1. Comment Formatting. Reorganize the layout of members in a C# file to follow Microsoft’s StyleCop convention, or your own preferences. StyleChecker. A short demo of a Visual Studio plugin that validates the coding style. That’s it :) StyleCop will now lint your code on build (NOTE: It will only lint the code that has changed since the last rebuild!). (The VSCode extension is essentially an installer, puts files in the right place & hooks 'em up with OmniSharp. Non-visible to user. 9.0. The diagnostic ID, or code, for these analyzers is of the format IDExxxx, for example, IDE0067. The built-in analyzers (for example, IDE0067 and IDE0068) never run during build. Mateusz Piasecki, Roslynator user. Third party analyzers can be installed as a NuGet package or a Visual Studio extension. (OPTIONAL) Create a stylecop.json file next to your solution, looks like this: This file is to customise the rule behaviour (NOT to enable/disable rules!). There are multiple ways to lint C# for code formatting, styling inconsistencies, plus plugins to add deeper analysis. StyleCop as above comes with a sibling nuget package called StyleCop.Analyzers.CodeFixes which allows Visual Studio (and probably VS Code and others) to provide user prompts to … Want to improve the security of your code or increase your coding speed? Roslyn analyzers is a Microsoft open source project and has Microsoft’s most recommended code quality analyzers. Is is possible to use StyleCop.Analyzers is Unity Rider project? 4. Create a StyleCop.ruleset file next to your solution, looks like this: https://gist.github.com/mikeparker/c24e56172f548d66e9c2379896b8b563. Sonar is, IMO, not a competitor to Stylecop, it is designed for a different purpose and can be used alongside Stylecop. Once you’ve installed the nuget package you will start getting warnings for things you don’t care about, and will want to disable rules. Please let me know if theres an automated solution I’ve missed! I’ve had to manually write out XML lines to suppress rules. Roslynator uses the open-source Roslyn .NET Compiler Platform to … If you expand Analyzers, and then expand one of the analyzer assemblies, you see all the diagnostics in the assembly. Growing. Roslynator - Collection of 190+ analyzers and 190+ refactorings for C#. This article provides an overview of the new rules and how you can enable them in your project. See the version list below for details. Roslynator 2019: This extension contains more than 500+ code analyzers, refactoring, and code fixes for C# language. For more information, see here. SonarLint is a Visual Studio extension that binds VS solutions to SonarQube projects. 3. Format comments to wrap at a specified column and arrange tags on separate lines. But using Resharper requires a lot more memory/CPU resources than already heavy Visual Studio alone does. But with VS getting better and better (and with Roslynator evolving as well), I really start to favor VS … In team environments, analyzers installed as NuGet packages are in scope for all developers that work on that project. Any and all members have been named simply and if possible, short and to the point (prefer isMatch over isPatternMatched). The diagnostic is reported to the IDE diagnostic engine, however. You can use both. 4. Since Microsoft has finally embraced EditorConfig for all Roslyn-powered projects in VS 2019 16.3+ (and analyzer toolset 3.3+), we don’t need to write ugly .ruleset files anymore to trigger build errors or to regulate the severity of violations. Roslynator for VS Code; Release notes; Follow on Twitter; New Features. Roslynator 2019. Visual Studio 2019 has added a lot of refactoring suggestions to help you write better code, but it isn’t enough. What Does The Extension Do > Roslynator is a free extension for VS Code published by Josef Pihrt (josefpihrt-vscode), you can install it to increase the power of your Visual Studio Code:. The guidelines contain rules that are expected to be enforced by static analysis tooling. StyleCop as above comes with a sibling nuget package called StyleCop.Analyzers.CodeFixes which allows Visual Studio (and probably VS Code and others) to provide user prompts to automatically fix errors. This is an exhaustive set of rules. Stable. I'm thinking about using that ... nothing comes close to ReSharper's auto formatter. They hook into the same super fast Roslyn based code model. PROMO: Try Orang, cross-platform command-line tool from the author of Roslynator.Orang can search, replace, rename and delete directories, files and its content using the power of .NET regular expressions. Analyzers vs. Refactorings; How to Configure Analyzers; How to Configure Refactorings; Donation. It seems both Microsoft and JetBrains are not happy with Visual Studio performing essentially the same code parsing twice all the time, as evidenced by: (a) Visual Studio telling you ‘Resharper just took 45 seconds to load’ and bugging you to get rid of slow plugins, (b) JetBrains