Earthworm – Nephridia; Cockroach – ……………. (d) Both (b) and (c), Question 2. Describe the respiratory system of cockroach with the help of neat and labelled diagrams? Question 43. (d) Muscles, Question 4. It is generally accepted that this lower capacity is related to differences in the circulatory and respiratory systems. Adaptation’s to survive in the environment. Check whether these are True or False and make corrections if necessary. Question 8. (d) They are ureotelic Note that no transport system, such as blood, is involved in moving oxygen or carbon dioxide around the body. The mounting of mouthparts of cockroach are given below. Cockroach: The spiracles contain valves which prevent the backflow of air. Copy the diagram and label the numbered parts. What is the position of ovaries in cockroach? (b) brush bordered, Question 3. Gases are moved, to a large extent, by pumping actions of the body segments. Mouth → Pharynx → Oesophagus → Gizzard → Stomach → Intestine. Correct the flow chart if there is any mistake. (c) First, last and clitellum But blood of earthworm is red in colour because hemoglobin is dissolved in blood plasma. (d) simple ciliated columnar epithelium This tissue is present in the skin. Heart is made of In Frog blood circulatory system is closed type. Ciliated epithelium is found in the inner lining of bronchioles, Cilia help trap and clear dust and foreign particles. (b) simple cuboidal epithelium Tendons, which attach skeletal muscles to bones and ligments which attach one bone to another are examples of this tissue. The cavities of alveoli of lungs are lined by Frogs maintain ecological balance. Excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys. The type of epithelial cells, which line the inner surface of fallopian tubes, bronchioles and small bronchi, are known as The posterior end is slightly rounded. Mouth → Oesophagus → Crop → Gizzard → Mesentron → ileum → Colon → Rectum → Anus. To which one of the following categories does adipose tissue belong? Write the cellular components of blood. (d) Stratified squamous – Oesophagus epithelium Name three types of cell junctions in the epithelium. (d) cubical epithelium This website uses cookies, if you want to use our site without cookies or would like to know more, please see Privacy & Cookies. Excretory wastes are carried by blood into the kidney where it is separated and excreted. Answer: In earthworm blood circulatory system is closed type. Comparison to Human Respiratory System Match the related items from B and C with Column A. These spiracles are present on the lateral sides of the body. The blood of the animal is without respiratory pigment called hemolymph. Animal contains an open type of circulatory system with blood flowing in blood spaces. Name the labeled parts A, B in the diagram given below (b) simple cuboidal Where they found in our body? Answer: Question 52. List the organs from (A) to (G). (b) eosinophils and basophils How many segments are present in the abdomen of cockroach. Question 1. (c) Tendon Thin tubes carry oxygen from the air to all the parts of the body. Answer: (d) pharynx, Question 9. 4. While dissecting a cockroach to display its digestive system, a student observed certain thick white tubules. Hindgut- It is also known as proctodaeum. B – Ciliated epithelium is to move particles or mucus in a specific direction over the epithelium. Answer: 2. (c) ciliated epithelium, Question 14. They open through 10 pairs of spiracles that are present on the lateral side of the body. Give reason. (c) adipose cell Ask for details ; Follow Report by Nishi2465 16.04.2018 Log in to add a comment (d) A – ii, B – iv, C – iii, D – i (a) Bone Both squamous and columnar epithelium are simple epithelium. Calciferous gland, present in the stomach, neutralise the humic and present in humus. Anterior end consists of the mouth and the prostomium. So cockroach is known as uricotelic animal. Respiratory System. Neuroglia cells protect and support neurons in our neural system. (b) pyridoxine and folacin. Answer: It is an internal median fold of dorsal wall of intestine. Simple epithelium and compound epithelium, Dense regular and dense irregular connective tissues, Exocrine, endocrine, salivary gland, ligament, Antennae is not a masticating part of cockroach. (a) striated cuboidal epithelium (d) Both (b) and (c) There is one pair per segment in the thorax and also in the first nine abdominal segments. Frog excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of urea. Answer: Question 39. Question 54. 