8.45am and again at 11.45am: Haig orders Rawlinson (CO, IV Corps) to vigorously press home the attack. He was therefore attacked across the open from the rear and finally ejected, leaving about 20 dead and 1 prisoner in our hands. We currently have a huge backlog of stories and historical documents which need to be edited or transcribed for display online, if you have a good standard of written English, an interest in the two World Wars and a little time to spare online we would appreciate your help. Formed 1939 when 4th/5th Battalion was duplicated. Arthur M. Watson 2nd Btn. Home service until March 1917, Western Front March 1917 – February 1918, when it was absorbed by 1/4th. They served in the Middle East, Malaya, the Suez Canal Zone, India and Aden. He died in WW1 in Belgium. Recruiting was initiated by the mayor of Accrington following Lord Kitchener's call for volunteers, and it took only ten days to raise a complete battalion. James Willie Pendlebury, DSO, MC, 1956–1958: Maj-Gen. William Harold Lambert, CB, CBE, This page was last edited on 29 November 2020, at 15:18. It was a proud moment to place the wreath on his grave and be the only one from my family who has paid him the respect he deserves. Haig cancels the attack and rides to Indian Corps HQ at Lestrem, to meet with all Corps commanders to consider the next moves. The XXth Regiment of Foot" Courtesy of Michael Briggs. Jones Robert Langford. Disbanded February 1918., officers and men transferred to 11th Battalion. I talked to him, and he was not in pain, but was in difficulty with his breathing and begged me to raise his shoulders. Due to the emergency caused by the outbreak of war in South Africa in 1899 most home service battalions were dispatched to the conflict. Around this time, First Army HQ, having by now got a good picture of the losses, failures and general conditions, called a Commanders conference for 9.00am, to take place at I Corps HQ on the Locon road, some 1.5 miles from Bethune. Home service until March 1917, Western Front March 1917 – 1918. Captain Clough was wounded through the face and 2nd. I am happy to cover all costs, if you are a family member or can put me in touch with them, please get in touch. Haworth Gregory 2nd Btn. Lt. G. Stewart (Killed in Action), 2nd. William Haygarth 2nd Btn. [19], The regiment was awarded the following battle honours (those selected for display on the colour are indicated in bold):[1], Private of the East Lancashire Regiment in pre-1914 full dress by, Militia and volunteer/territorial battalions. 11th Infantry Brigade Headquarters and Signals Section, Royal Signals; 2nd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers; 1st Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment He was wounded in the left thigh and the bullet exited his lower left calf. It was as part of that division that were to be mobilised in August 1914 after the outbreak of World War I. About 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment 2nd Battalion East Lancashire Regiment was in Wijnberg, South Africa when war broke out in August 1914. were pushed out. var switchTo5x=false;stLight.options({publisher:'fc03f239-3fa4-46a7-8533-9662428c321a'}); Please note we currently have a backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. A. Wilson (Wounded), 305454 Private J. W. Wilson (Wounded). In 2007 I had a holiday in Europe and stumbled upon Fulwood Barracks. All names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed,
I tried to see your son's batman, but could not, as he was in great distress, having been with him when he was wounded and, I believe, carried him out for some distance alone. The three Lancashire battalions were among the last British troops to embark on the night 2nd/3rd June. Second-Lieutenant Coar was laid to rest at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery in Belgium, a simple wooden cross marked his grave. Shelling and trench mortar on our line continued to be very intensive, especially in support and back areas. B Coy. The Regiment was formed initially with two battalions, the 1st Battalion being created from the former 47th (Lancashire) Regiment of Foot, and the 2nd from the former 81st (Loyal Lincoln Volunteers). 