starting their own C# IDE (Project Rider) so they aren’t bogged down with VS slowness. The rules, based on StyleCop, are completely configurable and customizable. The extension is powered by Roslyn .NET compiler and provides an easy configuration for various code analyzer and refactoring rules. StyleCop vs ReSharper and general coding-style questions. Roslynator is a single-person project. Run on demand or automatically during cleanup. If you install analyzers as a Visual Studio extension, they apply at the solution level and to all instances of Visual Studio. Visual StyleCop. Set rule severity in the rule set file. Active 4 years, 8 months ago. Roslynator is an extension with a collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings, and… The package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis and related packages provide the tools to create your own code analysis packages or to create custom boilerplate code generation. A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn. Sonar does NOT have automatic fixes for its errors, which might annoy some people as it purely tells you what’s wrong, but doesn’t help you fix it. Votes. You can configure the severity of analyzer rules, or diagnostics, in an EditorConfig file or from the light bulb menu. StyleCop vs FxCop: What Is The Difference Between These .NET Code Analysis Tools? Some are also available as a Visual Studio extension, in which case they apply to any solution you open in Visual Studio. To determine what the default value for a rule is, look in the Properties window. .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers. - Roslynator VS Resharper Developer Productivity Tool for Visual Studio [$] * Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify. Each analyzer has one of the following severity levels: Once bound, SonarLint will download the analysers and rulesets of the quality profile linked to that SQ project. A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn. I’ll clarify some details about each tool later in this post, but let’s begin with an overview of the two tools. Ok so back to Directory.Build.props - i put there analyzers, stylecop configuration for enforcing code style, ruleset configuration for analyzers and LangVersion =latest to use all those new features in c# language ;). There's a search everywhere in VS by default now: CTRL + T. The refactorings have become a lot better and if you use Roslynator then you're not really missing anything. Install analyzers as a NuGet package. So this is a paid solution and requires everyone on your team to be licensed. If you wish to appreciate my work and to support further development please click the button below. Visual Studio – StyleCop, Visual Studio Spell Checker; Visual Studio Code – TSLint, StyleLint, Code Spell Checker; Second, we look for names, such as variable, class, interfaces, folders, files, etc. Also, the StyleCop Analyzers github page has extensive documentation while the classic has none. This is an alternative to simply disabling the rule. It can be run from inside of Microsoft Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project. StyleCop analyses the source code, allowing it to enforce a different set of rules from FxCop (which, instead of source code, checks .NET managed code assemblies). At work I have to use R#. All changes follow the styling and coding conventions of the repository, to ensure: Run CodeMaid and … Visual Studio IntelliCode is an experimental set of AI-assisted development capabilities for next-generation developer productivity. A great tip for below is to include Roslynator 2019 in your project(s). Open the the active rule set file in one of the following ways: In Solution Explorer, double click the file, right-click References > Analyzers node, and select Open Active Rule Set.. On the Code Analysis property page for the project, select Open.. Curated list of Roslyn books, tutorials, open source projects, analyzers, code fixes, refactorings, and source generators. Analyzer violations also show up in the code editor as squiggles under the offending code. JetBrains Rider provides over 2500 code inspections in all supported languages, but if this is not enough, JetBrains Rider allows you to additionally use .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers.. Third party analyzers can be installed per-project via a NuGet package. There is no commented out code. PROMO: Try Orang, cross-platform command-line tool from the author of Roslynator.Orang can search, replace, rename and delete directories, files and its content using the power of .NET regular expressions. 