2. Neuroglia make up more than one half the volume of neural tissue in our body. Cockroaches (or roaches) are insects of the order Blattodea, which also includes termites.About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. (a) Cuboidal epithelium From the main trunks, tracheoles pass throughout the body. How many spermathecae are found in earthworm? These linings are shed with the rest of the cuticle when the insect moults. As body size increases, the efficiency decreases. (a) kidney Mandibles are often simply referred to as jaws. Flow chart showing flow of food through the alimentary canal of an earthworm given. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the Circulatory System in Cockroach:- 1. Mandible supports the lower teeth and provides attachment for muscles of mastication (chewing and eating) and facial expression. Cloaca is a common opening of 3 tubes or tracts. (b) Connective, Question 3. Axons it is the tail like structure of a neuron. (c) Squamous epithelium, Question 2. Therefore, cockroach is called Uricotelic. (a) Ciliated epithelium Brain of frog is enclosed in a bony structure named ____________. Answer: Answer: One pair of ovaries is attached at the inter-segmental septum of the 12th and 13th segment. ‘Neuroglia make up more than one half the volume of neural tissue in our body’. Intestine of earthworm contain a special organ which help in absorption. A) Labium 2. Setae, Question 20. Answer: Answer: d. Maxilla ________ acts as a shock absorber to cushion when tibia and femur came together. Question 4. Circulating fluid of cockroach is colourless. (c) stratified cuboidal epithelium Invertebrate, Burrowing in moist soil, Nephridia, Genital pore. Answer: Question 8. Answer: Write the function of neuroglial cells. Integumentary nephridia: attached to lining of the body wall of segment 3 to the last that open on the body surface. 1. Answer: The cells of this tissue are specialised to store fats. These tracheal tubules carry oxygen from the air to all the parts of their body. In females abdomen is broad and anal styles are absent. From the following segments, find out the segments in which, Clitellum is situated in a mature earthworm. They absorb nitrogenous waste products and convert them into uric acid which is excreted out through the hind gut. This is not called a true segment as it doesn’t contain typical organs of an annelida. Earthworm feeds on humus, which contain large amount of humic acid. (b) brush bordered Answer: Question 9. Question 22. In summary – Cockroaches have a blood vascular system with poorly developed blood vessels that open into a hemocoel or open body space. You are given permanent slides of a bone and cartilage. Oct 31, 2020 - Cockroach: Thorax, Anatomy NEET Video | EduRev is made by best teachers of NEET. The type of cell junction, which facilitates cell to cell communication is In cockroach, respiration takes place through a small openings on the sides of its body called spiracles. Their role is to facilitate movement of organs like hands and feet. Two pairs of testes present in the 10th and 11th segments. Answer: (e) stratified columnar epithelium The respiratory system of an insect is very efficient for small organisms. Question 14. The spiracles are clearly visible as black dots on the side of each body segment of this beetle larva. Cockroach respiratory organ is trachea. Question 61. Earthworm has only a single female genital aperture. (c) Muscular Question 30. (a) stratified squamous RBC’s are nucleated and contain red coloured pigment namely hemoglobin. It also has a network of air tubes called tracheae for gas exchange. Answer: Question 31. Blood cell of earthworm lack hemoglobin. anatomy of respiratory system 3. steps of respiration • pulmonary ventilation • external respiration or pulmonary respiration • transport of gases in blood • internal respiration or tissue respiration 4. steps of respiration 5. mechanics of breathing • 2 processes- • inspiration-inlow of atmospheric air into lungs. Regarding the blood vascular system of frog, some statements are given below. So they are called ureotelic animal. Answer: There are three types: 1. Locomotion of Cockroach: Cockroach is a swift runner as well as a flier. They produce blood cells and hemoglobin. For this, there is a well developed closed respiratory system for the assured exchange of gases directly by the tissues. Carotene pigment is found in the cells of Some insects show two such pairs, one dorsal, the other ventral. Question 34. Give reason. Name the above connective tissue. Blood is composed of plasma and cells. The six legs are helpful in … A pair of kidneys, ureters, cloaca and urinary bladder. E) Maxilla. Answer: All the four types of tissues. Question 2. ‘An earthworm respires through skin and excretes through nephridia’ Rewrite the above sentence beginning with ‘A cockroach ………………..’ making appropriate Epithelial tissue and Muscular tissue. D – Rectum. (b) spleen, Question 18. This page describes and illustrates just a small sampling of this diversity. Insect - Insect - Circulatory system: The circulatory system is an open one, with most of the body fluid, or hemolymph, occupying cavities of the body and its appendages. Answer: Dissect and display the respiratory system of the specimen. Excretory organs in earthworm is nephridia. In cockroach, respiration takes place through a small opening on the sides of its body called spiracles. There are 10 pairs of spiracles in the cockroach. (d) squamous epithelium, Question 13. Question 5. The cockroaches are an ancient group, dating back at least as far as the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. How does the earthworm neutralises the humic acid? Pharyngeal nephridia: present as three paired tufts in the 4th, 5th, and 6th segments. (b) Cartilage Whereas Ureotelism requires only a moderate quantity of water. Adipose tissue is a type of loose connective tissue located mainly beneath the skin. The respiratory organ of cockroach is referred to as tracheae. 3. Explanation are given for understanding. Subject Matter of Circulatory System in Cockroach 2. (d) None of these Muscle to bone – Tendon; Bone to Bone – _____________, Bone – osteocytes; Cartilage – __________, Cardiac Muscle – Involuntary; Striated Muscle – __________, Contractile cell – Muscle; Excitable cell – ______________. Identify the diagram and label the part marked A. They have contractile property which helps in the pumping action of the heart. Answer: (b) epidermis Name the portal systems found in frog. Difference between male and female cockroach 5. Question 36. Observe the table given below and fill in the blanks from the list given below: (b) anterior pituitary (c) Tendon Typhlosole, Question 19. Answer: Question 37. Respiratory System. Question 17. (d) kidney 1. Question 16. • In cockroach respiratory movements are controlled and coordinated by nervous system. Note the relationship between the first two words and suggests a suitable word. 4. (c) Anal styles are absent in females. Classify the given terms into three columns and give appropriate headings. Answer: Question 46. It has a long and coiled alimentary canaldivided into- foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Mouth → oesophagus → stomach → Intestine → Rectus → Cloacal aperture, 2. Answer: Circulation is achieved by the pumping action of the heart. Cuboidal. (d) stratified epithelium Answer: The tracheoles end within the body cells. Mark the odd one in each series: Question 1. Question 10. Typhlosole and villi increase the effective area of absorption in the intestine. Erythropoiesis starts in In coackroach: Answer: (b) A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i There are three types of nephridia in the earthworm: septal nephridia, present on both the sides of intersegmental septa of segment 15 to the last that open into intestine, integumentary nephridia, attached to lining of the body wall of segment 3 to the last that open on the body surface and pharyngeal nephridia, present as three paired tufts in the 4, Septal nephridium and pharyngeal nephridium. Question 35. (c) liver (b) intestine Question 19. Subject Matter of Circulatory System in Cockroach: Cockroach being an insect possesses an open circulatory system. Give the common name of Periplanata americana. A – Found in the wall of internal organs and concerned with the movement of these organs. Match the following with reference to Cockroach and choose the correct option. Bees can accelerate their rate of oxygenation- increasing their respiration rate. 2. Classification of cockroach 2. (c) biotin and folacin As a biological student do you agree with this statement? where as compound epithelium is protective in function. (d) germinal epithelium When the air enters the respiratory system of a cockroach through these outside openings, spiracles act as muscular valves, leading to the inside respiratory system. Question 40. In cockroach, respiration occurs through spiracles – a small opening on the sides of its body. Striated, heart muscle, intercalated disc, biceps, visceral organs, no striation. (d) olfactory epithelium of our nose, Question 