Govender, L. (2015). In J. C. Burke (Ed. Bodião, I. D. S. (2016). Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. MacIntyre, A. 2017). International Development Planning Review, This may be due to frustration with a profession that benefited from political placements in top positions (Zengele 2013) and teacher unions that split over whether they wanted to maintain the inequitable practices of the past or push the progressive movement of the government (Govender 2015). Monitoring learning through test scores and using results to drive policy reform are also practices supported by international organizations such as the World Bank, the OECD and, to a lesser extent, UNESCO (Benavot and Smith 2019). The challenges of education in Brazil. Citizen-led social accountability decreases the distance between the governed and government, providing for direct interaction between citizens and policymakers, mediated by a civil society organization. 15(3), 317–332. Other transparency benefits include the following: 1. Education for all in Brazil: 2000-2015. In W. C. Smith (Ed. It involves officials “ceding genuine voice to the stakeholders” (Pagatpatan and Ward 2017, p. 522) within an environment in which different viewpoints can be discussed openly. For information with regards to schools in your locality please visit our website Accountability, a cornerstone of contemporary education policy, is increasingly characterized by external monitoring and an emphasis on outcomes or results. 22(2), 147–171. Public access to information is widely accepted as a key to greater transparency and accountability in education. MacDonald, B. (2017). World Development, Accountability in education in Pakistan. 2017). Reduce class sizes: this may seem detrimental to profit however it ensures quality over the long term. 2012) and a government led task force in Pakistan to identify high teacher salaries as the crux of the problem (The Pakistan Education Task Force 2011). The continuing politics of mistrust: Performance management and the erosion of professional work. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The multiple principals demand different tasks from the responsible party (Lateef 2016), reducing the potential gains from accountability. Importantly, Chou and Huque (2016) suggest that increased use of structured democratic voice will help generate greater political will for such opportunities in the future. UNESCO/UIS GEM Report Policy Paper 27/Fact Sheet 37. On the other hand, the quality of the information released determines what kind of accountability is possible. Bingley: Emerald Publishing. Report on the Scottish government-funded Integrated School Performance Improvement, Review and Engagement [INSPIRE] project. Themes in the current accountability literature are then revisited in light of these examples. Some consider it a ‘virtuous practice’ (MacIntyre 1984); others view it as indistinguishable from ‘good governance’ and transparency (Bovens 2006; Dubnick 2014; Gorur 2017; Stensaker and Harvey 2011). 17(2), 199–215. 3(1), 75–89. Finally, the government benefits through increased capacity as they are exposed to a variety of perspectives and learn from those on the front line of education, which ultimately leads to efficiency gains. Participation in such a process increases actors’ sense of ownership encourages them to view policies as legitimate and the evaluation of their efforts as fair. In Argentina, following a 2006 education law, The Confederation of Education Workers was formally included in the National Education Quality Council, thereby participating in efforts to plan policy and evaluate progress. Cultural change in Asia and beyond: From allegiant to assertive citizens. Oxford: Symposium Books. National, regional and international learning assessments: Trends among developing countries, 1960-2009. Structured democratic voice seems especially pertinent if the task is to achieve ambitious national or international goals in education, since the responsibility for their achievement does not rest with a single individual or institution. (2003). Paris: UNESCO. It can influence the accountability approach chosen and its effectiveness. ii STUDENT NUMBER: … World Development, The lack of active participation of all parties and an over emphasis on donor issues undermines the JSRs aim of fostering mutual accountability. The final section highlights important implications of the arguments and evidence reviewed. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, (2016). The roundtable on higher education: Linking North Dakota and its university system. In reviewing the principal–agent problem what was originally seen as a two-party relationship has been stretched to include multiple principals (Fox 2015). Journal of Curriculum Studies, Benavot, A., & Smith, W. C. (2019). We start by examining two key characteristics of prevailing accountability systems: their reliance on external implementation and their focus on outcomes. Using information from standardized assessments, authorities develop mechanisms for sanctioning or rewarding teachers and schools (Sahlberg 2010; Verger and Parcerisa 2017). 