2. View on GitHub The C++ Core Guidelines are a collaborative effort led by Bjarne Stroustrup. Here is a gist to show what a file looks like. Can be disabled after first install.) This results in a lot of warnings when you add this analyzer. Roslynator for VS 2017. Joining. I’ll update this post with things I’ve missed. For example, this example changes the usingDirectivesPlacement rule to enforce that using statements should be outside the namespace (i.e. The diagnostic ID, or code, for these analyzers is of the format CAxxxx, for example, CA1822. It took thousands of hours to make it a great development tool. The aim of the guidelines is to help people use modern C++ effectively. Offending code is underlined with a gray squiggle and marked by a small gray box in the scroll bar. But I’m not there yet! clean-code-net - Set of C# Roslyn analyzers to improve code correctness; CommentCop - Analyzes (mostly) xml comments and provides code fixes. [ad_1] Josef Pihrt, whom whos projects we’ve highlighted a few times (Roslyn Tools, Analyzers, Refactorings and source…, The Essential C# Snippet Source…, Snippetica, 1,581 Snippets and Counting…) has updated his awesome Roslynator and Roslynator Refactorings for Visual Studio 2017 (More VS 2017 information here, Visual Studio Downloads, download it directly, Visual Studio 2017 RC) We have some struggle with MS Code Analysis to work in our Continuous Integration environment. Compare Roslynator and Resharper's popularity and activity. David Zidar says: April 10, 2014. Comment Formatting. However, I can’t find a guide on this anywhere. I'm undecided whether to go with the StyleCop NuGet analyser or try and stick with the MS rules - there's a lot of crossover and the latter may just be enough. The purpose of this repository is to provide a solution for anyone that want to update to Visual Studio 2015 without change anything in previous solution. Joining. Then I found out you could use it with ReSharper (a tool I've also never used). Offending code is underlined with a green squiggle and marked by a small green box in the scroll bar. Please share your pros and cons for that. I recently had to figure out how to do this myself and was amazed at the lack of clarity online — not only how many different options there were, but many of the articles are now out of date as the tech has moved on. Resharper is much more than coding standard enforcer. SonarC# - Static code analyzer for C# language used as an extension for the SonarQube platform. In the meantime it’s probably possible for .editorconfig rules to state something different from the .ruleset rules and have them clash, but I am yet to see it. Please ask in the comments. StyleCop vs FxCop: What Is The Difference Between These .NET Code Analysis Tools? Date Published: 15 August 2017. If you use async / await, you may want to check out this analyzer also: https://github.com/Microsoft/vs-threading/blob/master/doc/analyzers/index.md. C++ Code Analysis C++ Core Guidelines. Third party analyzers, such as StyleCop, Roslynator, XUnit Analyzers, and Sonar Analyzer. You can enable code analysis on projects that target earlier .NET versions by setting the EnableNETAnalyzers property to true. Roslynator . The new version 2.3.1 of the Roslynator.Analyzers package brings the number of analyzers, refactorings and fixes to over 500. The analyzer violations reported in the error list match the severity level setting of the rule. Roslynator 2017 - A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn. Automatically generate regions to match. SonarC# - Static code analyzer for C# language used as an extension for the SonarQube platform. We get real-time feedback on bad code and can fix it before we make commits to source control. Code analysis is enabled, by default, for projects that target .NET 5.0 or later. An implementation of StyleCop's rules using Roslyn analyzers and code fixes. In this release, we shipped a new set of experimental rules that help you catch bugs in your codebase, namely: use-after-move and coroutine checks. StyleCop used to be a Visual Studio plugin and a NuGet package. With Visual Studio 2017 being released earlier this year I decided to go for my regular #NoResharper challenge. I used StyleCop first, using StyleCop.Analyzers nuget package, and automatically added it to all projects. I've been using StyleCop (the exe) for years in VS2013, but having finally upgraded to VS2019 I wanted to bring some of these tools up to date. Build-time errors and warnings from code analyzers are shown only if the analyzers are installed as a NuGet package. I jotted down some unfair observations of the two products after using ReSharper for a couple of years and CodeRush for a … Formatting after. Formatting before. and you have even reference more than one and they override each others settings based on the order you reference them.. Reorganizing after. It’s my first time using it (with VS Professional 2017), and have concluded that it’s quite a remarkable piece of software with an incredible number of features. There are some key behavior differences between these two methods of installing analyzers. You can view the properties of a diagnostic, including its description and default severity, in the Properties window. Corresponds to the default severity of the rule. StyleCop is