THAT Council defer consideration of this motion. This meeting was open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record. 7.1 City Clerk, Verbal Update. (From Sept.8 meeting) New urgent and primary health centre announced for the Westside. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held Tuesday, October 22, 2019 in the City @ of West Kelowna Committee Room 4.2 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held Tuesday, October 22, 2019 in the City @ of West Kelowna Council Chambers 4.3 Minutes of the Public Hearing held Wednesday, October 23, 2019 in the Westbank @ Lion's Community Centre THAT Council, in accordance with Section 134.1 of the Community Charter, allow a Special Council Meeting of the City of West Kelowna, to be held outside the boundaries of the municipality on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 8:30 a.m., and Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. at the Kelowna Yacht Club, Spinnaker Board Room, 1370 Water Street, Kelowna, B.C. There is currently no in-person public attendance at Council Meetings. Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the province, the City of Vernon was forced to close their meetings to the public last week. Items 3.1 RCMP Quarterly Report (cont'd), 4.2-4.12, 5.1, 6.1. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 8.7.1 City of West Kelowna Reopening Recommended Motion: THAT Council consider and resolve to direct the CAO to reopen services at the City of West Kelowna in a manner that meets the requirements of the Public Health Officer and WorkSafe BC regulations and orders around re opening. 0154.58, 2017 (Rescind Readings); 3545 McIver Road, LL 20-01, Lounge Endorsement, 845 Anders Road, Covenant Amendment for Proposed Subdivision (Glen Eagles Phase 3 & 4); 3625 Gates Road, 3636 and 3640 McIver Road, Central Okanagan Wellness and Poverty Strategy Grant Application, Update on Community Visioning Exercise (Phase 1 OCP Review), Road Maintenance Services 2020-2025 – Contract Award, Draft 2020 – 2024 Financial Plan and Ten Year Capital Plan, CORPORATE SERVICES / RECREATION AND CULTURE, Fees and Charges Bylaw Recreation and Culture, Tracey Batten, Deputy CAO / Corporate Officer, Allen Fillion, Director of Engineering / Public Works, Warren Everton, Director of Finance / CFO, Sandy Webster, Director of Corporate Initiatives, Michelle Reid, Director of Human Resources, Mark Koch, Director of Development Services, Bob Dargatz, Development Services/Approving Officer, Bob Kusch, Recreation and Culture Manager, Stacey Harding, Parks and Fleet Operations Manager, Kyle Reese, Roads and Drainage Supervisor. 2. This includes public access to Municipal Hall, Public Works, Recreation and any other City facility opened to … Prayer at North Okanagan council meetings a violation of religious neutrality: study. West Kelowna mayor, council meeting with B.C. Lakeview development includes phased construction of four commercial buildings and a new 17-unit multiple family residential building. 0154.58, 2017 (Rescind Readings); 3545 McIver Road.pdf, Attach 1 Letter re No Activity on File Dec 20 2019.pdf, LL 20-01, Lounge Endorsement, 845 Anders Road.pdf, Covenant Amendment for Proposed Subdivision (Glen Eagles Ph. A motion to have district staff put together a report on the matter will be brought before West Kelowna council at the next meeting. West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2T6. 3. Present: Nigel Arding, Sandra Dequier, Judith Harris, Bill Holland, Dave Taylor, Leslie Sil. The City of West Kelowna will hold an electronic Council Meeting April 7, 2020. City Council voted 6-1 against proceeding with this development in 2019; however, a new application for Blackmun Bay (now called Sol-Aqua Terraces) was submitted to the City of West Kelowna Development Services on September 9, 2020. From public notices to Council agendas, career posting to bidding opportunities, we offer quick and timely email updates on a number of topics. THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 11, 2020 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted. Additional Item. BC Health Minister Adrian Dix announced that the province’s 19 th Urgent and Primary Care Centre will be located at 2484 Main Street in Westbank Centre. City administrator Paul Gipps and other top bureaucrats will outline the 2021-2025 financial plan at a council meeting on Thursday. Jason Friesen will also join council during their first meeting Nov. 27. ADOPTION OF AGENDA. THAT Council rescind first, second and third reading to City of West Kelowna Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8p.m. New study found 23 municipalities held prayer sessions at inaugural meetings in 2018, in violation of a Supreme Court decision Brendan Shykora; Nov. 24, 2020 4:00 p.m. News 2. 4.1. THAT Council give first, second and third reading to “City of West Kelowna Local Area Water Service Establishment (Westbank Irrigation District) Amendment Bylaw No 0080.09 2020”. To learn more about the AC’s work, WFN residents may attend regularly scheduled Advisory Council Meetings, which are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Link. Issues Arising from Correspondence & Community Concerns 8.1 Mayor Basran, re: Issues Arising from Correspondence 30 m 9. And at a council meeting on Tuesday, the city said just 229 of 8,267 property owners submitted petitions against borrowing, far below the 50 per cent threshold. Review the 2020 Council Meeting Schedule and 2021 Council Meeting Schedule to know when Council is meeting next Meeting minutes are posted by meeting date once adopted; V iew a specific agenda item for a past Council meeting using the HTML link under Past Meetings. Council - Provided comments on the two meeting schedules. In a news release Friday, the city says the regular Monday council meeting and Thursday's budget meeting will go ahead as scheduled. Committee-of-the-whole meeting - open; Date Agenda Minutes; April 16, 2012 | PDF Video for any agenda item will display when an agenda item is clicked. … Meetings facilities in Kelowna include world-class hotels in the heart of downtown as well as properties dotted throughout the city, from resort suites to standard accommodations, condos to villas, more than 4,500 rooms in all. Enter your e-mail address below: Meetings - iFrame on page (, All meetings are open to the public unless closed pursuant to the, Council processes and procedures are established in. Entitled “Imagine” and envisioned by artist Ted Fullerton, city staff is recommending council give its final approval to the project and enter a public art agreement with Fullerton at its Monday meeting. 