5.00am: British bombardment opens with field guns firing shrapnel at the German wire and howitzers firing High Explosive shells onto front line. In common with other regiments recruited from populous urban areas, the Lancashire Fusiliers raised two further regular battalions, the 3rd in 1898, and the 4th in March 1900. Wanted: Digital copies of Group photographs, Scrapbooks, Autograph books, photo albums, newspaper clippings, letters, postcards and ephemera relating to WW2.We would like to obtain digital copies of any documents or photographs relating to WW2 you may have at home. The 9th (Service) Battalion East Lancashire Regiment in Macedonia; This battalion was part of 65th Brigade, 22nd Division and served in Macedonia from 1915 to 1919, taking part in both Battles of Doiran (1917 and 1918). If you have a general question please post it on our Facebook page. There are over 39,000 East Lancashire Regiment pension and service records (for this regiment - and its antecedents) in various War Office series held at the National Archives. E Simmons Loyal North Lancashire Regiment . Lieutenant Whitehead led their men splendidly. They also heard that the 4.7-inch ammunition that had caused problems on IV Corps front was too defective for further use and that the fuzes on 15-inch heavy rounds were also defective and the shells simply did not burst on hitting the wet ground. [4], The volunteer battalions were organised for home defence purposes, and their members were subject to regular drills and training. My great grandfather John O'Hara who had not only served in the army like but shared the same birthday. Redesignated as 4th Battalion in 1918, Duplicate of 4th Battalion formed September 1914. [1] In 1958 the regiment was amalgamated with the South Lancashire Regiment to form the Lancashire Regiment which was, in 1970, merged with the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) to form the Queen's Lancashire Regiment. The 59th was formed in 1755 during the Seven Years War by Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Montagu and raised as the 61st Regiment of Foot but renumber as the 59th in 1758. 2nd. This weekend I have been over to Belgium to visit my Great Grandfather's grave in the War cemetery at Poelcapelle. On recovery he was posted to the 7th Btn. Otherwise the attack had come to a standstill and all movement into or out of the trench system had become impossible. Converted to reserve battalion 1915, redesignated 47th Training Reserve Battalion 1916 and ceased to be part of the regiment. George Forty (1998), "British Army Handbook 1939–1945", Stoud: Sutton Publishing, pp. Redesignated 75th Training Reserve Battalion 1916 and ceased to be part of the regiment. 206 historic images in TIFFs and jpegs (2.06 GB) from the Photo Archive of the Regiment’s 2nd Battalion in pre-WW2 service in Hong Kong, China, Shanghai and later in WW2 in India and Burma. Two guns of 104th Battery, XXII Brigade RFA had been brought up into the 24th Brigade front and they now opened fire at point blank range against the enemy breastworks; they blow several gaps, although one of the guns is inaccurate due to the unstable ground on which it is located. 5.30am: British bombardment intensifies, field guns switch to HE and also fire at breastworks. We are both in our early seventies and feel we wish we could have sorted out this information when our mum was alive and taken her to France to the cemetery. I promised to write to you and send you his love. However, with the present 100 years anniversary and technology we have been able to find out the relevant details and are now able to visit next year - and this will also be for mum!! I find it amazing that nobody in my family had told me about this especially since I had made the Army my career as well. [1], Captain Harold Marcus Ervine-Andrews of the 1st Battalion was awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry at Dunkirk on 31 May – 1 June 1940. Both volunteer battalions were awarded battle honours for the war.[5][6]. The laurel wreath had formed part of the insignia of the 59th Foot. East Lancashire Regiment (d.19th September 1918), Pte. Hebuterne Communal Cemetery, Pas-de-Calais, France. German bayonets can be seen behind their parapet. (d.23th January 1915), We are looking for volunteers to help with researching the activities of units of the Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, Territorial Force, Regular Army, Pals Battalions, Kitchener's New Armies, Voluntary Organisations and the Ships of the Royal Navy. The Accrington Pals, officially the 11th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, was a pals battalion of Kitchener's Army raised in and around the town of Accrington. Son of the late Edward & Alice Jamieson of Bamber Bridge, Preston, Lancashire, UK. One day I hope to return to attend a Regimental Somme Day.