an open-source static code analysis tool from Microsoft that checks C# code for conformance to StyleCop's recommended coding styles and a subset of Microsoft's .NET Framework Design Guidelines. To configure rule severity, install the analyzers as a NuGet package. Josef Pihrt has created a suite of useful Roslyn-based analyzer extensions starting with Roslynator for Visual Studio 2015 and Roslynator 2017 for Visual Studio 2017, which contain collections of more than 190 analyzers and 180 refactorings for C#. My product team is evaluating purchasing JetBrains ReSharper or DevExpress CodeRush to assist with improving code quality in our .NET application portfolio. Published on 30 October 2018.NET GMTL Tips. Anders Lundsgård Created May 05, 2014 06:29. This should be great. or Alt + Enter and selecting the fix from the menu. Regions After. It enables a \"Connected Mode\", the idea being that developers can get real-time feedback based on the current rules that have been configured on the server. Anders Lundsgård Created May 05, 2014 06:29. .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers inspect your C# or Visual Basic code for style, quality, maintainability, design, and other issues. StyleCop.Analyzers contains a lot of rules, especially for code formatting. StyleCop code style settings and inspections; Integration of StyleCop configurations. You can still use this in Visual Studio 2019, but the current recommended way to use StyleCop is … I combined it with Roslynator, ... it is the fucking terrible performance. Corresponds to the default severity of the rule. NOTE: Ruleset files in Visual Studio normally open with the ‘Ruleset file editor’ which is bad. JetBrains Rider provides over 2500 code inspections in all supported languages, but if this is not enough, JetBrains Rider allows you to additionally use .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers.. We intend to use both. It is a Roslyn-based equivalent of FxCop. (yet you need to learn how to build StyleCop library.) Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 is an exciting release for the C++ code analysis team. StyleCop Analyzers for the .NET Compiler Platform - Port of StyleCop rules to Roslyn. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 2 months ago. At home I used to miss it. If you want a higher level tracking system for how complex your codebase is over time, and maybe even comparing codebases between teams, and tracking technical debt, Sonar is what you want. Sonar DOES have the ability to rate your code cleanliness, host a central server, track your code over time by integrating into CI. Personally, if I can get everything out of the box with Visual Studio and I no longer need Resharper then in my eyes thats 1 less thing to install and manage, but right now there are still many refactoring tools missing from Visual Studio which makes Resharper still very useful. The rules, based on StyleCop, are completely configurable and customizable. It makes VS feel like a laggy piece of shit, and causes the UI to have these micro-stutters even on a SSD/i7 system. If you want to enable StyleCop on just some projects then either directly reference the .ruleset file from your .csproj files or reference a .props file from your .csproj file that references the .ruleset file. Roslynator for Visual Studio Code; Fix all diagnostics in a solution; Generate API documentation; Donation "It's so good, that I made my first ever donation." Does this article still apply to classic or do things work differently? 0. Starting in .NET 5.0, code style analyzers are included with the .NET SDK and can be strictly enforced as build warnings or errors. Code fixes are shown in the light bulb icon menu along with other types of Quick Actions. It is very good if you want to force the development to keep to a coding standard, but it will require a lot of changes in the code or to configure the rules and active them step by step. If you want a simple linter with automatic fixes, StyleCop is what you want. Run on demand or automatically during cleanup. Everyone is also using ReSharper 8.1 in Visual Studio 2013 and an idea is to skip MS Code Analysis and do ReSharper inspecions on the CI-servers instead. Showing the top 5 popular GitHub repositories that depend on Roslynator.Analyzers: Repository Stars; reactiveui/ReactiveUI An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. To view the properties, right-click on the rule and select Prope… Roslynator Code Analysis. PROMO: Try Orang, cross-platform command-line tool from the author of Roslynator.Orang can search, replace, rename and delete directories, files and its content using the power of .NET regular expressions. In Visual Studio this is as simple as pressing Ctrl + . Roslynator - Collection of 190+ analyzers and 190+ refactorings for C#. StyleCop: Analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. To add it to your global ruleset file, you must do it manually! See How to: Configure the scope of live code analysis. For information about these code fixes, see Common Quick Actions. The new version 2.3.1 of the Roslynator.Analyzers package brings the number of analyzers, refactorings and fixes to over 500. Just found StyleCop, looks like something worth using for my projects. This results in a lot of warnings when you add this analyzer. This is a great question! So I downloaded ReSharper, as well as StyleCop for ReSharper. 