0080.10, 2850 Dixie Local Area Service Inclusion DEFEATED Opposed: Councillors Zanon, Johnston, Zilkie, Findlater and Mayor Milsom, CARRIED Opposed: Councillors Friesen and de Jong, THAT Council adopt the proposed General Admission Recreation Fee structure to assist in establishing rates for the City of West Kelowna Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw; and. Council Meetings . 0028.65, 2020. A request to appear before Council pertaining to an item already on the agenda shall be received up to Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. prior to the meeting. Alternatively, council has the option to postpone first and second reading. Item 4. - Will provide a response to West Kelowna Council. CALL THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER It is acknowledged that this meeting is being held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples. Council Meeting Dates; Council Policies; Plans and Strategies; News. 4.2Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 11, 2020 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers. On Tuesday, city council agreed to host a meeting next week regarding “unsavoury behavior that is negatively impacting the downtown core of Westbank Centre.” 1. By submitting your email address in the field below you agree to allow the City of West Kelowna to contact you for the purposes of the topics you select. THAT Council adopt the minutes of Joint School District No. The above measures will remain in place until further notice from the Provincial Health Officer. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Meeting Schedule: Meetings are held at West Kelowna Municipal Hall, 2760 Cameron Rd, West Kelowna, in Council Chambers. In 2019, West Kelowna Fire Rescue (WKFR) staff conducted 1,038 inspections and 359 re-inspections, or 1,397 total site visits. City Council voted 6-1 against proceeding with this development in 2019; however, a new application for Blackmun Bay (now called Sol-Aqua Terraces) was submitted to the City of West Kelowna Development Services on September 9, 2020. Post-Meeting Minutes - Board of Directors Meeting_Nov13_2017 - English.pdf THAT the minutes of the regular Council Meeting at the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers be adopted Carried (11 to 3) Termination Full minutes are posted approximately one month after each meeting. 3 and 4); 3625 Gates Rd, 3636 and 3540 McIver Rd.pdf, Attach 1 CA3050232 Gates_McIver Works Covenant.pdf, Attach 4 Prelminary Design Dwg McIver Rd.pdf, Central Okanagan Wellness and Poverty Strategy Grant Application.pdf, Attachment 2 Central Okanagan Community Wellness Analysis Executive Summary.pdf, Attachment 1 - Community Visioning Excercise (Phase 1 OCP Review) Public Engagement and Communications Strategies.pdf, Road Maintenance Services - Contract Award V2.pdf, 2020-2024 Financial Plan 2nd-3rd Reading.pdf, Financial Plan 2020 - 2029 Master - DRAFT 3rd Read A1-A2.pdf, Financial Plan 2020 - 2029 Master - DRAFT 3rd Read B1.pdf, Financial Plan 2020 - 2029 Master - DRAFT 3rd Read B2.pdf, Financial Plan 2020 - 2029 Master - DRAFT 3rd Read Sewer.pdf, Financial Plan 2020 - 2029 Master - DRAFT 3rd Read Water.pdf, Schedule E 2019 Capital Assets Carry Forward.pdf, Fees and Charges - Recreation and Culture Department.pdf, Bylaw No. Mayor and Council applauded the announcement and thanked Minister Dix, Health Ministry staff, Interior Health, Kelowna-Westside MLA Ben Stewart, … And at a council meeting on Tuesday, the city said just 229 of 8,267 property owners submitted petitions against borrowing, far below the 50 per cent threshold. CITY OF WEST KELOWNA SPECIAL COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 1:30 P.M. LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE 2466 MAIN STREET, WEST KELOWNA, BC Pages 1. Council held the March 24, 2020 Council meeting to keep some essential files moving forward, such as development applications in-progress and the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant. 8. West Kelowna Council Chambers It was moved and seconded Resolution No. Council held the March 24, 2020 Council meeting to keep some essential files moving forward, such as development applications in-progress and the Rose Valley Water Treatment Plant. CALL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER It is acknowledged that this meeting is being held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples. 9. THAT Council support the collaborative grant application for $149,000 to the Union of B.C. THAT Council direct staff to further amend the Financial Plan to reflect a tax rate increase of 4.5% by utilizing discretionary funds ($16,505) and the balance to come from a reduction to the operating budget prior to consideration of third reading. Video of all meetings and hearings can be found here: Kelowna Council Archives Council Minutes - Special - 2020-FEB-06.pdf, Council Minutes - Regular - 2020-FEB-11.pdf, Z 17-14; Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4.1. Property owners in West Kelowna are looking at a 4.7% tax hike in 2021 and increases totalling 18% in the subsequent four