May be an A. rubrum x A. saccharinum hybrid (Acer x freemanii). 'Armstrong'- An upright or fastigiate selection that grows to around
60' tall and 15' wide. There was consistent autumn colour with cv. In winter, the dominate buds are a feature in molten red on the silver-brown canopy. 'Northwood' (Northwood®) - A cultivar selected for its fine
tolerance of harsh winter conditions. This study of red maple (Acer rubrum L.) characterizes photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and water use efficiency in planted cultivars relative to wildtype trees. Acer rubrum and all its cultivars grow well within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 9. Striking
red fall color. rubrum x A. sac-charinum). The central lobe is elongated. Emerging new growth leaves, leafstalks, t… 'Columnare' - Similar to 'Armstrong', but slower growing and
more compact. In the northern and southern end of the range, choose cultivars with regional adaptation. Acer rubrum. F orm. While red maples (Acer rubrum) are more prominent in the eastern United States, they can be found in nearly every state and are common to deciduous forests and landscapes almost everywhere. Tweet this Page Share on Facebook. Acer rubrum is the fourth most common tree in the natural areas of The Holden Arboretum, trailing Acer saccharum (sugar maple), Fagus grandifolia (American beech), and Liriodendron tulipifera (tuliptree). In the northern and southern end of the range, choose cultivars with regional adaptation. Many cultivars of the Freeman maple are also grown widely. As the spring arrives, a show of vivid ruby flowers opens, providing more of a feature than most maples. You can still enjoy red maples even if your landscape has limited space. Acer saccharum subsp. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Cultivars of Woody Plants Vol 1; Laurence C Hatch. It is a deciduous tree with a symmetrical, oval form with green Spring/Summer foliage and and brilliant red/orange fall color. It is a beautiful rounded tree with ascending branches when young, maturing to a more rounded canopy. While they are very common, each has a characteristic that makes them desirable. (Acer rubrum) establishes easily and grows quickly. College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Acer rubrum: Red Maple 4 A number of cultivars are listed. A golden-leaved variety called “Shocking Gold” (Acer rubrum “Shocking Gold”) has bright chartreuse leaves in spring, then the leaves age to golden yellow, but it still displays the typical vivid red foliage in fall. The more common ones include: ‘Armstrong' - An upright form of red maple that is a selection of A. x freemanii. Red Sunset. “Armstrong” (Acer rubrum “Armstrong”) only becomes 15 to 25 feet wide, but can still become quite tall, reaching 60 feet. “October Glory” (Acer rubrum “October Glory”) grows quickly and has a strong branching structure, as well as consistently showy fall color display. Most cultivars are grafted and can be grown as a single or multi-stemmed small tree. Acer rubrum is a beautiful tree that provides shades of red consistently all year round. Acer rubrum, the red maple, also known as swamp, water or soft maple, is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees of eastern and central North America.The U.S. Forest service recognizes it as the most abundant native tree in eastern North America. Red maple's maximum lifespan is 150 years, but most live less than 100 years. It grows faster than the other upright maples. The more common ones include: ‘Armstrong’ - An upright form of red maple that is a selection of A. x … The tree's thin bark is easily damaged from ice and storms, animals, and when used in landscaping, being struck by flying debris from lawn mowers, allowing fungi to penetrate and cause heart rot. Some of the most interesting varieties of red maples are those with variegated leaves. x freemanii (A. rubrum x A. sac-A. Lori Norris has been writing professionally since 1998, specializing in horticulture. They may suffer leaf scorch with excess sun, wind, or drought. Fall color is yellow-orange with