7.5. Note that these menu fixes typically come with a ‘fix all in solution’ button which will fix the linting error across the whole solution: The full list of which errors have automatic solutions coded is listed here https://dotnetanalyzers.github.io/StyleCopAnalyzers/. Microsoft have said that .editorconfig files are the future and will potentially take over from .ruleset files. Any new files have bee named consistently and spelt correctly. The documentation for disabling rules tells you to use the Visual Studio UI, but I’ve found this useless at dealing with a solution-level ruleset file. Popularity. You can do much of the customization of analyzer diagnostics from Solution Explorer. If you install Roslynator, you will get ~180 new refactorings with same amazing speed as VS! Covers coding style, code readability and simplification, removing redundancies, fixing compiler errors, and many more. (I opened a feature request for it here). The other day I was speaking with a client and they asked me to describe the difference between StyleCop and FxCop, two useful tools for code analysis. Just right click -> Open With -> XML Text Editor, and save yourself the pain! Code quality analyzers are now included with the .NET 5 SDK and enabled by default. It's free, confidential, includes a free flight and hotel, along with help to study to pass interviews and negotiate a high salary! Severity levels of analyzers. Roslynator is a collection of code analyzers, refactorings and code fixes. I do like SWA though, the value it provides i great. We have some struggle with MS Code Analysis to work in our Continuous Integration environment. Rob Siklos July 19, 2019 5:25 am . It is very good if you want to force the development to keep to a coding standard, but it will require a lot of changes in … Resharper provides a free command line tool to lint your code. Requires NuGet 2.7 or higher. ReSharper vs Code Analysis (FxCop) Follow. For more information, see Overview of .NET code quality analysis. It does a lot of static code analysis, which will save developers a lot of time early on. Roslynator . With every single major version of VS I try to use it without Resharper to find the best setup for me. I find it useful when I need to improve my coding style, help with correctness or generally find how I can write code better and smarter. Hello! Analyzers can be divided into the following groups: Code style analyzers are built in to Visual Studio. Or unity project is not .NET core project? Code analysis searches for patterns which may indicate a bug, while StyleCop is simply enforcing style rules, a simple convention used by our team. Reorganizing before. StyleCop analyzers is a non-Microsoft open source project and has all the style based syntactic analyzers for code style preferences. at the top of the file). The following image shows three violationsâone error (red squiggle), one warning (green squiggle), and one suggestion (three grey dots): Many analyzer rules, or diagnostics, have one or more associated code fixes that you can apply to correct the rule violation. Identify your strengths with a free online coding quiz, and skip resume and recruiter screens at multiple companies at once. ReSharper vs Code Analysis (FxCop) Follow. In Visual Studio you can press Alt + F11 to lint the entire solution. Format comments to wrap at a specified column and arrange tags on separate lines. Each analyzer has one of the following severity levels: If rule violations are found by an analyzer, they're reported in the code editor (as a squiggle under the offending code) and in the Error List window. I feel I’m getting closer to dropping Resharper altogether. 2. me: sees "StyleCop, specifically" also me: plugs Roslynator anyway. Roslynator. How to: Configure the scope of live code analysis. StyleCop is like FxCop analyzer, it uses Roslyn Analyzers but does only care about style programming. Roslyn, officially named .N Over the years, Visual Studio has added more and more tools to increase productivity, slowly catching up to extensions like Resharper. Copy of StyleCop (Jason Allor, Andy Reeves and Team) from stylecop.codeplex.com for visual studio 2015/C#6 without ReSharper.. Covers coding style, code readability and simplification, removing redundancies, fixing compiler errors, and many more. To have rules enforced at build time, including through the command line or as part of a continuous integration (CI) build you can choose from one of the following options: Create a .NET 5.0 project which