73–91). Accountability is also a buzzword in global education policy. William C. Smith. Smith, W. C. (2014). transparency and accountability of schools and school systems” (Rudd & Gillard, 2008, p. 5). The discussion culminates in a school action plan outlining how each actor can contribute to reaching the jointly identified goals (Visser et al. The WDR accountability framework details relationships between clients, providers, and policy makers (Lateef 2016), and consists of two paths to accountability: the long route and the short route. Board members raised concerns that NGOs, included to represent certain marginalized groups, were actually acting in their own self-interests. In Spain, for example, poor PISA results were used to further strengthen the government’s position on early school tracking (Bonal and Tarabini 2013). This article builds off a presentation by Aaron Benavot at the 19th annual International Conference of Education Research in Seoul, South Korea. This clarification was not surprising and largely mirrors the shift in accountability relationships from a political relationship—where citizens and the government work together for the common good—to an economic relationship—where taxpayers are consumers of services (Biesta 2004). Rev. Improving accountability in education: the importance of structured democratic voice. Fontdevila, C., & Verger, A. Making the most of public investment in Colombia: Working effectively across levels of government. In Japan, for example, externally imposed accountability and the introduction of national testing in 2007 forced many teachers to reconsider their role and question the goals of teaching (Katsuno 2012). For instance, an analysis of terms associated with a testing culture or accountability found that they increased fivefold from one World Bank education sector strategy to the next (Joshi and Smith 2012). 29(3), 204–217. In many respects, this is the ‘age of accountability’ since accountability permeates all social services, including education (Hopmann 2008). The same accountability approach is unlikely to work well in all contexts or at all times. 2018). In order to establish the issue of accountability and transparency in managing school finances, semi-structured interviews were conducted to principals, SGB members, finance officers and finance committee members of various selected schools. The latter best resembles a diagonal accountability approach. Paris: OECD. Just because parents (and others) value their local teachers does not mean teachers, as a profession, are viewed as capable and trustworthy. Central to this linking of accountability, the transparency of schools and school systems and raising teaching quality was the creation of a regime of testing (NAPLAN) that would generate data about the attainment of basic literacy and numeracy skills by students in Australian schools. It is assumed that those providing services—teachers and, to a lesser extent, school leaders—need to be managed and to “demonstrate publicly that they fulfil accountability requirements” (Larsen 2005, p. 300). (2012). In practical terms, schools and teachers were also made accountable to parents via an appeal system, … 2(2), 112–132. Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Holyrood Campus, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, School of Education, University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, NY, USA, You can also search for this author in ), sustained motivation (do they feel their work is valued and appreciated? Accountability and transparency tends to help create better policies and stop the abuse of power. As noted in the JSR examples above, representation, even of key actors, can be uneven. These spaces enable participants to channel their input and responses into all aspects of policy making and policy evaluation. The long route clearly separates the governed (clients) from those that govern (policymakers), with the latter holding full oversight authority. Understanding the factors that make public participation effective in health policy and planning: A realist synthesis. World Bank projects in education increasingly included financing for learning assessments between 1998 and 2009 (Benavot and Smith 2019). A key underlying assumption of the short route was that “transparency (access to information) combined with participation would lead to more accountability, which in turn would improve service delivery” (Dewachter et al. Teacher unions’ participation in policy making: A South African case study. The days of employees doing their work without asking questions and accepting whatever pay was given to them are largely over. Welzel, C., & Dalton, R. (2017). pedagogical capacity (have they received the training and support to teach this group of students in this subject?). National testing policies and educator-based testing for accountability: The role of selection in student achievement. Education 2030: Incheon declaration and framework for action. 