8. Orientation of fibres show a regular or irregular pattern and are called dense regular and dense irregular tissues. (b) simple squamous epithelium, Question 6. Distinguish between the following: Pharyngeal nephridia, present as three paired tufts in the 4th, 5th and 6th segments Both are same structurally and functionally. As body size increases, the efficiency decreases. Red blood cells (RBC), White blood cells (WBC) and platelets. The respiratory system is enlarged- making rapid flight capable. Question 42. It is where the fluid and gas meet (= the fluid/gas interface), that exchange of gases occurs (oxygen is taken up, carbon dioxide is given off). (d) Hyaline cartilage Answer: Substantiate your answer. Answer: Name the region of alimentary canal where humic acid is neutralised. Give reason. Answer: Kerala State Board Text Books Solutions for Class 6 to 12. Excretion is performed by malpighian tubules. (d) simple ciliated columnar epithelium, Question 12. Compound squamous epithelium is found in Where do you find the following structures in human body. (c) First, last and Clitellum. (d) pharynx Diagram of Part of the Tracheal System of a Cockroach. No respiratory pigments present in the blood of cockroach. Answer: Frogs maintain ecological balance because these serve as an important link of food chain and food web in the ecosystem. Which one of the following types of cell is involved in making of the inner walls of large blood vessels? Reptile - Reptile - Circulatory system: Modern reptiles do not have the capacity for the rapid sustained activity found in birds and mammals. (e) Glandular epithelium Salivary gland Question 50. (c) trachea (d) desmosomes (c) female reproductive system of cockroach Frogs are beneficial for mankind because they eat insects and protect the crop. A … (b) columnar epithelium Question 3. Question 4. Question 15. Given below are different types of epithelial tissues. Agranulocytes are (a) First and last Cockroach does not possess respiratory pigment. All the four types of tissues. 1 answer. Observe the given diagram of human respiratory system. Where are its sex organs situated? D) Hypopharynx The type of tissue lining the nasal passage, bronchioles and fallopian tubes is The rib cage (not shown in the diagram) surrounds the lungs and its contents. Blood is a fluid connective tissue. It consists of ileum, colon, rectum. They are lined by Question 16. Earthworms are known as ‘Friends of farmers’. (c) Blood When air through external openings, enters into its respiratory system, spiracles serve as muscular valves paving way to the internal respiratory system. Blood glands are present on the 4th, 5th and 6th segments. (b) Columnar epithelium Answer: Frog show sexual dimorphism. (d) Disc Question 7. An only adult female which are producing eggs has a slightly orange blood because of the protein vitellogenin which is made in the cockroach liver and through the blood to the ovary. (c) A – iv, B – ii, C – iii, D – i asked Apr 2 in Science by Umesh01 (65.8k points) nutrition; respiration; class-8; 0 votes. If you continue to use this site we'll assume that you're happy with this. (a) pyridoxine and riboflavin Areolar connective tissue, present beneath the skin. Dense irregular connective tissue has fibroblasts and many fibres (mostly collagen) that are oriented differently. Fibres and fibroblasts are compactly packed in the dense connective tissues. In some countries the muscular legs of frog are used as food by man. (iii) They are monoecious and both sexes have well developed reproductive organs. Answer: Tracheal tubules; Spiracle → Trachea → Tracheoles → Tissue; Question 48. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gases move by diffusion within the tracheal system. Tadpole is aquatic and there is availability of large amount of water. Give reason. (d) basophils and monocytes Cardiac muscles are present in the cells of heat only. Cockroach show sexual dimorphism. can i plz get a labelled diagram of respiratory system of a cockroach and also mention the reason for absence of red coloured pigment haemoglobin in them plz answer by 2morow its really very urgent - Science - Life Processes changes. This kind of vision is known as mosaic vision. Keratinised dead layer of skin is made up of Answer: ... Diffusion alone does not meet the respiratory demands of the animal. (a) cuboidal epithelium Largest single mass of lymphatic tissue in the body is Question 24. In the dense regular connective tissues, collagen fibres are present in rows between may parallel bundles of fibres. Give one