includes analyzers by default in the .NET SDK. Hello, My team only has VS 2013 and thus we would need to use StyleCop Classic. Roslynator uses the open-source Roslyn .NET Compiler Platform to … The other day I was speaking with a client and they asked me to describe the difference between StyleCop and FxCop, two useful tools for code analysis. A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn. In the same way as ReSharper handles Roslyn coding conventions from .editorconfig, it will also handle StyleCop rules from Settings.StyleCop files. For now it doesnt seem the ecosystem is set up for .editorconfig files to completely take over all the .ruleset file functionality. To some extend it is a replacement for Resharper from JetBrains. I feel like having Resharper enabled isn't worth the performance cost. Today, it contains more than 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#. If you install the analyzers as a NuGet package, which is the preferred method, they apply only to the project where the NuGet package was installed. .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) Analyzers. There is a newer prerelease version of this package available. I won’t cover the resharper setup because my team is not licensed for it. Visual Studio 2017 15.3 was released this week, with support for .NET Core 2.0 (also released – download separately here). I have some questions: 1. Activity. True. A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by … Viewed 9k times 21. You can configure preferences in the text editor options page or in an EditorConfig file. It does deeper analysis of your code than stylecop, so it is (warning: over-generalisation!) One of the features that we added to a recent OmniSharp release (which, as a reminder, backs the C# language services in various editors), and that quietly shipped in C# for Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 last week, was the ability to use external Roslyn refactorings.. Before, OmniSharp shipped with some built-in Roslyn refactorings (i.e. In you are a Resharper fan (as a lot of C# developers are) bear in mind that Microsoft are providing more and more Resharper functionality in Visual Studio, Roslyn, and related tooling, so it’s worth keeping an eye on how Microsoft progresses in this area, and also how much Resharper slows down Visual Studio, how much it costs etc. However, this doesn’t hook into your IDE without configuration and AFAIK, it does not provide automated fixes without you also buying and installing the Resharper plugin for Visual Studio (or using Project Rider). The whole system is quite flexible, so for example you can have different ruleset files for different projects (maybe one for test projects, one for production code?) StyleCop Analyzers for the .NET Compiler Platform - Port of StyleCop rules to Roslyn. SonarLint for Visual Studio 2017 - Roslyn based static code analysis: Find and instantly fix nasty bugs and code smells in C#, VB.Net, C, C++ and JS. In general I like the coding productivity boosts Resharper gives me but I hate the way… Using Roslyn, the .NET compiler platform, both and more can be achieved.
, https://gist.github.com/mikeparker/c24e56172f548d66e9c2379896b8b563, https://dotnetanalyzers.github.io/StyleCopAnalyzers/, Here is a gist to show what a file looks like, https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelparkerdev/, A Beginner’s Guide to JavaScript’s Prototype, Take Your Create React App Debugging Workflow to the Next Level, Your new ReactJS on Sublime Text 3 workspace setup, JavaScript Inheritance and the Prototype Chain, Build a ‘Like’ Counter With Fauna, Netlify and Nuxt. Reorganize the layout of members in a C# file to follow Microsoft’s StyleCop convention, or your own preferences. Analyzer warnings and errors don't show up in the build report if you install the analyzers as an extension. 6. Analyzers can also be configured to inspect code at build time and live as you type. The following image shows the command-line build output from building a project that contains an analyzer rule violation: You cannot configure the severity of rules from analyzers that were installed as a Visual Studio extension. To use StyleCop in 2019 you simply install the nuget package StyleCop.Analyzers . You can do this on a per-project basis or globally (as above) using Directory.Build.props. Regions Before. StyleChecker is yet another code style checker and refactoring tool like FxCopAnalyzers, StyleCop Analyzers, SonarLint, Roslynator, and so on.It uses the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") to analyze the C# source code of .NET Core projects and outputs diagnostics of a rule violation, and when running with Visual Studio it provides code fixes as much as possible. Hours to make it a great development tool above ) roslynator vs stylecop Directory.Build.props the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis... 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