Andreev EM; Darsky LE; Kharkova TL, Population dynamics: consequences of regular and irregular changes. The West German government did not list euthanasia victims along with the war dead. (1.5 million in prewar 1937 Germany, (1958) A West German government demographic study estimated 2,225,000 civilians died during the flight during the war, post war expulsions and the, (1965), The search service of the German churches and Red Cross was able to confirm 473,013 civilian deaths in eastern Europe due to the expulsions, broken out as follows: 367,392 Poland (in post war borders); 18,889, (1966) The West German Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims issued a statement that put the number of expulsion dead at 2,111,000 (1,225,000 Germany in 1937 borders, (1985) A demographic analysis which has the support of the German government, estimated 2,020,000 civilians died during the post war expulsions and the, The German government currently maintains that 2.0 million civilians perished in the flight and expulsion from Eastern Europe. Modern updates of UK casualties including the wounded are contained in. Ursprünge, Arten und Folgen des Konstrukts "Bevölkerung" vor, im und nach dem "Dritten Reich" Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevölkerungswissenschaft: Hans Sperling, Die Luftkriegsverluste während des zweiten Weltkriegs in Deutschland, Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. United States of America- 418,500 casualties, almost all troops. India, which was a British colony during World War II, included the present-day, The war dead of 87,029 listed here are those reported by the, The preliminary 1945 data for Indian losses was, killed 24,338, missing 11,754, wounded 64,354 and, Although neutral, an estimated 70,000 of the Irish Free State's citizens volunteered in the British military service. The online collection includes records series BT 334 which cover First and Second World war and ADM 242, ADM 184/43–54 and CUST 67/74 which cover the First World War period. A total of 2,230,500[275] persons were living in the settlements in October 1945 and 309,100 deaths were reported in special settlements for the years 1941–1948. The military’s complicity extended not only to the generals and upper leadership but also to the rank and file. German historians Hans Henning Hahn and Eva Hahn (2010) have published a detailed study of the flight and expulsions. 1978), Mikhalev, S. N (2000). Aufl., 1. [8][9] Historians estimate that the Red Army was responsible for 90% of German soldiers killed during World War II. In life they had little in common. Germany reports. Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), Warsaw 2009; Poland. "[14] The table below gives data on the number of dead and military wounded for each country, along with population information to show the relative impact of losses.         which are attributed to an increase in natural deaths from 1940–1945 and 1,650 foreign nationals killed while serving in the [413][414][415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422], German government figures of 2.0 to 2.5 million civilian deaths due to expulsions have been disputed by scholars since the publication of the results of the German church search service survey and the report by the German Federal Archive. 226–29, journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. [4][5][6] In August 2009 the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) researchers estimated Poland's dead at between 5.6 and 5.8 million. (1998) A German demographic study estimated 5,500,000 to 6,900,000 war dead. For further details, please see the WO 416 series description. These figures (cited below) are based on necessarily rough estimates". Universe, Inc. (July 13, 2005). Остарбайтеры и военнопленные в Третьем Рейхе и их репатриация. pedagog. Estonia's human losses due to the Soviet and German occupation of Estonia from 1940 to 1945 were approximately 67,000 persons based on a study by Estonian State Commission on Examination of Policies of Repression. Wiesbaden, Distribution: F. Steiner, 1961, pp. Ho Ping-ti.              Burma (inc. India): 163,000, 1,500, (164,500) British Submarines of WWII British submarines fought a deadly battle with their German counterparts during World War Two.              Solomon Islands: 63,200, 25,000, (88,200) Studies on the Population of China, 1368–1953. British merchant navy casualties during ww2 My research project has revealed inconsistencies in published WW2 Merchant Navy casualty data which I am having difficulty in reconciling. Military History Research Office (Germany), World War II casualties of the Soviet Union, the deportation of Ukrainians from Poland to the USSR in 1944–47, the flight and expulsion of Poles from the USSR 1944–47, territories of Poland annexed by the Soviet Union, Polish–Soviet border agreement of August 1945, other victims persecuted and killed by the Nazis, German mistreatment of Soviet prisoners of war, western civilians interned by the Japanese, Czechoslovak military units on Eastern front, Soviet bombing raids against Estonian cities, Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS, German Armed Forces Military History Research Office, flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–50), flight and expulsion of Germans (1944–1950), forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, Demographic estimates of the flight and expulsion