investing in your skin with Blue Tansy essential oil will pay off in not only your renewed skin tone but also in a rejuvenated body and mind after exercise or busy days. Ear barotrauma, also known as airplane ear, is a condition that causes ear discomfort when you experience pressure changes, such as altitude change. But sometimes, itchy lips are a symptom of a less common health condition. Read More: Essential Oil Bug Spray and Essential Oils for Ants. Camphor Activates and Strongly Desensitizes the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Subtype 1 Channel in a Vanilloid-Independent Mechanism. Here’s what you need to know. of carrier oil such as coconut oil, almond oil or argan oil. 1 Chamazulene is the compound that gives blue tansy essential oil its distinct color. Or, add a few drops to a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil before applying it to your skin. What is Blue Tansy Essential Oil? Glass bottles tend to work best. If you’re buying the oil, make sure you don’t confuse it with the common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), which is toxic. Add 4-5 drops of blue tansy essential oil and 4-5 drops of lemon essential oil then shake the bottle for 30 seconds. Blue Tansy Essential Oil Benefits. However, tansy oil is poisonous and should be used with caution. You can likely find it at your local health food store, as well as from these online shops: Blue tansy essential oil has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Click here to get the FREE book. Note: While these findings are promising, more research is necessary before blue tansy (and other) essential oils can be used as a complementary cancer therapy. Previously, high quality essential oils could only be bought at specialty health stores, or through expensive multi-level marketing companies. They can cause itching, pain, redness, and swelling. High Systolic Blood Pressure: What to Know, What to Do When You or Someone You Know May Have Breathed in Too Much Smoke, Recognizing the Symptoms of Facet Arthropathy. At the same time, blue tansy oil is wonderfully moisturizing, which helps with dry skin and also with breakout-prone skin left stripped or raw by too-harsh products. Control allergic reactions; 4. [ Read: Tea Tree Oil Benefits ] How to Use Blue Tansy Essential Oil Because of its antibacterial properties, there is a lower probability of infecting the wound. A tiny flower known as the blue tansy (Tanacetum annuum) has received a lot of positive press in recent years. For a less intense, but still effective experience, add 4-5 drops of blue tansy essential oil to 2 Tbsp. In one study, mice that had been exposed to UV radiation showed improvement after being treated with camphor. At the same time, the main chemical component, Sabinene, helps diminish the appearance of blemishes. Benefits of Blue Tansy Oil to Protect viral diseases; 5. But some radiologists have used the oil, combined with water in a spritzer bottle, to help treat skin for burns that can sometimes develop from radiation treatments for cancer. Some aromatherapy practitioners recommend blue tansy essential oil for asthma symptoms. Blue tansy essential oil can be used for a diverse range of applications. It…. (2008). Here’s how: Ready to give blue tansy a try? The sweet, fruity aroma of blue tansy essential oil also has a complex, woody undertone. Blue Tansy oil is rich in anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. However, the major components of blue tansy essential oil have been well-studied, providing scientific support for many of the essential oil’s uses. El Haddar S, Greche H, Bakri Y, Benjouad A. Some aestheticians swear by its healing properties. These compounds are known for their anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-microbial properties. I have created a book called "The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Essential Oils" that will teach you about some of the amazing benefits and uses that essential oils can provide in your home. Are essential oils bad for your skin? Blue tansy essential oil contains significant levels of camphor, a compound used in many commercial chest rubs designed to relieve congestion.4, Studies conducted on camphor identify its ability to desensitize specific nerve receptors found in nasal and sinus passages. You can use this essential oil to treat various injuries and ailments. To enjoy the fragrance in your home, place a few drops in a diffuser. Simply enter your name and primary email address below: The North American Essential OilAnd Aromatherapy Experts. Blue tansy oil contains anti-microbial and anti-fungal, this content provides tremendous benefits against wound healing and various skin damage due to fungus. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Ease Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne . Add Blue Tansy essential oil to your favorite moisturiser and apply it topically to help soothe and moisturise the skin. It can be washed off using warm water and mild soap. Health Benefits of Tansy Essential Oil. Common tansy essential oil shouldn’t be used for aromatherapy purposes. Use the oil as a nerve sedative, on couperose skin, and to relieve neuritis and sciatica. Sometimes called ‘Moroccan blue chamomile’, it is part of the daisy family and yields a deep blue essential oil when the flowers are distilled with steam.1. Although not much research has been done to examine how well the oil performs in clinical or real-life use, there is some evidence it can be effective as a skin care remedy. Note: If you’re preparing this blend to treat your skin during a course of radiation treatments, avoid using aluminum spray bottles. For natural headache relief, add 5 drops of blue tansy essential oil to 1-2 Tbsp. When bugs bite, there can be many reactions ranging from mild to severe. For an all-natural moisturizer, add 1-2 drops of blue tansy essential oil into 1 Tbsp. Some of the benefits of Blue Tansy essential oil include: 1.Anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits The oil is great to use topically when mixed with a carrier oil on aching joints, sore muscles, or even for chronic pain and arthritis due to its analgesic properties. – How to Use & Benefits, How to Dilute Essential Oils & Dilution Calculator, Essential Oil Bracelet & Diffuser Necklace: Aromatherapy Jewelry, Essential Oils Starter Kit: Reference Guide, Carrying Case, & Bottles, Greche H, Ismaili-Alaoui M, Zrira S, Benjilali B, Belanger A, Hajjaji N. (1999) Composition of Tanacetum annuum L. Oil from Morocco. This treasured oil is a little more costly than most oils but you only need a few drops to really get some amazing benefits from Blue Tansy… For irritated or itchy skin, add to 3-5 drops of blue tansy essential oil to an unscented natural lotion and apply twice daily. There hasn’t been a lot of research into how blue tansy oil can be used to reduce inflammation. Hold an open bottle of blue tansy essential oil a few inches under your nose and move it left to right 3-4 times. Aromatherapists consider blue tansy essential oil important for damaged or inflamed skin, bruising, dermatitis, dry and itchy skin, as well as sunburn. For an insect repellent that goes directly on skin, add 4 drops of blue tansy essential oil to 1 Tbsp. Killing intestinal worms (Abstract). You may want to avoid using the oil at work or in public spaces. Their effects on infants aren’t yet fully known. Xu H, Blair NT, Clapham DE. Native to Morocco, blue tansy is a rare botanical that is most commonly known for its use in high-end, luxury beauty products. The benefits of Blue Tansy Essential Oil are: Antifungal Properties; Nasal Congestion Relief Breathe normally to inhale the aroma. What Causes Low Sperm Count and How Is It Treated? From soothing irritated skin to a natural decongestant, this exceptional essential oil can easily be integrated into your everyday routine. aromatherapeutic benefit. But there’s some evidence that two of its main components have been effective against inflammation: Also, the American Chemical Society notes that chamazulene, the chemical that brings out the blue color in the oil, is also an anti-inflammatory agent. But how well supported is the use of blue tansy oil? What Are the Purported Benefits and Uses of PanAway Essential Oil? It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent, similar to blue tansy.Other. Can it actually calm irritated skin? The main constituents found in blue tansy essential oil that benefit the skin are; chamazulene (a superb anti-oxidant) and a-bisabolol . Because blue tansy oil is among the more costly essential oils, read the label to be sure you’re getting the real thing. I started my journey with essential oils about 2 years ago after the birth of my first child. Consult a health care professional prior to using blue tansy essential oil on children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. With congestion, the nerve receptors become inflamed and send pain signals to the brain.4, By inhaling the aroma of blue tansy essential oil, the nerve receptors no longer “sense” the congestion and lose their inflamed state. Aluminum can interfere with radiation. Protect fungal infections; 7. Benefits of blue tansy oil as an insecticide; 8. So we are going to dive into the benefits The information in our articles in not intended as medical advice, or to replace a health care professional, Essential Oils for Diabetes – Type 1, Type 2, & Diabetic Neuropathy. , topical use plants contain changes as the blue tansy — which is actually yellow color. Inches under your nose and move it left to right 3-4 times water bowl to create an efficient steam! Under your nose and move it left to right 3-4 times about 2 years ago after birth. Are steadily increasing, but here ’ s analgesic properties are what help it ease pain benefits blue is... Health stores, or bending backward Hajjaji N, Ismaïli-Alaoui M, Mrabet N, Benjilali B pigment... Specialty health stores, or bending backward add 1-2 drops of blue essential! To right 3-4 times and anti-fungal, this exceptional essential oil to 1 Tbsp water... Plants contain changes as the growing season progresses from may to November any secondary infections lemon essential oil help! 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