2017). ), The global testing culture: Shaping educational policy, perceptions, and practice (pp. The Role Of Transparency In School Administration A school is an institution where transparency and accountability go hand-in-hand and should be held as statutory obligations. Background paper for the 2017-18 Global Education Monitoring Report. Largely absent in discussions of accountability are the voices of stakeholders who work, learn, and teach in schools and other educational institutions. Background paper for the 2017–2018 Global Education Monitoring Report. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 2018). Paris: UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning. They have drawn the support of Democrats and Republicans, leaders of business and the civil rights community, and parents and educators. In the end, teachers were not included in the decision to implement outcomes-based accountability (Jansen 2002). Transparency in oil sector operations allows democratic debate on how oil wealth should be handled. The enabling environment consists of resources, capacity, motivation, and information. In both aspects, transparency works as a tool for accountability: publishing school-specific results is an attempt to keep them accountable—not only to the state but also towards parents, who are then thought of as making rational and fully informed decisions on the education of their offspring. (2018). Journal of Education Policy, Local control, illustrated by the short route, has become a mantra in the accountability literature. Accountability policies in education: Opportunities, risks and innovations in the post-2015 period. 37(1), 7–16. ... which I have cross-referenced for public school parents and community stakeholders. (2017). Structured democratic voice is, therefore, best represented in a revised long-route approach, involving three elements (Dewachter et al. When stakeholders are included in the creation and implementation of shared aims, they see them as pertinent to their community. Second, governments may be disinterested in incorporating non-official voices in the decision-making process. The school must therefore provide a system of social accountability able to undertake an evaluation of the educational institution as a whole, in coherence with the new status of autonomy. Dubnick, M. (2014). 4 Accountability and transparency – Code of Conduct. If a school is transparent, people can be held accountable for their actions. Collaboration for structured democratic voice. In Grading goal four: Tensions, threats and opportunities in the sustainable development goal on quality education. Background paper for the 2017-18 Global Education Monitoring Report. Individuals cannot and should not be held solely accountable for such shared responsibilities. 2016 Global Education Monitoring Report. 2007; Smith 2014). Added to this are citizen-led and civil society-led social accountability. If a school is transparent, people can be held accountable for their actions. The GPE report indicates that the Ministry of Finance was only present in about 53% of the reviews. Fitzgerald, T. (2008). Yet with more children in primary school, international donors are directing fewer resources to this schooling level, and aid to basic education fell steadily from its peak in 2011 (GCE 2015; UNESCO 2016c). Examples include Colombia’s review of its National Development Plan (OECD 2016) and Mexico’s independent election administration (Avritzer 2002). Zengele, T. (2013). A critical analysis of teacher evaluation policy trends. Pagatpatan, C. P., & Ward, P. R. (2017). 3(1), 3–15. School and district leaders can model transparency by sharing the notes from staff meetings, school board meetings and even in-service teacher learning days with the whole school community. Structured democratic voice, when properly applied, creates benefits for all involved. public views of a wide range of experts who understand the importance of transparency and accountability in school governance. Research in Comparative and International Education, Joint sector reviews: M&E experiments in an era of changing aid modalities—Experiences from JSRs in the education sectors of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. Choosing the wrong drivers for whole system reform., Seminar Series, 204 Melbourne: Centre for Strategic Education. Arguably, the most influential framework is the one advanced in the World Bank’s 2004 World Development Report (WDR). This included protests by the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union: Governmental policy makers wanted to show people the government’s big efforts to bring innovative change among teachers, but it has resulted in no positive fruit. ), The global testing culture: Shaping education policy, perceptions, and practice (pp. 28(5), 626–650. Educational Theory, hbspt.forms.create({ Redeployment in progress. Send me a link to download your mobile app, Great article, very helpful. (2004). Transparency International School on Integrity is an annual state-of-the-art anti-corruption and accountability training for future leaders. Evaluations of the project found positive gains on girls’ attendance and their attitudes toward education (Link Community Development 2017). instructional resources (do they have all the necessary teaching materials and physical resources necessary to fully implement their pedagogical approach? A good School management system (or School Information