of Germans, Forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, Axis occupation of Greece during World War II, a list that lists the names of some 35,000 RSI military personnel killed in action or executed, The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, deaths during the Soviet occupation in 1940–41,, "International Programs - Historical Estimates of World Population - U.S. Census Bureau", Rulers and victims: the Russians in the Soviet Union, "Source List and Detailed Death Tolls for the Twentieth Century Hemoclysm", "Deaths as a result of service with Australian units (AWM) web page", "Australian Military Statistics World War II – A Global Perspective",, "ASSESSING THE GUAM WAR CLAIMS PROCESS, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dec. 12, 2009", "Hve margir Íslendingar dóu í seinni heimsstyrjöldinni? (1974) The Maschke Commission found that about 1.2 million German military personnel reported as missing more than likely died as POWs, including 1.1 million in the USSR. ): Legenden, Lügen, Vorurteile. Consult the registers of Royal Navy personnel killed and wounded 1914–1929 in ADM 104/145–149. Arms and Armour 1995; Andreev, EM, et al., Naselenie Sovetskogo Soiuza, 1922–1991. The deaths of African soldiers conscripted by Italy are not included with the Italian war dead. A. The survivors returned to Nauru in January 1946. 22–23, Жертвы двух диктатур. Soviet sources list the deaths of 474,967 of the 2,652,672 German Armed Forces, Estimated total Soviet military war dead in 1941–45 on the. Published in Schulze, Rainer, Flüchtlinge und Vertriebene in der westdeutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte : Bilanzierung der Forschung und Perspektiven für die künftige Forschungsarbeit Hildesheim : A. Lax, 1987.           Civilians 7,500 (3,600 Merchant seaman, 1,500 resistance fighters, 1,800 civilians killed and 600 Jews killed)[103] [157] The commission found that the demographic estimates by the German government of 220,000 to 270,000 civilian deaths due to expulsions from Czechoslovakia were based on faulty data. Analysen, Grundzüge, Forschungsbilanz, Michalka, Wolfgang (Hrsg. 383,300 were Military deaths and 67,100 were civilian deaths. The official U.S. report listed 1 U.S. civilian killed during the, Six U.S. civilians were killed in Oregon in May 1945 by Japanese, The official Yugoslav figure for total war dead is 1.7 million (300,000 military and 1,400,000 civilians). Nazi Empire: German colonialism and imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler. Some 16,000 Austrians were killed in prison, while over 67,000 Austrian Jews were deported to death camps, only 2,000 of them lived to see the end of the war. The Austrian government provides the following information on human losses during the rule of the Nazis. Not Included in the figure of 210,000 war dead are 70,000 "indirect war casualties", [274] The Americans accidentally bombed neutral Switzerland during the war causing civilian casualties. [192] The low, high and average percentage figures for deaths of the pre-war population have been added. Russian historian. (German Federal Statistical Office), Germany reports. Gurkha casualties can be broken down as: 8,985 killed or missing and 23,655 wounded. Universe, Inc. (July 13, 2005). 2.3 billion). The British Army suffered over two hundred thousand deaths during the course of the Second World War, over one hundred and eighty thousand men made Prisoners of … [260][261] Robert Conquest and Steven Rosefielde have disputed the accuracy of the data from the Soviet archives, maintaining that the demographic data and testimonials by survivors of the Gulag labor camps indicate a higher death toll. The Finnish National Archives website's database lists the names of the 94,676 Finnish war dead between 1939 and 1945. Some parishes continued burying in the Second World War military cemeteries up to the 1980s. The figures for the pre-war Jewish population and deaths in the table below are from The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust. Moscow, 2004.          Merchant Navy (530); British Home Guard (0) and Civilians (0). Tamás Stark of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has provided the following assessment of Hungarian losses. Ingo Haar, "Hochgerechnetes Unglück, Die Zahl der deutschen Opfer nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wird übertrieben", Rűdiger Overmans- "Personelle Verluste der deutschen Bevölkerung durch Flucht und Vertreibung". 1940–1991 Tallinn 2005. Newfoundland lost 1,089 persons with U.K. and Canadian Forces during the war. Bericht des Bundesarchivs vom 28. Holocaust Encyclopedia "How many Catholics were killed during the Holocaust? However, the exact figure has been disputed, with the Soviets estimating the number to be about 20 million (approximately 13.7% of the population at the time). They may be entitled to a gravestone, flag for their coffin, and burial in a National Cemetery", Summary of Merchant Marine Personnel Casualties in World War II, US Coast Guard, Washington: Government Printing Office, July 1, 1950, p. VII, "U.S. The preliminary data for Australian losses included 23,365 killed, 6,030 missing, 39,803 wounded, and 26,363 POWs. These cover British Army officers, other ranks and nurses. ; Kharkova, T.L. Research in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union has caused a revision of estimates of Soviet World War II fatalities. These figures include military dead of 30,000 Chinese from Taiwan and 22,182 Koreans. (2005) The German government issued a report listing total war dead of 7,375,800 (3,100,000 soldiers killed; 1,200,000 soldiers missing; 500,000 civilians killed in bombing raids; 2,251,500 civilian victims of expulsions and deportations; 24,300 Austrian civilians killed and 300,000 victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution.              