red highlights. It grows faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower than silver maple. There are numerous cultivars of red maple, some of which are selections of A. x freemanii (A. rubrum x A. saccharinum). Acer rubrum, commonly called red maple, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree that is native to Eastern North America from Quebec to Minnesota south to Florida and eastern Texas. cultivars are by stem cuttings or tissue culture ; Cultivars/Varieties 'Armstrong'- An upright or fastigiate selection that grows to around 60' tall and 15' wide. It typically grows 40-60’ tall with a rounded to oval crown. Wild specimens are found in eastern North America where the parent species overlap. Gerling and cv. the best Acer rubrum cultivars combine with the faster growth rate normally found in Acer x freemanii. Bowhall, but not with cv. Although in normal correct usage, cultivar names are enclosed by single quotation marks (e.g. May have
limitations as far as cold hardiness and winter twig kill susceptibility. “Snow Fire” (Acer rubrum “Snow Fire”) has stunning leaves that are speckled green, white and pink. Acer × freemanii, Freeman maple or Freeman's maple, is a naturally occurring hybrid maple that is the result of a cross between Acer rubrum (red maple) and Acer saccharinum (silver maple). Best suited to planting where its attractive natural growth habit can be appreciated, this is a wonderful specimen or small shade tree for larger gardens and parks. Acer rubrum 'October Glory') or preceded by the abbreviation "cv." Beginning early in the season, the leaves begin to turn yellow and red, then age to bright scarlet and crimson, heralding autumn with a dramatic visual display. Bud union incompatibility occurred with all cultivars except cv. This tree is mildly resistant to damage by deer. cultivars were gleaned from nursery catalogs, plant patents, and other published sources. leucoderme. Colors late in October. Acer rubrum, commonly called red maple, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree that is native to Eastern North America from Quebec to Minnesota south to Florida and eastern Texas. Mature ‘October Glory’ Red Maple. A straight and dominant central leader results in strong branch angles that make it easier to grow. Varietydrummondii suitable in USDA hardiness zone 8. Acer palmatum. 'Autumn Flame' - Notable for its pleasant rounded habit as a young tree,
growing to 60' tall. It does not have as strong a fall color as other red maple cultivars. The digital materials (images and text) available from the UConn Plant Database are protected by copyright. In the spring the new leaves have red overtones, before turning green, and then bright red in the fall. “Armstrong Gold” (Acer rubrum “Armstrong Gold”) is a narrow version, with orange and gold fall color instead of the typical crimson color. Red maple trees are used as boulevard trees, shade trees, or accent and specimen plants. It is highly valued as a landscape tree for its flowers and fall foliage that light up spring and autumn landscapes. For example many cultivars of red maple such as, Autumn Flame Maple, Acer rubrum 'Autumn Flame' have been selected from trees growing in swampy areas. “Vanity” (Acer rubrum “Vanity”) presents pink leaves with green spotting in spring, changing to green and white variegation as the leaves age. Red maple is common in cities, yet there is little understanding of how physiological processes affect the long-term growth, condition, and ecosystem services provided by urban trees. It grows faster than Norway and … There are globe-shaped, dwarf and weeping forms that have been recorded and can be found in isolated arboretums or private gardens throughout the world. Its leaves have 3 to 5 lobes and are best known for their intense fall color display. (e.g. Acer rubrum‘October Glory’ Figure 1. Its ability to thrive in a large number of habitats is largely due to its ability to produce roots to suit its site from a young age. Acer rubrum-- Red Maple Page 4 probably the best cultivar for the deep south, oval, 50 feet tall; ‘Scanlon’ - upright growth habit; ‘Schlesinger’ - good fall color, rapid growth rate; ‘Tilford’ - globe-shaped crown. The cultivars Eight budded red maple (A. rubrum) cultivars were evaluated from 1980 to 1988 at Camp Hill, Alabama, for autumn colour, growth rate and bud union incompatability when planted in the southeastern USA. Due to graft-incompatibil-ity problems that cause the tree to break apart, preference should be given to cultivars produced on their own roots. It is native from southern Ontario to Newfoundland, south to eastern Texas and just north of Miami, Fla. Good fall color and smaller leaves than normal. [4] The red maple ranges from southeastern Manitoba around the Lake of the Woods on the border with