Management System) facilitates transparency in school administration and creates an environment where parents can closely monitor their child’s performance, teachers can collaborate more efficiently and leakages in school budgets can be identified & prevented. The authors would like to thank the editors of this special issue as well as external reviewers for their helpful feedback. Accessed December 30, 2018, from Drawing on this and related work, structured democratic voice focuses on the provision of organized opportunities for educators to have “a voice in decision-making” (Alsbury and Whitaker 2007, p. 165). As seen in Fig. Steer, L., & Smith, K. (2015). With stakeholder voices included in policy planning and evaluation, they have authority to help reconsider and reform an education system. Rethinking accountability in a knowledge society. In D. Tawney (Ed. The more the public knows about the government’s actions, the better judgements it can make about public policy. The former could be accomplished through a form of structured direct democratic voice, while the latter would likely involve a form of structured representative democratic voice. London: Macmillan Education. Tactical approaches represent a single limited approach while strategic ones involve “citizen voice coordinated with government reforms that bolster public sector responsibility” (p. 352). Williams, J. H., & Cummings, W. K. (2005). 2017; Smith 2016c; UNESCO 2017). Accountability Framework was introduced by government about 10 years ago during a time of restructuring, downsizing and funding cutbacks, and has yet to be reviewed for its present or continuing effectiveness and future viability. ), Achieving accountability in higher education: Balancing Public, Academic and Market Demands (pp. Software can be used in place of printing student report cards, records compilation, accounts, admission forms and session calendar. Dorius, S. F. (2012). An introduction to the global testing culture. volume 20, pages193–205(2019)Cite this article. If the national ownership of JSRs is to improve they need less focus on donor concerns and more on planning and implementation issues. Edinburgh, UK: Link Community Development. According to this prevailing narrative, national education systems must allocate more resources to measuring and monitoring learning and underscore ineffective practices among education personnel, often portrayed as lazy or unmotivated (Alhamdan et al. Fancy, H., & Razzaq, J. Smith, W. C., & Rowland, J. Improved girls learning in rural Wolaita: Endline Report for the DFID-funded Girls’ Education Challenge Project. For example, for teachers to be held accountable for the quality of their instruction (an individual responsibility), certain conditions are crucial. Trust: What is it and Why it Matters for Governance and Education. Media representation of teachers across five countries. Brazil. A strong majority of 73 senat… In T. Burns & F. Koster (Eds. Groups were further brought together through a media campaign titled PNE for Real, where members gave interviews, wrote articles, and held media events. Alsbury, T. L., & Whitaker, K. S. (2007). the students are accountable for one another and their personal behavior. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Open discussions on locally relevant issues, in which individuals voice their concerns and propose ways forward, can help facilitate this. As seen in Fig. Cerna, L. (2014). Furthermore, information about the plan and board’s decisions was only available on a website, although less than 30% of the population had internet access in 2010. When multi-party deliberations are applied to education, their impact is palpable: better aligned and consensual aims, less reliance on temporary responses by strongly vested actors, and accountability which is less fractured and more coherent. Leadership Quiz, Test Your Teaching Personality: Take Quiz. Without trust, inclusive participation and quality dialogue are less likely (Pagatpatan and Ward 2017). Second, the inclusion of structured democratic voice in policy and planning processes reduces duplication of efforts, which can lead to fractured accountability. Hopmann, S. T. (2008). Managerialism today, sometimes called new managerialism (Biesta 2004), is deeply rooted in an ethos of efficiency and performance. Providing space for structured democratic voice highlights this shared responsibility and the interconnectedness of actors. The PEW higher education roundtable. The global transformation toward testing for accountability. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2018, p. 159). Specifically, we discuss how the inclusion of structured democratic voice can help overcome shortcomings in dominant accountability approaches. Accountability in Education: Meeting our Commitments. This version of structured democratic voice is not without challenges. 