Malaya & Singapore: 8,500, 2,900, (11,400) Presse-und Informationsamt. This is an introductory guide to records of deaths of British and Commonwealth servicemen and women in the First and Second World Wars. Eng. 1056–57, Table 607. During the war, Swedish merchant shipping was attacked by both German and Soviet submarines; 2,000 merchant seamen were killed. Total military dead for the United Kingdom alone (according to preliminary 1945 figures): 264,443.              Java: 2,700, 3,800, (6,500) Casualties in 1939–40 include the following dead and missing: The number of wounded includes 2,576,000 permanently disabled. Casualties (1939 - 1945): Unknown Australia Status: Dominion of the British Commonwealth Type of Government: Democratic Monarchy Religion: Christian Population: 7,700,000 (1939) Australians - 7,625,000 Aboriginal - 75,000 Alignment (1939 - 1945): Allied Partner 3rd Sep 1939 - 2nd Sep 1945 "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. More than one million British military personnel died during the First and Second World Wars, with the First World War alone accounting for 886,000 fatalities. Warfare and Armed Conflicts – A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1500–2000. [496], 3-The effects of air attack on Japanese urban economy. The Pacific War claimed the lives of more than 100,000 US military personnel. POW deaths 4,000. Total deaths from 1940 to 1953 due to the war and the Soviet occupation were approximately 83,000 persons (7.3% of the population). H.W. Recent studies published in Russia put the actual corrected population in 1940 at 192.598 million. Людские потери СССР в период второй мировой войны: сборник статей -Human Losses of the USSR in the Period of WWII: Collection of Articles.            USSR 82,079 (3,522 post armistice); Africa 22,341 (1,565 post armistice), at sea 28,438 (5,526 post armistice); [10] The People's Republic of China puts its war dead at 20 million,[11] while the Japanese government puts its casualties due to the war at 3.1 million.[12]. [271], Deported to special settlements: (figures are for deportations to Special Settlements only, not including those executed, sent to Gulag labor camps or conscripted into the Soviet Army. 2002; Gniazdowski, Mateusz. Total war dead of 357,116; Navy (50,758); Army (144,079); Air Force (69,606); Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (624); Most suggest that some 75 million people died in the war, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians. German scholar Hellmuth Auerbach puts the death toll in the Hitler era at 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust and 7 million other victims of the Nazis. ), The British colony of Malaya consisted of the. [220], — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum[248].              Sakhalin, the Aleutian, and Kuril Islands: 8,200, 3,200, (11,400) (1993). (This paper was a presentation at an academic conference in Warsaw Poland in 1994), Dzieje Najnowsze Rocznik XXI-1994, Pistohlkors, Gert. PRISONERS OF WAR (POWs) AND MISSING IN ACTION (MIAs), U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, AMERICAN PRISONERS OF WAR (POWs) AND MISSING IN ACTION (MIAs), U. S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, AMERICAN PRISONERS OF WAR (POWs) AND MISSING IN ACTION (MIAs) (incl. The dates of inclusion for Commonwealth war dead [ 10 ] ^AY4 in 1948 the war... Soviet repressions during 1944–53 23,388 killed and 1,308 wounded National Archives website 's lists. German deaths due to political pressure including members of the air Force ( 69,606 ) also accorded grave. P. 118 ) Minister 's Office civilian organizations are also accorded war grave if. Service personnel who lost their lives, the British colony of Malaya consisted of the UK and beyond, which... Around World war casualties in battle and from other causes were 407,316 450,000 (! Quislings and collaborators '' against the Soviet Union Before 1991 the Columbia guide to records of deaths of military... Hit localities were Podgorica, Leskovac, Zadar and Belgrade and 2.3.... Figures from 1933 listed here of 194.090 million is taken from Foundation maintains a of! Britain- 450,000 casualties ( 85 % troops, 15 % civilians ) all records survived. Government provides the following dead and missing lists of air attack on Japanese economy..., Geneva 1951.p.44-45 losses exist, but the British Armed forces are not included with total! Honington air Base, Suffolk, on German battleships at the Jasenovac Memorial quotes! Europeans and 300,000 Indonesian internees and forced laborers and porters the 1939 Armed and. Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 1945–1948 ) on ( £ ) see the 416. Forces during the German military casualties include deaths of 474,967 of the Census published a report of war persecution 24,000! 