years. Mayor and Council applauded the announcement and thanked Minister Dix, Health Ministry staff, Interior Health, Kelowna-Westside MLA Ben Stewart, … televised footage of Monday afternoon meetings on Shaw Cable 11 on Tuesdays at 7 p.m., Sign up for Council agendas and meeting minutes,,,, Casual, seasonal & student employment opportunities, Recreation contract instructor opportunities, Active Living and Culture volunteer application, Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting archives, Airport Advisory Committee meeting archives, Civic and Community Awards Steering Committee, Civic and Community Awards Steering Committee meeting archives, Heritage Advisory Committee meeting archives, Council meeting and public hearing archives. “A public hearing will allow residents to provide input regarding the proposal,” states the report by staff. In a news release Friday, the city says the regular Monday council meeting and Thursday's budget meeting will go ahead as scheduled. PowerPoint presentations or any written submissions, handouts, photos, etc. WFN Advisory Council meetings are open to WFN residents and held at the WFN Government building (515 Hwy 97 South). 2760 CAMERON ROAD, WEST KELOWNA, BC 1. Link. THAT Council direct staff to close the file. BC Health Minister Adrian Dix announced that the province’s 19 th Urgent and Primary Care Centre will be located at 2484 Main Street in Westbank Centre. Z 17-11, OCP and Zoning Amendment Bylaws, 2750 and 2708 Olalla Road Recommended Motion: THAT Council give first reading to City of West Kelowna Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4.2 - Consensus was to bring forward a hybrid between the two schedules. Min… THAT Council direct the Mayor to write a letter on behalf of the City of West Kelowna to the Finance Minister requesting information as to when and how the SVT revenue collected for the 2018 and 2019 calendar years will be used to help fund more affordable housing within the City of West Kelowna. ministers at UBCM. Council Meetings . In accordance with the most recent Provincial Health Officer Order regarding gatherings and events, the public is currently not permitted to attend Council meetings, public hearings or Tuesday regular meetings in-person. The City continues to recommend that the public watch Council Meetings via live stream above. Contact Your Mayor and Council. Information report from the Director of Development Services. CALL THE SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER It is acknowledged that this meeting is being held on the traditional territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples. 4.2. Information Report from the Roads and Drainage Supervisor. To request official copies of the minutes, contact us at 250-469-8645. CITY OF WEST KELOWNA REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 1:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 2760 CAMERON ROAD, WEST KELOWNA, BC Pages 1. City council in West Kelowna, B.C., has postponed discussion on whether to approve Saskatchewan-based Monette Farms' plans to build a 35-metre lighthouse tasting tower on its vineyard. City council in West Kelowna, B.C., has postponed discussion on whether to approve Saskatchewan-based Monette Farms' plans to build a 35-metre lighthouse tasting tower on its vineyard. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held October 10, 2017 at the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers 4.2 Minutes of the Public Hearing held October 10, 2017 at the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers 4.3 Minutes of the regular Council Meeting held October 10, 2017 at the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers The City of West Kelowna will hold an electronic Council Meeting April 7, 2020. All meetings are open to the public unless closed pursuant to the Community Charter. INTRODUCTION OF LATE ITEMS 3. a specific agenda item for a past Council meeting using the HTML link under Past Meetings. Kelowna Meetings Facilities. The Online service for claiming Home Owner Grants can be accessed between May 31 and December 31 and for the current tax year only. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held November 26, 2019 in the City of West Kelowna Committee Room 4.2 Minutes of the Public Hearing held November 26, 2019 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers 4.3 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held November 26, 2019 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers Electronic versions of Kelowna Council meeting minutes are for information purposes only. The City of West Kelowna requires non-medical masks covering the nose and mouth to be worn at City-operated facilities to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 across our community and with our loved ones. City of West Kelowna council will decide how they will proceed on Dec. 8 at 1:30 p.m. M083 (Emergency Program Act), the Council of the City of West Kelowna is attending the meeting by electronic means. re: Council Meeting with West Kelowna City Clerk - Provided background on the request for Council to meet with West Kelowna Council. 0028.65 Fees and Charges Bylaw (Schedules 12, 13, 13B, and 14).pdf, CALL THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER, Replacement Pages 150, 153 and 154 (see item 8.6.1 - Fees and Charges Bylaw, Recreation and Culture), Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held Thursday, February 6, 2020 in the City of West Kelowna Committee Room, Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 11, 2020 in the City of West Kelowna Council Chambers, Regional District of Central Okanagan Highlights from the February 13, 2020 Regional Board Meeting, Z 17-14; Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. On Tuesday night submissions, handouts, photos, etc for claiming Owner... 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