In 1881 the 30th was merged with 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot as part of the Childers Reforms to become the East Lancashire Regiment. The 3rd Battalion was embodied in January 1900 and served in South Africa until 1902. Home Service. - 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment during the Great War -. The museum is not open on Fridays. 2/4th Battalion Formed at Blackburn in September 1914 as a home service (“second line”) unit. (d.2nd April 1918), Sherman Charles David. From the outbreak of war in 1939 to 1940, the 2nd Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers was deployed with the 11th Infantry Brigade, alongside the 1st East Surreys and 1st Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry (later replaced by the 5th Northants). Efforts were made throughout the evening to reinforce the small garrisons of the lodgements in the enemy trenches. 6.10am: Br-Gen. Oxley (24th) orders the support battalion, 1/Notts & Derbys, to support the attack of the Lancashires, but they are also held up with high losses, at almost unbroken wire. He was the fourth son of L T Baines of Bawtry, Yorkshire, was born July 1877, and educated at Cheltenham. East Lancashire Regiment where he was appointed Divisional Lewis Gun Officer and Transport Officer. At some time Jesse was gassed and was possibly taken prisoner. Records of 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment from other sources. In 2006, the Queen's Lancashire was further amalgamated with the King's Own Royal Border Regiment and the King's Regiment (Liverpool and Manchester) to form the present Duke of Lancaster's Regiment (King's, Lancashire and Border). The badge of the East Lancs was the sphinx and "Egypt" above the rose, the whole enclosed within a laurel wreath topped by a crown. 12th Apr 1918 Attack Made27th Apr 1918 Reliefs17th May 1918 Reliefs. Major-General Gough (CO, 7th Division, whose 21st Brigade had now also been ordered forward by Haig) reported that after a personal reconnaissance he was certain that forward movement was at the present time impossible. and later to the 2nd Btn. Lieutenant Baker was seriously wounded and Sergeant Burrows was killed in this enterprise. There is no memorial to the attack at Aubers Ridge. By now, the fire across No Man's Land was so intense that forward movement was all but impossible. 7th
Shortly after his death, Edward's mother, Kate, received a letter from The Rev. All further orders for renewing the attack were cancelled at 1.20pm; the views of the conference were transmitted to GHQ. The 1st Battalion was formed from the 30th (Cambridgeshire) Regiment of Foot (raised in 1702) and the 2nd Battalion from the 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot (raised 1755) and the regiment was renamed the East Lancashire Regiment in July 1881.. East Lancashire Regiment (d.30th Dec 1914), 2nd Lt. Edward Roland Coar 2nd Btn. Pte. Division rendered valuable assistance and 71064 Private Womersley, 'B' Company, 34th. Want to find out more about your relative's service? Whilst working as Transport Officer in 1918, Edward was mortally wounded by an enemy shell. A. Bailey (Wounded), 266677 Private H. A. Barker (Wounded), 16986 Private H. Barraclough (Killed in Action), 11333 Private N. Bates (Wounded), 267901 Private J. F. Batley (Wounded), 268430 Private F. Battye (Wounded), 26502 Private S. H. Bell (Wounded), 267917 Private C. Bennett (Missing), 202424 Private J. H. Berry (Wounded), 23867 Private H. Bolton (Wounded), 242578 Private H. Booth (Missing), 306412 Private W. Boyle (Wounded), 266129 Private F. Bracewell (Wounded), 265680 Private W. G. Briggs (Killed in Action), 26677 Private W. Brittle (Killed in Action), 241458 Private N. Broadbent (Missing), 265143 Private A. W. Brooke (Wounded), 265977 Private J. W. Brown (Wounded),26666 Private P. Brown (Wounded), 200365 Private W. Bussey (Wounded),240023 Private F. Cartwright (Killed in Action), 267444 Private J. Caunt (Wounded), 242585 Private W. Chambers (Wounded), 23879 Private T. Charles (Wounded), 265299 Private F. Clarke (Wounded), 206325 Private Connelly (Killed in Action), 267899 Private H. Cook (Wounded), 267554 Private W. W. Cooper (Wounded at Duty), 26134 Private F. Cox (Killed in Action), 263012 Private J. Darby (Wounded), 201388 Private G. R. Dillon (Wounded), 267534 Private C. A. Emmott (Killed in Action), 267369 Private F. Evans (Missing), 10924 Private H. Foster (Wounded), 26668 Private E. Gamblen (Wounded), 242618 Private J. C. Garner (Missing), 267506 Private J. Gilfoyle (Wounded), 265775 Private H. Gooding (Killed in Action), 267335 Private E. Grazier (Wounded), 267860 Private W. S. Greasley (Missing), 267861 Private J. W. Greaves (Wounded), 267358 Private E. R. Green (Missing), 25504 Private W. Green (Wounded), 26556 Private J. Haley (Wounded), 26550 Private G. Hardcastle (Missing), 267420 Private S. Hardy (Killed in Action), 17077 Private G. Harper (Killed in Action), 242614 Private G. Harwood (Wounded), 265796 Private W. E. Haxby (Wounded), 306230 Private H. Hill (Killed in Action), 241325 Private F. Hinchliffe (Wounded), 265537 Private F. Hird (Missing), 267867 Private H. Holland (Killed in Action), 242915 Private G. E. Holliday (Killed in Action), 265054 Private J. Hollingdrake (Wounded), 266596 Private W. Horsman (Killed in Action), 242172 Private P. Howe (Killed in Action), 240079 Private P. Ingham (Killed in Action), 267422 Private H. R. Jackson (Wounded), 267469 Private N. Jackson (Missing), 41156 Private R. E. Johnson (Wounded), 41154 Private A. Jeffery (Wounded), 303005 Private A. Jowett (Missing), 41160 Private R. T. Lamb (Killed in Action), 26575 Private R. Lawson (Wounded), 242185 Private H. Lee (Wounded), 242387 Private F. Long (Missing), 26593 Private W. E. Maycock (Killed in Action), 267527 J. R. Merry (Wounded), 265176 Private F. Miller (Wounded), 17050 Private J. Milne (Wounded), 265014 Private J. Moore (Wounded and missing), 41185 Private T. C. Mudd (Wounded & died of wounds 13/04/1918), 241106 Private W. Naylor (Killed in Action), 266967 Private H. Newhouse (Wounded), 41190 Private F. Newton (Wounded), 26717 Private A. Nicholson (Missing), 266498 Private E. Oversby (Wounded),26604 Private J. R. Parker (Killed in Action), 17065 Private J. Patterson (Missing), 41193 Private F. Pemberton (Missing), 265056 Private C. R. Pinder (Missing), 265446 Private D. Powell (Wounded), 242934 Private J. Priestley (Wounded), 265010 Private T. Ralph (Wounded at Duty), 267733 Private H. Rawnsley (Killed in Action), 266409 Private L. Ream (Missing), 26141 Private C. Redshaw (Wounded & Missing), 267579 Private M. Riley (Wounded), 267584 Private H. Roebuck (Missing), 266136 Private M. Rogers (Missing), 41199 Private W. F. Rowe (Killed in Action), 267568 Private W. Rushworth (Killed in Action), 242856 Private J. H. Shields (Wounded), 24433 Private G. W. Simpson (Wounded), 266554 Private R. S. Smith (Wounded), 267723 Private G. Snowden (Wounded), 267834 Private G. Spencer (Wounded), 41208 Private W. R. Spencer (Wounded and missing), 26631 Private B. Jabez Butterfield 2nd Btn. The lead battalions of the two assaulting Brigades of 8th Division (24th Brigade has 2/Northants and 2/East Lancashire in front; 25th Brigade has 2/Rifle Brigade, 1/Royal Irish Rifles and 1/13 London Regiment (Kensingtons)) move out into the narrow No Man's Land (in this area it is only 100-200 yards across). I have his dogtags and would love to get them home to his family. [15], In 1957 defence cuts were announced that significantly reduced the size of the army. right flank was made by a platoon of 'C' Company, who kept in touch with the 2nd. We took over a wreath formed in the shape of a cross with Lancashire red roses, bought from a florist in Oswaldtwistle where he used to live and where his name is engraved on the cenotaph. He commenced his Officer training at Bristol College and was gazetted to the 2nd Btn. The Accrington Pals, officially the 11th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, was a pals battalion of Kitchener's Army raised in and around the town of Accrington. T he East Lancashire Regiment was formed in 1881 as part of the Cardwell reforms of the British Army. East Lancashire Regiment. Just the memory of the day makes the hair on my neck stand. Like the militia battalion, elements of the volunteers fought in South Africa. 17th Battalion (1st South-East Lancashire) (Bantam Bn) 2nd/7th Battalion. Recruiting was initiated by the mayor of Accrington following Lord Kitchener's call for volunteers, and it took only ten days to raise a complete battalion. This is a list of regiments within the British Army's Royal Armoured Corps during World War II.. On the creation of the corps in 1939, just before the outbreak of World War II, it comprised those regular cavalry and Territorial Army Yeomanry regiments that had been mechanised, together with the Royal Tank Regiment. Br-Gen Lowry Cole, CO 25th Brigade, was mortally wounded when standing on the British parapet in an attempt to restore order. More than 11,000 British casualties were sustained on 9 May 1915, the vast majority within yards of their own front-line trench. Stone Inscription :- "Thy Will Be Done". Recruiting was initiated by the mayor of Accrington following Lord Kitchener's call for volunteers, and it took only ten days to raise a complete battalion. At about 4pm., some No. E Shaw served with the South Lancashire Regiment British Army. East Lancashire Regiment (d.19th Sep 1918), Cpl. The East Lancashire Regiment 2 nd (Regular) and 4 th (TA)Battalions. A machine gun team of the 34th. After training he went to guard the Suez Canal on the 25th Dec. 1915, then to France on the 2nd March 1916. East Lancashire Regiment (d.30th July 1916), Pte. We are now on Facebook. Records of 2nd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment from other sources. B Company 1st East Lancashires holding the Dunkirk perimeter as their barn burns around them. During the First World War the 1st Battalion spent the war on garrison duty in Quetta, Baluchistan, on the North-West Frontier. Firstly, prior to the outbreak of hostilities in 1939, the entire Territorial Army was doubled in size, with each unit forming a duplicate. Duplicate of 5th Battalion formed September 1914. The 1881 reforms also linked the militia and rifle volunteer units of the area into the regimental structure: The militia was a reserve force that was only liable to service in the United Kingdom and in peace time assembled for period of annual training. 