The invasion of Cogon Grass (Imperata cylindrica) in deforestation areas within Indonesia. What are the key characteristics of a statement of the problem? Although those trees species are exotic, they can provide litter to the soil as fertilizer and shade for another seed to regrow. What are the goals of a statement of the problem? These conditions are just a few of the negative impacts that will become more … Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrical) is one of the most aggressive grasses worldwide and spreads by an extensive rhizome system and has become one of the most serious invasive species and has become a major problem for landowners, land managers and foresters. 18 CHAPTER 2 S PECTRAL DETECTION OF AN INVASIVE GRASS SPECIES (COGONGRASS) AND ITS EFFECT ON HERBACEOUS VEGETATION CHARACTERISTICS IN AN EXPERIMENTAL SETTING Introduction Cogongrass ( Imperata cylindrica ) is a rhizomatous, perennial grass native to tropical and subtropical areas of Asia (Bryson & Carter, 1993) Cogongrass was initially planted in the … Phil, The deforestation rate in Indonesia is the highest in the world, even “, ” Brazil. As a result, cogongrass burns hot and readily, creating safety and property loss concerns. Hire Writer. Photo by Charles T. Bryson, courtesy of Four years later the same institute conducted another study in Central Kenya. The spread of the weed in Indonesia is across the country, particularly in Sumatera and Kalimantan Island where the deforestation rate is high. Cogon grass is a perennial grass species that can adapt to poor soil condition. Nairobi, Kenya. The ultimate goal of a statement of the problem is to transform a generalized problem (something that bothers you; a perceived lack) into a targeted, well-defined problem; one that can be resolved through focused … The ability of the weed to grow faster is a threat for native plant species. Cogon grass reproduces asexually by rhizomes and sexually by seeds (Hubbard et al., 1944). The current continuous disbursement method does not allow for adequate analysis of previous disbursements before a current disbursement is done. It grows extremely fast, very densely, has a silica content in the blade and has a nasty root system. Non-financial constraints hindering growth of SME’S in Kenya: the case of plastic manufacturing companies in industrial area in Nairobi County (Doctoral dissertation). Cogon grass is considered to be one of the top 10 worst weeds in the world and has extensively invaded north and central Florida disturbed areas and pinelands. Even, the uncontrolled burn not only causes environmental degradation but also affect local people’s health and economy loss. And since cogon grass is a major problem of land owners, the researchers thought that if the cogon grass will be proven to be an effective chelating agent, it will finally be useful. Your email address will not be published. This post has been modified and republished with the permission of the author. Deforestation in Indonesia provides suitable, for invasion of cogon grass, a fast growing weed species. Deforestation in Indonesia provides suitable conditions for invasion of cogon grass, a fast growing weed species. The rate of deforestation in Indonesian from 2000-2010 distinguished by island. For example, slash and burn practice that commonly do by plantations resulted haze problems routinely every year in some part of the country. Cogongrass is a fire adapted species and thrives where fire is a regular occurrence. Land management of grasslands should combine technical, chemical and biological practices to suppress the weed’s growth. Cogon grass is a native species in Japan, Philippines and Thailand. A shift of landscape from forested area to grassland means larger area of reflect the solar radiation to the atmosphere. The first and most important step in any research is to identify and delineate the research problem: that is, what the researcher wants to solve and what questions he/she wishes to answer. The species can live in wide range of habitat, from natural forest to disturbed forest, urban land, wetland, planted land, riparian. Because it has rhizomes (lateral, adventitious root). Cogon grass is a light intolerant species and provide shading to the weed can reduce their invasive characteristics. This plant is an invasive species in North Carolina Description. This species has now. This then necessitates some research to reach a viable solution. And the expansion of cogon grass in deforestation area is one proof of environmental degradation in Indonesia. [CDATA[// > Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) forms a dense mat and produces plenty of leaves that make it nearly impossible for other plants to coexist. You're looking to give wings to your academic career and publication journey. A good research problem should address an existing gap in knowledge in the field and lead to further research. Cogon grass is globally known as a pest and one of the top ten worst weeds in the world. Full disclosure: Editage Insights is a product of Editage, a global provider of world-class scientific communication solutions. The deforestation rate in Indonesia is the highest in the world, even “exceeded” Brazil. A research problem may be defined as an area of concern, a gap in the existing knowledge, or a deviation in the norm or standard that points to the need for further understanding and investigation. What are the goals of a statement of the problem? The conversion of primary forest to grassland makes the land more prone to fire. It should be significant enough to contribute to the existing body of research, The problem should render itself to investigation through collection of data, It should be of interest to the researcher and suit his/her skills, time, and resources, The approach towards solving the problem should be ethical. These characteristics and consequences of cogon grass infestations are similarly evident even within the native or endemic range in the Eastern Hemisphere, as it has long been considered one of Southeast Asia’s most noxious weeds (Brook, 1989).And because of this reason, the researcher decided to conduct a study making cogon grass as the main component of it. Cogon grass was found to be rich in tannin, and so, the researchers thought of using cogon grass as an alternative chelating agent. Economic Survey. However, the regulation allows land clearing in primary forest and peatland for geothermal, oil mining, electricity network, paddy fields and sugarcane activities. Land management of grasslands should combine technical, chemical and biological practices to suppress the weed’s growth. Non-financial constraints hindering growth of SMEs in Kenya: The case of plastic manufacturing companies in industrial area in Nairobi county. Cactus Communications. The second reason is to restore habitat for native species. We like that!