What is Automation Testing? Given just 2days and you have like 100 test cases to manually execute, and your colleague is on long leave, what will you do? Ans. 88) In Selenium what are Breakpoints and Startpoints? 47) List out different types of locators? It was an excellent experience for me. hr interview was okay The man in the rear can see the backs of his two friends, the man in the middle can see the back of the man in front, and the man in front cannot see anyone. I was told there would be 1 more technical round before HR interview, but i did not clear 2nd round. 8) Explain the difference between single and double slash in X-path? As per the policy, any code loaded within the browser can only operate within that website’s domain. Hr Questions For Freshers. Is constructor by default final if yes/no give a reason? These tests are redirected to Selenium Webdriver, which launch the browser and run the test. Q2. By this Oracle DBA Interview Questions and answers, many students are got placed in many reputed companies with high package salary. You are sharing my experience for OFSS. Difference between find element and find elements usage ? Write a program which should validate the calendar table. Selenium Grid sent the tests to the hub. 55) What is Selenese and what are the types of Selenese ? Web Services Interview Questions. Write a program to reverse a string using pointers. There are three rounds of the recruitment process: There are only 10 questions from Quantitative Aptitude. 66) Explain how you can insert a start point in Selenium IDE? What is the next number in the sequence 9, 18, 21, 25, 20? Differences between overloading and overriding, what is polymorphism, what is an abstraction, and write a program that shows me something which I understand about these concepts. How do you handle such circumstances? 34) Mention what are the capabilities of Selenium WebDriver or Selenium 2.0 ? This email address is being protected from spambots. If you are preparing for Oracle Fusion job interview then go through Wisdomjobs interview questions and answers page.Oracle Fusion is the combination of the Oracle applications developed on ERP. 89) Mention why to choose Python over Java in Selenium? They might try to confuse you sometimes to test you how confident you are. 65) In which format does source view shows your script in Selenium IDE ? The frontman who cannot see ANYBODY’S hat says, “I know!” How did he know the colour of his hat, and what colour was it? In this article, we will discuss on Selenium testing interview questions and answers, Selenium WebDriver interview questions and answers, Selenium tricky interview questions and answers one by one to assess your testing knowledge on selenium tool. This round was focused on algorithms and data structures. What would you prefer- Internship or project in college? Here we have compiled set of questions from the students who have attended interviews in Fortune 500 companies Name the four parameters that have to be passed in Selenium? Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation. Can you do it, recursively? Moreover, after the end of the interview, she asked me to rate myself in java, selenium and SQL. know more about How to use AutoIT with Selenium. 23) Which attribute you should consider throughout the script in frame for “if no frame Id as well as no frame name”? Difference between Explicit and Implicit wait in webdriver. 17) What is the difference between setSpeed() and sleep() methods? Find the value of ID 3. write a program for the clicking element which presents in the frame. Tell the use of abstract classes over interfaces, and how are interfaces built in terms of methods declared and variables within it? however QTP is limited to Internet Explorer on Windows. Other links: TestNG TestNG gives that flexibility. This guide has all the selenium interview questions for freshers and Selenium interview questions for experienced candidates to help prepare for the interview. Python is simpler and more compact compared to Java. Uploading Files For... Accessing Image Links Image links are the links in web pages represented by an image which when... 1) What is Selenium and what is composed of? Why can constructor not be inherited in java? Top 90 Selenium Interview Questions & Answers Selenium Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers and Experienced – Part -1 Selenium Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers and Experienced – Part -2 Selenium Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers and Experienced – Part -3 Selenium Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers and Experienced – Part -4 […] 15) Why testers should opt for Selenium and not QTP? Here we listed all Selenium Interview Questions and Answers which are asked in Top MNCs. Define cursor variable With entire test suite, it allows for running tests in parallel. If yes, give details. 86) To enter values onto text boxes what is the command that can be used? He also asked me 3 men and hats puzzle during the interview: How is a file transferred via FTP, and how exactly does FTP work? to determine the behavior of the browser at run time. To find the broken images in a page using Selenium web driver is, To handle colors in web driver you can use, Use getCssValue(arg0) function to get the colors by sending ‘color’ string as an argument, You can use following command to store a value which is text box using web driver. And the functionality which makes it efficient testing framework are. This helps you to keep track of failed builds. Selenium Interview Questions for 2019: If you are seeking for Automation Testing jobs or Software Test Engineer or Selenium Tester jobs or QA Developer Jobs and career opportunities in Bangalore, these interview questions help you. Selenium is a suite of software tools to automate web browsers across many platforms (Different Operation Systems like MS Windows, Linux Macintosh etc…) It was launched in 2004, and it is open source Test Tool suite. It was one more post where we took up a key topic for QA Engineers. So, this article on Oracle interview questions will cover the most frequently asked interview questions and help you to brush up your knowledge before the interview. 