I will recommend it as am the most frequented victim of mosquitoes and insects , often happened that me and my husband use to sit in the garden and mosquitoes use to bite me only and just opposite happened when i used it . #shoppingLens_feature_div{position:relative}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensIngressContainer{position:absolute;top:-65px;right:0}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensIngressContainer #shoppingLensIngressButton{width:65px}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensIngressContainer #shoppingLensIngressButton #shoppingLensIngressButtonImage{background-size:40px 40px;background-image:url(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/AUIClients/ScenesStageAssets-shoppingLensIngressButton-10fdd185fa468c2bf94180ee213c45d53ba04854._V2_.png);width:40px;height:40px;margin:auto}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensStage{margin-bottom:20px;position:relative}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensStage #shoppingLensBackButton{text-align:right;margin-bottom:15px}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensStage #shoppingLensBackButton #shoppingLensBackButtonImage{background-size:20px 20px;background-image:url(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/AUIClients/ScenesStageAssets-shoppingLensBackButton-8b1b097276650a645f14076de543520934853206._V2_.png);width:20px;height:20px}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensStage #shoppingLensCarouselSection{width:260px;margin:0 auto}#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensStage #shoppingLensCarouselSection #shoppingLensLikedAttrTitle,#shoppingLens_feature_div #shoppingLensStage #shoppingLensCarouselSection #shoppingLensNotLikedAttrTitle{font-weight:bolder} ... 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