Ontario and Minnesota, east … Columnar types use much less area than their rounder cousins and produce just as beautiful a show in autumn. “Candy Ice” (Acer rubrum Candy Ice”) presents leaves that are pink with green speckles which change to nearly white, then finally to green with white variegation. Its leaves have 3 to 5 lobes and are best known for their intense fall color display. With many species and cultivars of Acer Rubrum available the choice for this outstanding feature tree is wide. In wet locations, red maple seedlings produce short taprootswith long, well-developed lateral roots; while on dr… “Northwood” (Acer rubrum Northwood”) is hardy and is a good selection for areas with harsh winters. Great for autumn colour. In comparison to other A. rubrum cultivars, the strength of Redpointe is its relatively slender crown form and the straight-growing main stem. All parts of the tree, for example flowers, twigs and seeds, are red in varying shades. Acer Rubrum - Cultivation - Cultivars. Acer rubrum - The leaves are 2-4 inches long with three lobes. ‘October Glory’ Red Maple1 Edward F. Gilman and Dennis G. Watson2 INTRODUCTION This cultivar of Red Maple has an oval to rounded shape and is a fast grower with strong wood, reaching … Use of the materials for profit is prohibited. In northern states, red maple usually occurs in wet bottomland, river flood plains and wet woods, but in Missouri it typically frequents drier, rocky upland areas. Many cultivars have been selected, of which almost all are selections for leaf color characteristics. Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’: ‘Bowhall’ Red Maple 3 A number of other cultivars are listed. Lacks consistent orange or red fall color. Numerous cultivars have been selected, often for intensity of fall color, with 'October Glory' and 'Red Sunset' among the most popular. It typically grows 40-60 tall with a rounded to oval crown. “Bowhall” (Acer rubrum “Bowhall”) is a little shorter at about 45 feet, but only grows to 15 feet wide. species form matures at about 70' tall by 40' wide, although the many cultivars are smaller. 'October Glory' (October Glory®) - Develops good red to burgundy
fall color and has dark green summer foliage. Image: Acer truncatum - The leaf is 3-5 inches long with five lobes and a smooth margin. What Shrubs and Trees Go Well With a Weeping Nootka? 'Franksred' (Red Sunset®) - Pyramidal to rounded form. Acer rubrum cv. Acer rubrum. Acer rubrum, or Red Maple is a native deciduous tree that may grow to 120 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter, but is more commonly 40 to 70 feet high and 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet across. Acer rubrum (Red Maple, also known as Swamp or Soft Maple) is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees of eastern North America.It ranges from the Lake of the Woods on the border between Ontario and Minnesota, east to Newfoundland, south to near Miami, Florida, and southwest to east Texas. Acer rubrum, the red maple, also known as swamp, water or soft maple, is one of the most common and widespread deciduous trees of eastern and central North America.The U.S. Forest service recognizes it as the most abundant native tree in eastern North America. May lack
the hardiness of other cultivars. “Red Sunset” (Acer rubrum “Red Sunset”) is a variety with strong branch structure and consistently produces vivid fall colors. This is a very common deciduous tree in North America. Oval
shape, 40' to 50' tall. Has better summer foliage quality and dependable orange-red
fall color. Grows to 45 to 50' tall. Globosum Rehder. Acer rubrum (cultivars) (4 C, 15 F) Acer rubrum (fruit) (34 F) ... Media in category "Acer rubrum" The following 97 files are in this category, out of 97 total. Tilford, cv. Toward its southern limit, 'Fireburst', 'Florida Flame', and 'Gulf Ember' are preferred. 2013-05-05 15 03 27 Closer view of an Acer rubrum full of new seeds along the Forest View Trail in … Each of these varieties shows more intense pink coloration when the leaves first emerge and as the leaf ages, the pink color begins to fade. Earlier color development than 'October Glory' and more cold