86(2), 158–173. Such actions do little to build capacity within government or, importantly, engender ownership or commitment from committed actors responsible for delivering education (Williams and Cummings 2005). Short route practices supported by the World Bank have influenced a wide array of international organizations including the Brookings Institution, GPE, UNESCO, and Save the Children (Edwards 2016). Educação & Realidade, The history of school accountability first tells us that the idea and its principles have strong parentage. The Audit Society—Second thoughts. Teachers’ professional identities in an era of testing accountability in Japan: The case of teachers in low-performing schools. Washington, D.C.: Global Partnership for Education. School and preschool performance measures The improvement and accountability policy (staff login required) sets out the quality assurance expectations for all department preschools and schools. Simkins, T. (2000). Compare, Edwards, D. B. Teachers’ participation in policy making: The case of the South African Schools Act. Political symbolism as policy craft: Explaining non-reform in South African education after apartheid. The three examples above reflect the challenges of implementing structured democratic voice in practice. 2nd HUMAINT Winter school on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Artificial Intelligence. Education Policy Analysis Archives. The interdependence of actors is illustrated in intersecting cogs or gears. While in Ethiopia, the government benefited from collaborative efforts to improve the education information system but seemed unwilling to provide the financial support needed to ensure their long-term sustainability. In B. Stensaker & L. Harvey (Eds. Article  Paris: UNESCO. Ansell, N. (2015). Common examples of accountability through the long route—namely, elections and protests (Lateef 2016)—are actually temporary in nature or limited to one-time, tangential voice (Smith and Rowland 2014). Journal of Educational Change, Transparency and accountability in development cooperation are two sides of the same coin. Critiques of the 2004 WDR have questioned the dichotomous presentation of seemingly mutually exclusive pathways. 10, 211–227. Site leaders make clear, measurable improvement goals and plans. In General, if accountability is rigorously practiced, it will help change attitudes which will improve academics. UNESCO. 2007; Sahlberg 2009), in which external actors place responsibility for improved outcomes on schools or teachers (Perie et al. portalId: "2810095", Largely absent in discussions of accountability are the voices of stakeholders who work, learn, and teach in schools and other educational institutions. 20, 193–205 (2019). No child, no school, no state left behind: Schooling in the age of accountability. The public lent support to the teaching profession and gave teachers the autonomy and discretion to deliver good quality education for the next generation. Within the context of SDG 4, the challenge is getting various actors—government officials, teachers, school leaders, and others—to work together toward a shared set of targets. Instead, mechanisms interact with, and are influenced by, the social, economic, and political environment. 27(1), 1–21. The transparency in school administration shouldn’t be taken lightly. Notwithstanding the challenges of creating and implementing internally focused accountability systems, based on shared responsibility and actively engaged stakeholders, such systems are more likely to contribute to real gains in education, including progress on ambitious education targets (Fullan 2011). National and international policy makers should focus on ensuring good quality education, as measured by increased student learning (Ansell 2015). School management should all be aware of expenditure in order to prevent leakages in their financials. Brussels: Education International. Paris: UNESCO. Accountability and Transparency. A school management system will provide accurate details about financing, academics, students and staff behavior so your administration efforts can be diverted to the most sensitive areas. Clear Channel of Communications: The internal structure of every school department should provide for a clear structure of reporting and en easy communications channel for all involved. The rise and fall of worldwide education inequality from 1870 to 2010: Measurement and trends. Global population of primary school age, 2000–2015. Recognizing group plurality while highlighting shared identity can help facilitate partnership synergy. An external, post-project evaluation found significant gains in achievement with decreased gender disparity. Your hosts will almost certainly nod enthusiastically, and declare that their organization in fact prioritize… More than just to aid decision making procedures, transparency in school administration is necessary to provide a solid answer to such questions as where the majority of the budget is being directed to & what percentages of students are failing or passing each year. Google Scholar. This is especially so in the case of abuse of power. teachers are held accountable for learning. Sustainable, collective and participatory accountability in education, as measured by increased student learning ( Ansell ). Open data, education strategy 2020 number one factor responsible for the Natl and., 94–112 3 ), 3–15 A. S. ( 2007 ) evaluators to increase and! 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