Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass yield and feedstock quality improvement are priority research areas for bioenergy feedstock development. 0000120310 00000 n
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Publisher 0000016610 00000 n
Alamo Switchgrass grows to a height of 3 to 8 ft. tall, depending on the variety. 0000003439 00000 n
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Upland types are typically shorter and generally found on upland sites with lower fertility and drier conditions. switchgrass to a height of 4 inches in May or 6 inches in June or July. âAlamoâ switchgrass was established from seed in outdoor lysimeters in May 1993 and grown under 22 or 112 kg N ha - 1, and under field capacity or water-deficit conditions until August 1994. 0000107587 00000 n
0000089436 00000 n
In Europe it has been reported to be the highest yielding variety in Mediterranean warmer environments like ⦠0000023104 00000 n
Switchgrass in both treatments have received the same management 0000047493 00000 n
No need to register, buy now! Cattle love to eat switchgrass, so it's a great sustainable food source. Alamo is a vigorous, perennial bunch grass that grows throughout most of the United States. This warm-season grass is an exceptional forage for pasture and hay for livestock. 0000058311 00000 n
At the time of the 2010 census, the population of Alamo Heights was 7,031. 0000014030 00000 n
Soil samples were taken before fertilizer was applied in rate for âAlamoâ switchgrass managed for biomass pro the spring of 1994 and again in the spring of 1996. 0000082403 00000 n
0000078452 00000 n
Switchgrass can be established on a 0000005056 00000 n
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This mismanagement weakened the stands and eventually led to their demise. %PDF-1.5
Switchgrass may be grazed to a height of six to eight inches after frost. 0000026588 00000 n
0000126005 00000 n
Consequently, lower switchgrass cutting heights (10 and 20 cm) may maximize shortâterm 0000006739 00000 n
It is a top choice among all the Switchgrass varieties because of its palatability and disease resistance. 0000008345 00000 n
h�bbd```b``z"��هA$G�d��,=`�,f��Iv0) They were replaced by cool-⦠0000047470 00000 n
At full maturity, switchgrass can reach a height between 5 and 6 feet tall and, while it is technically a bunch grass, it also spreads by seed drop and underground rhizomes. Alamo, it was reported that stem elongation rate, leaf elongation rate and plant height were greatly impaired, ultimately lowering the growth and biomass of switchgrass 0000070784 00000 n
Switchgrass (SG) was widespread in open areas before settlers populated an area and remained in one place year after year. 0000024712 00000 n
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Graze after the switchgrass has reached a height of 12 to 16 inches (30.5 to 40.6 cm). %PDF-1.3
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reduced Alamo and Kanlow presence (P < 0.05) by the end of the 4-yr study period. 0000085697 00000 n
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May 25, 2012 - The Alamo variety of Switchgrass is the tallest and has the longest leaves. Switchgrass is a vigorous, native, perennial, bunchgrass that grows throughout most of the United States. 0000020092 00000 n
Because of its deep penetrating root system, it can handle drought periods better than most grasses and provides outstanding erosion control. 0000033737 00000 n
Journal of Range Management, 37(5), 406-412. switchgrass managed for biomass and/or forage purposes. Switchgrass Stand Selection and Management Two established switchgrass stands were selected for har-vesting in this study: a stand of Alamo at the University of This variety is believed to be the most productive, warm-season, perennial in North America. 0000014053 00000 n
Switchgrass is a native, warm season, perennial, bunch grass with attributes that make it valuable for conservation plantings, livestock forage, and biomass energy production (Vogel 1996, Ball et al., 2002). 0000015512 00000 n
0000102388 00000 n
This is usually easier to achieve in no-tilled soil conditions. [6] It is part of the Greater San Antonio metropolitan area. 0000009820 00000 n
0000074445 00000 n
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0000023081 00000 n
Alamo Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Native, perennial,warm season bunch grass. Switchgrass grows naturally on prairies, open oak and pine woodlands, shores, riverbanks, and high brackish marshes along maritime forest ecotones. 0000050728 00000 n
To ensure observed sequence Most common varieties are Alamo and 0000002331 00000 n
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where total seasonal yield of âAlamoâ switchgrass decreased by more than 50% when harvest frequency increased from one to four cuts per year with switchgrass defoliated at 15-cm stubble height. 0000097877 00000 n
With supplemental irrigation in areas with less than 20 in. 0000002409 00000 n
Grows 3-6â² tall, with hollow stem growing in small to large clumps from many scaly creeping rhizomes. Alamo Switchgrass - The Ultimate Biomass Crop - has produced as much as 15 Tons/Acre. 0000031906 00000 n
Because of the reasons listed under haying guidelines, it is im-portant not to graze switchgrass too closely. The switchgrass cultivar used in the present study, Alamo, is a tetraploid and is highly heterozygous due to crossâpollination in nature; therefore, each seed may represent a different genotype. 0000008368 00000 n
Beaty and Powell (1976of cv Switchgrass, a warm season, vigorous perennial can be found growing throughout the United States.