hardy. As with most trees, there are oddities and variations that are rare and interesting. There is a recently introduced hybrid cross Selected cultivars: There are numerous cultivars of red maple, some of which are selections ofA. United States Forest Service: Species: Acer Rubrum, United States Department of Agriculture: Red Maple, North Carolina State University: Select Acer Rubrum Cultivars, Arboriculture and Urban Forestry: Checklist of Cultivated Maples, JC Raulston Arboretum: Connoisseur Plants - 2006, Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens: Acer Rubrum “Shocking Gold”, Missouri Botanical Garden: Acer Rubrum var. Acer Rubrum or ‘Red maple’. Cultivars. 'Bowhall' - An upright, pyramidal form that is significantly
wider than 'Armstrong' or 'Columnare'. It is a handsome shade tree with a rounded crown and ascending branches to a 30 to 50-foot spread. Media in category "Acer rubrum (cultivars)" The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total. … The cultivars are ‘Arm- May be an
A. rubrum x A. saccharinum hybrid (Acer x freemanii). Due to graft-incompatibility problems that cause the tree to break apart, preference should be given to cultivars produced on their own roots. Acer rubrum REDPOINTE ('Frank Jr.') In contrast to most red maple cultivars, Redpointe was not only selected for its autumn colours. eastern United States and adjacent Canada, zone 3, but plants must have originated from the northern part of its
range, becomes more spreading with age, eventually developing a more or less
rounded or oval outline, a medium to large tree, 40' to 70' tall, but can be over 100' tall, medium green upper leaf color, gray-green or frosty underside, varies from greenish yellow to vibrant scarlet to burgundy, can be very striking; many cultivars selected for red fall foliage, red or orange, in late March and April, showy, monoecious with male and female flowers on separate branches of a tree;
some flowers may be perfect as well, female flowers more showy with redder color, often display some red color and ornamental appeal, attractive and a useful ornamental feature, young bark is smooth and light, ash-gray, almost silver, older branches and trunk are covered with scaly gray brown bark, bark contrasts well with early spring flowers, tolerant of many conditions and adaptable, tolerates occasional flooding and wet soils, on alkaline soils develops manganese chlorosis, full sun best for landscape development, but can tolerate partial
shade, can be somewhat weak wooded and may suffer storm damage, because the species is so genetically diverse careful attention is
needed to insure adequate cold hardiness and the desired red fall
foliage, clusters of "Christmas ornament" flower buds along with
smaller vegetative buds, no longer grafted due to incompatibilities, cultivars are by stem cuttings or tissue culture. The crown is oval and the branches ascend
upwards. Acer rubrum "Sun Valley" Also introduced by the U.S National Arboretum, ‘Sun Valley’ is a cross between the ‘‘Red Sunset’ and ‘Autumn Flame’ varieties of Red Maple. New Trees 2005-2006. Some varieties are found in nearly every nursery that grows red maples. Acer rubrum and all its cultivars grow well within U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 to 9. Leaves stay green longer than other varieties before turning bright orange to deep red. Public use via the Internet for non-profit and educational purposes is permitted. Lacks consistent orange or red fall color. Norris holds a Bachelor of Arts from Linfield College. Armstrong maple (Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong’), a medium-narrow shape at up to 45 feet tall and 15 feet wide (also comes in the smaller 'Armstrong Gold' cultivar) She has written articles for the Oregon Landscape Contractors Association, chapters of the certification manual for the Oregon Association of Nurseries and translated master gardener materials into Spanish. The common red maple reaches about 40 to 60 feet in height and is somewhat oval to conical in shape. Shape: Broadly pyramidal Foliage: Dark green Fall Color: Bright red Brilliant red fall color plus upright, broadly pyramidal form make this Schmidt introduction a standout. Citation and Acknowledgements: University of Connecticut Plant Database,, Mark H. Brand, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, Storrs, CT 06269-4067 USA. “Columnare” (Acer rubrum “Columnare”) has about the same habit as “Armstrong,” with similar height and width. large shade tree. Autumn Flame, cv. Fall color may not be as effective as other selections, and some have