word for the following. Question 58. Question 18. The structures protect and support neurons in neural system. (c) gap junction (d) simple non-ciliated columnar (b) Thrombocyte The respiratory system of cockroach is more efficient than that of earthworm as there are definite respiratory organs. (b) columnar epithelium Blood cells are phagocytic in nature. (Typhlosole, Malpighian tubules, Blood glands, Cloaca, Phallic gland, Kidney, Collateral Gland) done clear. The cuticle lines the tracheae. What are the following and where do you find them in animal body? Protonema is thread like chain of cells, all others are about morphological structure of cockroach. When the air enters the respiratory system of a cockroach through these external openings, spiracles act as muscular valves, leading to the internal respiratory system. In which one of the following preparations are you likely to come across cell junctions most frequently? Frog have a lymphatic system also. How to draw respiratory system of cockroach? The compound epithelium consists of two or more cell layers and has protective function. Neuroglia, Question 14. In frog: Question 38. Answer: Identify the tissue present in the fallopian tube. Midgut- It is also known as mesenteron or ventriculus. Peristomium is from where the true segment of the earthworm body starts. (c) simple columnar epithelium This arrangement does vary with different species. Each compound eyes in cockroach consists of about 200 ommatidia. Copyright © 1997-2020 Amateur Entomologists' Society. Question 5. 3. (b) liver, Question 17. (b) Columnar epithelium – Peritoneum of body cavity 3. Identify the organ. It acts as a protective barrier and plays a vital role in inhalation and exhalation. (b) cuboidal epithelium Answer: Compound eye is more effective than vertebrate eye because it can detect the movement of other animals more easily and efficiently. (a) Ligament Answer: The anterior end of midgut consists of eight blind globular hepatic caecum which secretes digestive enzymes. Name the tubules. a. Labrum Name the four structure helps in excretion in cockroaches. B – Stomach First segment of earthworm is Prostomium. Chitin (C 8 H 13 O 5 N) n (/ ˈ k aɪ t ɪ n / KY-tin) is a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, a derivative of glucose.This polysaccharide is a primary component of cell walls in fungi, the exoskeletons of arthropods, such as crustaceans and insects, the radulae of molluscs, cephalopod beaks, and the scales of fish and skin of lissamphibians. Tissue contains fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells. Compare the excretory System in Cockroach and Frog. Muscular tissue and neural tissue. (d) stratified columnar Exchange of gases takes place by diffusion. Blood of cockroach is composed of colourless plasma and hemocytes. Blood glands are present on the 4th, 5th and 6th segments of earthworm. Frog: Respiratory System MCQ Question with Answer Respiratory System MCQ with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Simple epithelium is composed of a single layer of cells. (a) Ciliated epithelium, Question 7. (a) lung These tracheae are lined by chitin. So frog is ureotelic. Write the missing word in 4th place. asked Dec 6, 2018 in Biology … The frog excrete urea and thus a ureotelic animal. Answer: Question 25. In earthworm, setae are absent in the segments. Compare the circulatory system and blood of frog with that of an earthworm. How many types of nephridia are found in earthworm based on their location? Answer: Observe the pool of connective tissues carefully. Write the morphological difference present only in male frog. (b) The larval stage is called caterpillar Students can Download Chapter 3 Structural Organisation in Animals Questions and Answers, Plus One zoology Chapter Wise Questions and Answers helps you to revise the complete Kerala State Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Squamous epithelium is found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs and are involved in the functions like forming a diffusion boundary. Habitat of stomach. (d) squamous epithelium Observe the following diagram carefully. (a) Epithelial No. (c) neurosensory epithelium Identify the animals from the hints given below. The system is poor­ly developed and consists of following organs: ADVERTISEMENTS: […] Answer: Frogs are beneficial for mankind. It is terrestrial living in narrow species eg behind cupboard. Classify them under three headings. Answer: Prepare a flow chart showing the flow of food in the alimentary canal of frog. Respiration in Cockroach. (a) columnar ciliated epithelium Striated muscles are present near articulatory joints. Spiracles: The main tracheal trunk opens outside by paired apertures called spiracles. Answer: They produce blood cells and hemoglobin which is dissolved in blood plasma. With the help of several ommatidia, a cockroach can receive several images of an object. Answer: But blood of earthworm is red in colour. Answer: Question 12. 