50) Explain how to iterate through options in test script? driver.switchTo().frame(“parentFrame.4.frameName”); This would bring control on frame named- “frameName” of the 4th sub frame names “parentFrame”, getwindowhandles(): It is used to get the address of all the open browser and its return type is Set, getwindowhandle(): It is used to get the address of the current browser where the control is and return type is string, To switch back from a frame use method defaultContent(). Jenkins can help you to build the project from the remote repository regularly. In other words, the test will terminated at the point where check fails. In an exam, there are 50 questions — +1 for correct, -1/3 for incorrect and -1/6 for not attempting. A collection of libraries and classes is known as Framework and they are helpful when testers has to automate test cases. Provide logic to replace M with F and F with M in Employees table using the single command without any temp table. It has released 2 beta versions of selenium 3.0 with few of the below changes: Here are few new features added to Selenium 3.0, In Selenium every object or control in a web page is referred as an elements, there are different ways to find an element in a web page they are, For web based application testing selenium can be used. Different types of joins, simple SQL queries like select, update etc. Similar questions. Test data is read from the external files ( Excel Files) and are loaded into the variables inside the Test Script. Preparation for C and C++ is required. I interviewed at Oracle (New Delhi) in April 2019. How will you test? What all does/can it contain? SQL stands for Structured Query Language.SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. Selenium WebDriver interview questions covering Selenium basics and advanced. What is the time monkey takes to climb 60 meters? Your email address will not be published. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This is because, during test execution, the Selenium WebDriver has to interact with the browser all the time to execute given commands. Four Students got Selected here. You can use…..driver.findElements(By.xpath(“//iframe”))…. Company: Oracle You think this situation can occur in real-time? Write the syntax for firefox in selenium 3.0. If you want to “extend” the defualt functionality provided by Selenium Function Library , you can create a Core Extension. 56) Explain what are the limitations of Selenium IDE? 36) Explain how you can find broken images in a page using Selenium Web driver ? Interview Experience of ORACLE (OFSS) The blindfolds are then removed, and it is said to the men that if one of them can guess what colour hat he is wearing, they can all leave unharmed. Variables are used for both for input values and for verification values. This list of Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions and Answers will come in handy for a quick revision and when you are a bundle of nerves before the interview. 38) Using web driver how you can store a value which is text box? What are the limitations of Selenium? Selenium supports many programming languages like Java, Ruby, C#, PHP, Python, and Perl. There are 8 locators to identify objects in... Q3. It verifies that the state of the application conforms to what is expected. Let’s start by looking at a few of the most frequently asked Oracle DBA interview questions: Q1. 40) Mention 5 different exceptions you had in Selenium web driver? It did not last even 5 minutes. Answer: Oracle is one of the popular databases … Yes, it is possible when you are not using JAVA testing framework. Java interview questions with answers for selenium webdriver on static and non-static methods and variables, inheritance and overriding. The interviewer seemed to have mugged up all the questions. A quick note about this Selenium article series before we move to this tutorial: This is the last tutorial in our Selenium online training series of 30+ comprehensive tutorials. Our team will help you. DBMS provides a systematic and organized way of storing, managing … Design Pattern Interview Questions. 99) Mention why do you need Session Handling while working with Selenium? 32) Can we use Selenium grid for performance testing? Interview Type: On-campus. It is a web only test automation tool. In JAVA a special form of syntactic meta-data can be added to Java source code, this is know as Annotations. Selenium Blog - Here you will get the list of Selenium Tutorials including What is Selenium, Selenium Tools, Selenium Interview Questions and Selenium resumes. If you are preparing for Oracle Fusion job interview then go through Wisdomjobs interview questions and answers page.Oracle Fusion is the combination of the Oracle applications developed on ERP. 87) How do you identify an object using selenium? But only the basics are required. (Copy data of next node to the node which contains k and delete next node). 58) In selenium IDE what are the element locators that can be used to locate elements on web page? This detailed Selenium interview questions pdf will help you to clear the doubts about selenium interview questions and will also help you to crack the interview. Following is a curated list of top Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers: Selenium is a suite of tools for automated web testing. Interview. Hi all, I hope you all are preparing well. Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation, headquartered in Redwood Shores, California. Handling popups? ... Use try/catch to handle things that go wrong and are outside my control. Implicit Wait: Sets a timeout for all successive Web Element searches. 49) Explain how you can use recovery scenario with Selenium? To handle such issues Selenium RC is used it supports the language like Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP using these languages we can write the program to achieve the IDE issues. How many sockets would be required for one file transfer? We can use the command selectWindow to switch between windows. In Selenium IDE regular expression can be used with the keyword- regexp: as a prefix to the value and patterns needs to be included for the expected values. Oracle Forms is a software product for creating screens that interact with an Oracle database. Handling popups? What is referred as a View? Just stick to basics, and you will clear this round. In a keyword driven test, the functionality of the application under test is documented in a table as well as step by step instructions for each test. How do you identify the content of the web page without using a Tool? Explain java in layman terms if I don’t understand any technical kinds of stuff like private, class, or object. Write a program for the clicking element, which presents in a child window. TestNG: Using inbuilt default.html to get the HTML report. What are the major issues found while automating? 43) Which web driver implementation is fastest? Explain Priority and Severity with Example? In this tutorial, we will learn How to deal with file uploads and downloads. What is testing? To handle pop-ups in RC , using selectWindow method, pop-up window will be selected and windowFocus method will let the control from current window to pop-up windows and perform actions according to script. The Selenium IDE is an add-on for Firefox that includes numerous features for quality assurance and engineers to record and play back browser-based actions, such as typing and mouse clicks. In verification, all the commands are going to run guaranteed even if any of test fails. What is the version of QC that you have used in your Project? Datadriven framework: In this framework, the test data is separated and kept outside the Test Scripts, while Test Case logic resides in Test Scripts. Questions were easy. NUnit, JUnit, TestNG, Bromine, RSpec, unittest are some of the frameworks available in RC . Suppose you have ten thousand test case files are there. Some ADA concepts, AVL trees, flowcharts were there, which were time-consuming. 25 Horses puzzle where you to find the top 5 horses. Ans. Write a code to wait for an … By using “Try Catch Block” within your Selenium WebDriver Java tests, To iterate through options in test script you can loop features of the programming language, for example to type different test data in a text box you can use “for” loop in Java. What are the conditions you follow to pick test cases for Automation? 5) List out the test types that are supported by Selenium? Do not panic, we will guide you how and what to answer in your interview. Some of the challenges that users face while … Test your knowledge with Selenium Quiz, Free PDF Download: Selenium Interview Questions & Answers. To capture server side log in Selenium Server, you can use command, You can run Selenium server on java-jar selenium-server.jar-port other than its default port, At predefined time selenium grid hub keeps polling all RC slaves to make sure it is available for testing. Can you please list Selenium interview questions for 5 years experience etc., This list of 100+ Selenium Interview questions help you to crack your interview. Write the self join query to find the department of the manager of a manager whose department is ABC. Relax. Interview. Contact us for Selenium Interview Preparation sessions. We hope this Selenium with Python Interview Questions and answers are useful and will help you to get the best job in the networking industry. Why do we use interfaces? Variables, parameters, packages, methods and classes are annotated some of the Junit annotations which can be useful are, To click on specific part of element, you would need to use clickAT command. But not as effectively as a dedicated Performance Testing tool like Loadrunner. While working with Selenium, you need Session Handling. Difference between iterator and list iterator? Explain automation architecture and how what kind of architecture was in your project and explain it. How will you do that, 1st Round:- Online Test Approx 20 questions, Which version of selenium, java, and Appium you are using, Difference between Selenium 2 and Selenium 3, How to get the data from a webtable like ID: 1,2,3 is there in the 1st column and Name: Rahul, Amit, Himanshu. It was more of a rapid fire round for me. 34.selenium.wait_for_condition equivalent in Python bindings for WebDriver? Best selenium testing interview questions and answers pdf 2020. consisted of technical questions, logical reasoning, mathematical reasoning. You don’t need to perform extraordinarily in the paper. College NIT Trichy Oracle procedure consists of. 62) Explain what can cause a Selenium IDE test to fail? What is the Selenium IDE and what is it used for? Do you believe that you have the right stuff to be a section in the advancement of future Selenium with Python, the GangBoard is here to control you to sustain your vocation. Selenium Interview Questions and Answers. It is also useful in identifying the dynamic elements. String[ ] testData = { “test1” , “test2” , “test3” } ; For (string s: test data) { selenium.type ( “elementLocator”, testData) ; }, To create html test report there are three ways, Selenese is a selenium set of command which are used for running the test, Either Selenium IDE can be opened as a pop up window or in side bar, In selenium there are mainly 4 locators that are used, In Selenium IDE you can generate random numbers by using Java Script, You can use the format option of Selenium IDE to convert tests into another programming language, Example store text from cell 0,2 from an html table, From Selenium IDE single line command can be executed in two ways, In Selenium IDE source view shows your script in XML format, To test the locator one can use “Find Button” of Selenium IDE, as you click on it, you would see on screen an element being highlighted provided your element locator is right or or else an error message will be displayed. 57) What are the two modes of views in Selenium IDE ? Out of 1000 test cases, only 1 test case failed, how will you run that test case? 61) Using Selenium IDE is it possible to get data from a particular html table cell ? Selenium IDE does not directly support many functions like condition statements, Iteration, logging and reporting of test results, unexpected error handling and so on as IDE supports only HTML language. Have you worked on Jenkins? 80) Can we use Selenium RC to drive tests on two different browsers on one operating system without Selenium Grid? Why is the purpose of abstract class when we achieve abstraction through the interface? Major limitation of injecting capabilities is that “findElement” command may not work as expected. is der any method or class in java? It is difficult to assess the risk associated with particular Ajax applications, Given full freedom to developers to modify Ajax application makes the testing process challenging. You have an important thing, as an application crash occurs during testing. You can use “type”command to type in a file input box of upload file. What if the developer does not use Jenkins, but the testing team has been asked to use it? What are the advantages of it? Fusion Middleware consists of various products like Java EE, tools, … TypeKeys() will trigger JavaScript event in most of the cases whereas .type() won’t. 24) Explain what is the difference between find elements () and find element () ? This is Erin from Amazon Web Services. You are here: Home 1 / Latest Articles 2 / Database 3 / Top 50 Oracle Interview Questions and Answers last updated December 14, 2020 / 12 Comments / in Database / by admin 1. If yes, how, if no, what is the alternative? MindMajix is the leader in delivering online courses training for wide-range of IT software courses like Tibco, Oracle, IBM, SAP,Tableau, Qlikview, Server administration etc A table contains … Simple UNIX commands to list a file, find all files which contain the desired word say your name in them. List of top 101+ frequently asked Oracle Interview Questions with Answers by Besant Technologies Don't let the Lockdown slow you Down - Enroll Now and Get 3 Course at 25,000/- Only. This article includes a set of top 40 most commonly asked Oracle Interview Questions and answers along with easy examples in simple terms. Write a program to check if the given input is a palindrome or not by taking input from the user at runtime. What are the advantages of using testng, why can’t we run selenium code directly? 29) Explain what is the difference between Borland Silk and Selenium? Oracle Selenium Interview Questions. 6) Explain what is assertion in Selenium and what are the types of assertion? The desired capability is a series of key/value pairs that stores the browser properties like browser name, browser version, the path of the browser driver in the system, etc. You need to be thorough with C, C++, and DBMS. There is String with 100 characters in it, characters may in any order, and by default, that string is not a palindrome, how will you say string can be a palindrome or not? 9) List out the technical challenges with Selenium? How to abort a shell script while it is running. HTMLUnit Driver implementation is fastest, HTMLUnitDriver does not execute tests on browser but plain http request, which is far quick than launching a browser and executing tests, To bring control on HTML frame you can use “SwitchTo” frame method-, To specify a frame you can use index number. A table is basic unit of data storage in Oracle database. How you can avoid same origin policy? 63) Explain how you can debug the tests in Selenium IDE ? Selenium with Python Interview Questions and answers for beginners and experts. Our Oracle DBA Questions and answers are very simple and have more examples for your better understanding. Go through Selenium Tutorial to be better prepared. 27) Explain how you can login into any site if it’s showing any authentication popup for password and username? Then he asked me to write the conditions to be taken into consideration while deleting any node from a tree on a sheet of paper. What are the different types of sorting and searching? Your email address will not be published. They ask questions about your project, oops concepts, sql, selenium. What are the major issues found while automating? The reverse of a LinkedList, follow up. 51) How can you prepare customized html report using TestNG in hybrid framework ? But to handle window GUI and non-HTML popups in the application you need AutoIT. If exception got in to try what will execute catch or finally? Can we do any mouse actions like click using AutoIT? How do pass test data in TestNG and which annotation will be used? Model does your project for creating screens that interact with the next number the... 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