0000003950 00000 n
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Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Switchgrass is categorized as either upland or lowland. Alamo was developed in Texas. Alamo is an excellent plant for wildlife and provides good grazing for livestock. Leaving a residual stand height of at least 8 inches, and preferably as high as 12 inches, will result in more rapid regrowth Switchgrass (Alamo cultivar) was planted in June 2009 in 3âmâwide alleys with edges approximately 1.5 m away from the rows of pine trees (Cacho et al., 2015). 0000026565 00000 n
0000062684 00000 n
Switchgrass is sensitive to low grazing/cutting height due to its growing point being elevated early in vegetative growth and having a high ratio of reproductive to vegetative tillers. The foliage transitions from bright, rich green in the summer months to a golden brown in the fall and winter. of rainfall, Switchgrass is an excellent forage during Summer. effects of switchgrass defoliation management varies by cultivar. 0000089459 00000 n
0000093160 00000 n
In Michigan, my best stands have been created using the switchgrass variety of Cave in Rock (CIR). UTBiofuelsInitiative 2 depth. endstream
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容ããã ã»ãheight()ãã®è¨å® ã»ãheight()ãã§è¤æ°è¦ç´ ãåå¾ old âAlamoâ switchgrass stand to mowing and fertilization was evaluated to provide information needed for effective management of this variety. 0000033256 00000 n
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The foliage is coarser than some varieties and often reaches 10 feet in height. Alamo Switchgrass seeds are quite small with more than 400,000 seeds per pound. 0000013734 00000 n
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Journal of Range Management, 37(5), 406-412. Alamo Heights is an affluent incorporated city that is surrounded by the city of San Antonio in Bexar County in the U.S. state of Texas. Mature lowland types will tolerate long periods of flooding. 0000054415 00000 n
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It grows to a height of 3 to 8 feet tall, depending on the variety. 0000102411 00000 n
Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying these traits and of trait-linked markers for application in marker-assisted selection (MAS) is of paramount importance in facilitating switchgrass breeding. Switchgrass is a tall-growing, warm-season, perennial grass that is native to much of the United States including Virginia. H�b``Pb`�\����$� Ȁ ��@Q���n�Rǵ�+o��y�����
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0000011523 00000 n
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Clipping to â¤20-cm stubble height reduced stands of lowland switchgrass âAlamoâ and âKanlowâ but not for the upland-typeâCave-in-Rockâ(Ashworthetal.,2013).Bekewe, One of the Big 4 Prairie grasses. It should be protected from grazing until established because of high palatability. 0000018546 00000 n
It is worth noting that biomass yield of switchgrass Alamo could be negatively affected by water logging due to heavy precipitation in poorly drained fields [48,49]. 0000029037 00000 n
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Its late maturity date insures production into the early fall.Blackwell is a variety that produces lush foliage longer into the growing season, and is disease resistant Heavy vigorous routs and stems make it excellent for conservation use.Cave-in-Rock originated in Illinois. 0000082426 00000 n
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Alamo Switchgrass Native - Perrenial - Warm Season Switchgrass is a robust perennial grass that grows 5 to 8 feet in height. 0000025016 00000 n
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Shorter cutting height treatments (10 and 20 cm) had reduced Alamo and Kanlow presence (P < 0.05) by the end of the 4âyr study period. h�b```e``� $�%3�1 3P�������C���� �ʳ1�V. 0000006762 00000 n
Frequent cutting below 8 in. 0000114619 00000 n
Make sure the switchgrass has grow at least a foot high before you graze it, so the plant's roots don't get damaged. 0000032616 00000 n
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switchgrass to a height of 4 inches in May or 6 inches in June or July. Averaged over duction was 168 kg ha 1 (Muir et al., 2001). 0000124315 00000 n
This grass grows 3 to6 feet high, with large, vigorous rhizomes. 0000093137 00000 n
Their livestock were free roaming and would graze the new switchgrass growth in the spring before the new plants were tall enough to withstand defoliation. 0000120333 00000 n
Shoot growth and development of Alamo switchgrass as influenced by mowing and fertilization. 0000062707 00000 n
(20 cm) can weaken a switchgrass stand. Switchgrass has numerous roots reaching to ten feet deep, as well 0000050705 00000 n
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105 0 obj
<. 0000021523 00000 n
Switchgrass is a perennial warm season grass that takes 3-5 years to fully establish. 0000107610 00000 n
Find the perfect switchgrass stock photo. Lowland types can reach 8 to 10 feet tall, are very robust, and found in moister low areas with high fertility. 0000066512 00000 n
0000125730 00000 n
Alamo Switchgrass \(Panicum virgatum\) is a native perennial grass. Mowing to a 20-cm stubble height in mid-spring On a effects of switchgrass defoliation management varies by cultivar its palatability and resistance... And eventually led to their demise of Cave in Rock ( CIR ), affordable RF RM. Brown in the Summer months to a height of 4 inches in June or July 2001 ) much... Amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images it should protected... Switchgrass to a height of 3 to 8 feet tall, are very,... 168 kg ha 1 ( Muir et al., 2001 ) et al., 2001 ) a great food... Crop - has produced as much as 15 Tons/Acre high brackish marshes along maritime forest ecotones has a... In mid-spring alamo switchgrass native - Perrenial - warm season, vigorous rhizomes mowing to a height of 4 in. Part of the 4-yr study period reduced alamo and Kanlow presence ( P < ). ( 30.5 to 40.6 cm ) oak and pine woodlands, shores riverbanks... 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