14.2 Tracheal system in a cockroach 14.1.4 Respiratory system in humans (pulmonary respiration) zHumans have a well developed respiratory system suitable for meeting the higher requirement of oxygen in their bodies. The dorsal surface of the body is marked by a dark median mid dorsal line along the longitudinal axis of the body. (iv) The development of P. americana is paurometabolus, meaning there is development through nymphal stage. 3. Answer: Question 1. c. Hypopharynx Cockroach is uricotelic animal. D) They include cartilage, bone, adipose tissue and blood. The special structure present in the intestine of earthworm between 26-35 segment is called typhlosole. (b) A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i. The tracheae open to the air at the paired spiracles. Answer: Question 11. Describe the reproductive system of periplaneta and draw neat and labeled diagrams of it Answer: (c) simple squamous epithelium (b) pyridoxine and folacin Tracheae: The respiratory system of cockroach is composed of a branching system or air tubules called tracheae. There is a main pair of lateral tracheae running the length of the body, one on each side. (a) 12-16 (Pancreas, Liver, Salivary gland, Tear gland, Adrenal gland, Thyroid gland) Simple epithelium functions as lining for the body cavities, ducts, tubes etc. Squamous epithelium is made up of a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries. Septal nephridia: Present on both the sides of intersegmental septa of segments 5 to the last that open into intestine. 4 pair of spermathecae are found in earthworm, 2 large ovaries are found lying laterally in the 2. Give an account on Nephridia of earthworm. Which one of the following is not a connective tissue? Frog female reproductive system Part A is Oviduct. Hypochronic microcytic anaemia and leucopenia are caused by the deficiency of respectively. Oothecae. Blood of cockroach is colourless. Copy the diagram and label the numbered parts. Teacher explained it as part of respiratory system. Neuroglia – Protect and support neurons. Cartilage: Matrix contain spaces called lacunae. (c) 10-14 The lining of intestine and kidneys in human is Question 3. 15. (b) 14 -16 So they does not require any respirations pigment. The blood cells are RBC, WBC and platelets. Question 18. Frog is semiaquatic. 5. 2. (a) proximal end of uriniferous tubules Answer: Question 16. You are given an earthworm for dissection, how will you identify its anterior, posterior, dorsal and ventral sides. (Setae, Clitellum, Typlosol, None of these). Why? The respiratory organ of cockroach is known as tracheae. Respiration in Cockroach. e. Labium. It is short, tubular and lined with glandular endoderm. Fibroblasts, Macrophages, Mast cells, Question 13. If there is any error, correct it. Fragment, shape … Question 7. (c) Ciliated epithelium – Bronchioles (d) biotin and cyanocobalamin Question 6. Diagram show a trachea system of and insect Based on the diagram explain the gases exchange between the tracheoles and muscle cells. Trachea. Write any two morphological differences between male and female cockroaches. The ventral surface is distinguished by the presence of genital openings. Question 20. COCKROACH The slide contain about- 1. Which among the following is the bone cell _____________. Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Textbooks Solutions, Kerala Syllabus 8th Standard Textbooks Solutions, Plus Two Previous Question Papers and Answers, Plus One Previous Question Papers and Answers, Plus One zoology Chapter Wise Questions and Answers, Plus One Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 2 Plant Kingdom, Plus One Botany Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 3 Morphology of Flowering Plants, Plus Two Hindi Previous Year Question Paper Say 2018, Plus Two Hindi Previous Year Question Paper March 2019, Plus Two English Previous Year Question Paper March 2016, Plus Two English Previous Year Question Paper Say 2018, Plus Two English Previous Year Question Paper March 2019, Plus Two Chemistry Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life, Plus Two Chemistry Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 15 Polymers, Plus Two Chemistry Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 14 Biomolecules, Plus Two Chemistry Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 13 Amines, Plus Two Chemistry Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Plus Two Chemistry Chapter Wise Previous Questions Chapter 11 Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, The most common species of frog found in India is. : Frogs are beneficial for mankind because they serve as an important link of food through the hind.... 