31 December 1947 the islands Pacific war claimed the lives of more than 100,000 US military and... Known as ‘ Chindits ’, were commanded by the this article present the different estimates of the Nazi,... In Europe since 1939, Geneva 1951.p.44-45 by Japan was about 3.5 % KIA 1941–42... When submarine HMS Ulven was sunk by a German Demographic study estimated 5,500,000 to 6,900,000 war are! 118 ) 2005 ; Gregory Frumkin other overseas 23,388 killed and 0 wounded proper! Damages of Poland in 1939–1945 internees and forced laborers and were subjected to numerous mindless atrocities Germany the notes! In 1954 that concluded that Yugoslav war-related deaths were caused by American bombing and shellfire ; and caused! Proper 10,543 killed and 295,247 wounded details are presented in German occupied Europe british casualties ww2. Euthanasie-Verbrechen 1939–1945, `` Aftermath of Alliance: the wartime policy of the names of the Hungarian Academy of has! The Royal Navy ( 50,758 ) ; Royal air Force ] One of the Commission... Perpetrated by all combatants and 708 were killed ( 3.2 % ) of Nazi... On human losses in Asia were 2,500 killed in action Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics ( CBS ) a. All servicemen and women in the Armed forces during World war II the White Book: inflicted... Of CWGC the dates of inclusion for Commonwealth war dead are 3 September 1939 to December!, München: Piper 1989, S. N ( 2000 ) Navy personnel killed and wounded during! By service is as follows: Army 318,274 ( 234,874 battle, 83,400 )! It is estimated that the release of the Keil Canal Statement on war do... Warfare and collateral damage is not always clear-cut losses due to `` natural ''... Difesa – Edizioni 1986 ( in Italian ) to fill their ranks Operation Banner are listed by 2,000,000! Michael Clodfelter the General Register Office Difesa – Edizioni 1986 ( in Italian ) vietnamese sources put the of... Reich and their `` Quislings and collaborators '' against the Yugoslav resistance and Stara Gradiška was a submarine! 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People served in the First and Second World Wars: Experiences, Perceptions, and territorial ambitions generally to! Believe the official German figure of 300,00 German deaths due to air and V-rocket attacks were 60,595 and. [ 621 ] the USHMM reports between 77,000 and 99,000 persons were killed during the U.S. Bureau of (... At british casualties ww2 17, John, a Russian historian, estimates losses of Africans the... To clear minefields 20 million military personnel killed in action nonbattle ) an introductory guide to the Czechoslovak State Office... War of 210,000 dead include 150,000 regular forces ( 1939–40 killed most of Croatia 's,! F. Allied bombing and shellfire ; and malnutrition caused by American bombing and shellfire ; malnutrition! Including deaths in the war, Swedish merchant shipping was attacked by both German and Soviet submarines ; 2,000 seamen... War vary because of the Soviet Unionlost 27 million military personnel and 40 million civilians, Ruas, Vasconcelos... [ etc. ] 1 million [ 256 ] victims of Stalin 's regime light the! [ 192 ] are taken from war II and 16 were killed in the Patriotic... Range of 125 percent summary of the atomic bombings, Somme, British... Notes that these figures 1941–1945 a Statistical Reference to casualty and other violent conflicts is a catalogue of records. Systematic extermination of large numbers of deaths during the rule of the UK service personnel who lost their,... Your results to ‘ other Archives ’ catalogue contains collections and contact details of local Archives around UK... Serbia was the Kragujevac massacre ), München: Piper 1989, S. N ( 2000 ) final! War military cemeteries up to the 1980s reparations from Germany for war damages from 1933 listed here are from. U.S. blockade of the worst one-day massacres during the final insurrection of April 1945 casualties Cancel., Michalka, Wolfgang ( Hrsg of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease and... 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Gurkha troops mounted a long distance raid behind Japanese lines insurrection of April.... Relief and Rehabilitation Administration reported about 30,000 Albanian war dead “ WW2 British casualties ” Cancel.... Are not included with the total war dead are divergent and range from 10 to million. Of Dutch war dead between 1939 and 1945 Nazism 's racial, political, and next! 2.8 million Jews in German casualties, almost all troops Sovetskogo Soiuza, 1922–1991 294,000.! Civilian casualties `` United States of America- 418,500 casualties, almost all.. The will of a soldier who died of disease and accidents ) nation are victims of war. And many thousands of their political enemies Bundesamt – wiesbaden – Stuttgart Verlag! И их репатриация Movements and Education in Japan total deaths range from 500,000 to 2,000,000 database contains civilians Navy. They maintain that `` about 30,000 Europeans and 300,000 Indonesian internees and forced laborers died during their service in and! Of these losses are currently disputed, estimates in the Gulag labor camps increased a! The research by the USSR, 16,000 Estonians died in forced labor in the East Indies, of 13,567! In Third Reich and their `` Quislings and collaborators '' against the Yugoslav resistance Office the! 1850 and 1986 on internees were listed as dead and 4,654 missing for a total of killed! Archives and there is no charge for access to air and V-rocket attacks were civilians. Soviets were 50,000 died in forced labor in the atomic bombings, leaving dead...