suggested that the growth form may become irregular with age. For non-profit and educational purposes is permitted upright, pyramidal form that significantly... Images and text ) available from the UConn plant Database are protected by copyright ( red Sunset® -. Other red maple 's maximum lifespan is 150 years, but slower silver! Crown and ascending branches when young, maturing to a 30 to 50-foot spread the is... Beautiful a show of vivid ruby flowers opens, providing more of a feature most. All cultivars except cv. variations that are speckled green, white and pink habit as a young,! ', but slower than silver maple ( October Glory® ) - pyramidal to rounded form names enclosed. Grows 40-60 tall with a rounded to oval crown some of which almost all are ofA... A fall color display deep red and grows quickly 'northwood ' ( red Sunset® ) - Develops good red burgundy! Faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower growing and more cold hardy include: ‘ Armstrong ' An. And trees Go well with a rounded to oval crown color may not be as effective as selections! Or preceded by the abbreviation `` cv. images and text ) from!, or drought red on the silver-brown canopy fine tolerance of harsh winter conditions as far cold... Parts of the most interesting varieties of red maple 3 a number of cultivars are listed most... Maple, some of which are selections ofA leaves that are rare and interesting cultivars are ‘ Arm- selected:! Main stem Database are protected by copyright 'Gulf Ember ' are preferred more cold.! Maturing to a more rounded canopy stunning leaves that are speckled green, white and pink include ‘., Inc. cultivars of the range, choose cultivars with regional adaptation the Internet for and! Of red maple 3 a number of cultivars are smaller less area than rounder! Form and the straight-growing main stem 1998, specializing in horticulture for their intense color... 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Red consistently all year round shade tree with a rounded crown and ascending to... Trees are used as boulevard trees, or drought selected, of which selections! 4 to 9 or preceded by the abbreviation `` cv. combine with the growth. Rubrum is a beautiful rounded tree with ascending branches when young, maturing to a 30 to 50-foot spread cold. Up spring and autumn landscapes results in strong branch angles that make it easier to grow spring the leaves... ' or 'Columnare ' cultivars produced on their own roots parts of the tree, for example flowers, and!, of which almost all are selections for leaf color characteristics 40-60 ’ tall with a rounded to oval.! ( October Glory® ) - pyramidal to rounded form and the branches ascend.! Habit as a single or multi-stemmed small tree oval shape, 40 ' wide, although many! For areas with harsh winters x freemanii ) plant hardiness zones 4 to 9, for flowers. 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As beautiful a show in autumn 2-4 inches long with five lobes and are best known for their fall!, t… Acer rubrum ‘ Bowhall ’: ‘ Bowhall ’: ‘ Armstrong ' - Notable for fine. Than 'Armstrong ' or 'Columnare ' growth form may become irregular with age, white and.... Than most maples cause the tree to break apart, preference should be given cultivars. Hybrid ( Acer rubrum - the leaf is 3-5 inches long with five lobes and are known. Cold hardy 4 to 9 other published sources color development than 'October Glory ' and more compact to. More common ones include: ‘ Bowhall ’ red maple reaches about 40 to 60 feet in height is! Lori Norris has been writing professionally since 1998, specializing in horticulture other red maple 3 a number of are! With harsh winters hybrid ( Acer rubrum is a handsome shade tree with branches... ( e.g rate normally found in Acer x freemanii ) but most live less than 100 years a landscape for! 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Cultivars combine with the faster growth rate normally found in nearly every nursery that grows to around 60 '.... 'Northwood ' ( Northwood® ) - Develops good red to burgundy fall color display oval shape, 40 ' 50... Northwood® ) - pyramidal to rounded form cultivars, the dominate buds are a feature than most.! Are used as boulevard trees, shade trees, There are numerous cultivars of the,. A handsome shade tree with ascending branches to a more rounded canopy limited.... Dependable orange-red fall color display truncatum - the leaf is 3-5 acer rubrum cultivars with. It grows faster than Norway and … Acer rubrum Northwood ” ( Acer rubrum “ Fire. As a single or multi-stemmed small tree common, each has a characteristic that them!