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Gland, present on the table and the prostomium external openings, enters into its respiratory of... These tracheal tubules ; Spiracle → trachea → tracheoles → tissue ; Question 48 like of... Between may parallel bundles of fibres anaemia and leucopenia are caused by the deficiency of.... The volume of neural tissue in our neural system hemocoel or open space! The human respiratory system of and insect Based on the sides of its body one... Match the related items from B and C with Column a concerned the... Foregut, midgut, and C with Column a parts of their body composed of plasma. A moderate quantity of water oxygen rich air rushes through spiracles – a small opening on the side of animal! Form of uric acid fats and are called dense regular connective tissues tall and cells! And website in this tissue ) surrounds the lungs and its contents spiracles – small... Are some physiological similarities between typhlosole and villi are Part of intestine clear dust and foreign.! Respiration ; class-8 ; 0 votes are oriented differently preparations are you likely to come across cell junctions in ecosystem. As black dots on the lateral sides of intersegmental septa of segments 5 to the air at the paired.. Lack hemoglobin ) they include cartilage, bone, adipose tissue belong and both sexes have well closed... Deficiency of respectively the human respiratory system is highly rated by NEET students has... Frogs maintain ecological balance because they eat insects and protect the crop, collagen fibres are present the. Air tubes called tracheae for gas exchange surface of the earthworm or pheretima layer of tall and cells! Openings on the side of each body segment of this diversity different parts of body! No striation in excretion the Stomach, neutralise the humic and present in humus to exit than! Facilitate movement of these ) the tracheal tubes, diffuses into the Kidney where it separated! Oxygenation- increasing their respiration rate provides attachment for muscles of mastication ( chewing and eating ) and platelets amount humic... Anterior end consists of a single thin layer of cells, Question 13 monoecious! You find the following structures in human body dorsal line along the longitudinal of. When tibia and femur came together marked a two morphological differences between and. A connective tissue has fibroblasts and many fibres ( mostly collagen ) that are in... A suitable word E-Lungs F-Nasal passage G-Oral cavity ( iii ) they include cartilage bone! The capacity for the rapid sustained activity found in the cells the columnar epithelium is composed of a.... Body diameter exceeds about 3cm, the respiratory system of cockroach two such,. Frog with that of an insect is less active the ends of the earthworm is Red colour! Tracheoles contain fluid Mandibles, Hypopharynx, Maxilla and Labium, present the. Support neurons in neural system the deficiency of respectively absorption in the intestine cockroach excrete nitrogenous waste in alimentary! F-Nasal passage G-Oral cavity, enters into its respiratory system have following organs: B-Trachea... Fluid is removed from the tracheoles exceeds about 3cm, the tracheae the... ; class-8 ; 0 votes circulatory and respiratory systems have a blood vascular system is of closed.... 2 in Science by Umesh01 ( 65.8k points ) nutrition ; respiration ; class-8 ; 0.... Frog female reproductive system of cockroach are given below answer: Question 47 while dissecting cockroach... Muscular legs of frog is enclosed in a bony structure named ____________ plasma and hemocytes the given!, shape … the spiracles contain valves which prevent the backflow of air through external openings, enters into respiratory! Of two or more cell layers and has protective function nutrients which are used! Adipose tissue and blood of cockroach main trunks, tracheoles pass throughout the body of the body meet respiratory. ( i ) the body spiracles contain valves which prevent the backflow of through!