2 Territorial and Volunteer battalions. 3.00am 10 May: the last few Kensingtons also returned from their position; all British troops were now out of the German lines. In 1914 he was sent back to Southampton and travelled with the 2nd Battalion to the Western Front. In 1908, under the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act 1907 the militia and volunteer force were reconstituted as the "Special Reserve" and "Territorial Force" (TF). November 1914 : moved to Southport and came under command of 198th Brigade in (2nd East Lancashire) Division. I have his dogtags and would love to get them home to his family. Formed 1939 when 4th/5th Battalion was duplicated. The battalion was awarded the battle honour "South Africa 1900–1902". Steel (Killed in Action), 266669 Private P. Taylor (Wounded), 26665 Private W. Thomson (Killed in Action), 267897 Private F. Tomlinson (Wounded), 22934 Private G. Vowles (Wounded), 24419 Private J. J. Warren (Missing), 268324 Private L. Waterworth (Missing), 266934 Private J. E. Whittaker (Wounded), 267833 Private W. Wilcock (Wounded), 267551 Private I. Wilshaw (Wounded), 202959 Private J. 1958, with The East Lancashire Regiment, to form The Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Volunteers) A 2nd Battalion of the 40th was operational 1799-1802 and 1804-1816, and a 2nd Battalion of the 82nd, 1804-1816. 11th Infantry Brigade Headquarters and Signals Section, Royal Corps of Signals; 2nd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers; 1st Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment In 1970 the Lancashire Regiment was in turn amalgamated with the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) to form the Queen's Lancashire Regiment. The 1st Battalion, commanded initially by Lieutenant Colonel James Willie Pendlebury, served in France in 1940 with the. We are unable to provide individual research free of charge, but do offer a paid service at competitive rates, the small profit from these services will be put towards the costs of keeping this website running. Pte. 6th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment; 2nd Battalion, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry; 10th Infantry Brigade Anti-Tank Company; 11th Infantry Brigade. Before I left him he was more comfortable and was dying. The front and communication trenches are by now very crowded and chaotic; German shelling adds to confusion. Groups(?) Pte. When the war that broke out in South Africa in 1899 began to absorb a large amount of the regular army's resources, the terms of service of the militia were altered to allow them to serve in the war. [1] The 1st East Lancashire Regiment arrived at Cape Town in early February 1900.[3]. [18], When the two regiments of foot merged in 1881, new badges were designed that would endure for the rest of the regiment's existence, subject to changes in the style of crown, and which would be worn on the later service dress and battle dress uniforms. 15-10-1916. They moved onto the first objective (a bend
He joined the East Lancashire Regiment in May 1900, from the 3rd Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment (3rd West York Militia), then embodied and in … 5.40am: On the further advance the East Lancs are hit by heavy machine-gun and rifle fire by the time they had progressed thirty yards from their own trench; the Northants, coming up ten minutes later, were similarly hit, but a party got through one of the gaps blown by the field guns, and into the German front trench. My father states that he did not return until 1920. 7th (Service) Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment. in the Fromelles road), and the Rifle Brigade bombers extended the trench system they occupied to 250 yards broad. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. Haworth's brother William had been killed in 1917 in Mesopotamia. on the railway, some ground being given by them. Swinton MC. Cpl. If you can provide any additional information, please add it here. The resulting titles were: The Territorial Force was restructured into 14 infantry divisions, and the 4th and 5th battalions formed part of the East Lancashire Brigade of the East Lancashire Division. Disbanded February 1918. William Spear 2nd Battalion East Lancashire Regiment. 50–1, 345. Christmas Gift Subscription now available. As a result, the East Lancashire Regiment was amalgamated with The South Lancashire Regiment on 1 July 1958 to form The Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Volunteers). At 7pm., orders were received to withdraw platoons down the Bailleul road. He was, of course, frightfully weak, but I don't think he realised his real condition. Western Front September – November 1915. Lieutenant Stewart was killed by rifle fire and Lieutenant Bain was wounded by a machine gun bullet. He had a fall from a carpark roof and after a long time in hospital failed to recover. Captain Ogston, 2nd. 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